The set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another.

Presentation on theme: "Race and Ethnicity. Race Race and ethnicity are the 2 most important prominently ascribed statuses that a society uses to distinguish one group from another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Race and Ethnicity

2 Race Race and ethnicity are the 2 most important prominently ascribed statuses that a society uses to distinguish one group from another Race is a category of people who share inherited physical characteristics Race is a category of people who share inherited physical characteristics Race is not determined by physical features but is based on people’s reactions to physical characteristics Race is not determined by physical features but is based on people’s reactions to physical characteristics

3 Ethnicity Ethnicity is a set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another Ethnicity is a set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another People who share a common cultural background and common sense of identity are known as an ethnic group People who share a common cultural background and common sense of identity are known as an ethnic group Based on national origin, religion, language, customs, and values Based on national origin, religion, language, customs, and values Hispanics known to have strong ethnic roots Hispanics known to have strong ethnic roots

4 So what’s the difference? Ethnicity is based on cultural characteristics Ethnicity is based on cultural characteristics Race is based on physical characteristics Race is based on physical characteristics Map/index.html Map/index.html

5 Minority group In sociology terms, minority group is a group who because of their physical characteristics or cultural practices are singled out and treated unequally In sociology terms, minority group is a group who because of their physical characteristics or cultural practices are singled out and treated unequally NOT related to group size NOT related to group size Groups that have unequal standing in their society Groups that have unequal standing in their society Ex. African Americans Ex. African Americans

6 Minority Characteristics Group posses physical/cultural characteristics that differ from dominant group Group posses physical/cultural characteristics that differ from dominant group Victims of unequal treatment at the hands of the dominant group Victims of unequal treatment at the hands of the dominant group Membership in group is an ascribed status Membership in group is an ascribed status Strong bond and sense of loyalty Strong bond and sense of loyalty Practice endogamy Practice endogamy

7 Discrimination The denial of equal treatment to individuals based on their group The denial of equal treatment to individuals based on their group Involves behavior Involves behavior Individual or social level Individual or social level Range from name calling and rudeness to acts of violence Range from name calling and rudeness to acts of violence Ex: treatment of African Americans in the US post civil war Ex: treatment of African Americans in the US post civil war What other groups have been discriminated against? What other groups have been discriminated against?

8 Discrimination cont.. 2 forms Legal- upheld by laws Legal- upheld by laws Ex: Jim Crow laws or Apartheid in S. Africa Ex: Jim Crow laws or Apartheid in S. Africa Institutionalized – unintended discrimination Institutionalized – unintended discrimination Ex: housing Ex: housing

9 Prejudice Unsupported generalization about a category of people Unsupported generalization about a category of people Refers to attitudes Refers to attitudes Negative form of prejudice is Stereotypes Negative form of prejudice is Stereotypes Exaggerated generalization Exaggerated generalization Individuals see reality based on what they believe to be true, not necessarily on what is true. Individuals see reality based on what they believe to be true, not necessarily on what is true. Thoughts? Thoughts?




13 Self-Fulfilling Prophecy A prediction that results in behavior that makes the prediction true A prediction that results in behavior that makes the prediction true Ex: someone says they’re going to have a lousy day. In turn, his/her actions might alter so that such a prediction is fulfilled. Ex: someone says they’re going to have a lousy day. In turn, his/her actions might alter so that such a prediction is fulfilled.

14 Group Work Come up with 2 self-fulfilling prophecies that could be applied to racial discrimination Come up with 2 self-fulfilling prophecies that could be applied to racial discrimination Come up 2 stereotypes and explain how they can affect your perception of people Come up 2 stereotypes and explain how they can affect your perception of people

Is the set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another group?

Ethnicity is the set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another group. People who share a common cultural background and a common sense of identity are known as an ethnic group. Ethnicity is based on characteristics such as national origin, religion, language, customs, and values.

What is the spread of cultural traits from one culture to another?

Cultural diffusion describes the spread of one culture's practices, beliefs, and/or items, like food, music, or tools. This spread can be among members of the same culture or to completely different cultures around the world. Cultural diffusion is why many cultures around the world share similarities.

Which of the following refers to a group of people who share physical characteristics?

Race is a socially constructed concept that refers to groups of people who are categorized by physical characteristics (e.g., skin color/complexion, facial features). Individuals may racially identify with a single race or as bi- or multiracial.

Is a set of cultural characteristics quizlet?

Ethnicity refers to a set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another group. An ethnic group is individuals who share a common cultural background and a common sense of identity.