The total number of students youth and young adults served by special education is approximately

The total number of people served by special education is

nearly 7 million.

-From 2011 to 2012, 6,737,757 children, youth, and young adults received some form of special education.

Over half of all students with disabilities are classified into two categories, which are specific learning disabilities and

speech or language impairments.

-Learning disabilities account for 36 percent of all students with disabilities, and speech or language impairments account for 21 percent (57 percent total).

Which of the following is one possible benefit of labeling children with disabilities?

The process of diagnosis with a specific label qualifies students to receive special education

-Even though there are some detrimental aspects to labeling, the benefit of services can outweigh the stigma that accompanies some labels.

Job prospects for special education teachers are

good—there is a national shortage of special education teachers.

-Of the 14 critical shortage areas identified, 9 were in special education.
The four areas with the most critical shortages were teachers trained to support students with emotional or behavioral disorders, visual impairments, and severe disabilities, as well as those who specialize in early childhood.

The Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) was enacted in 1975. The intent of the law was to do which of the following?

To open up schools to all students with disabilities and make sure that those students had the chance to benefit from education.

-Getting a foot in the door was a major accomplishment for students
with special needs in 1975; since then, the challenge has been to ensure that the
students really do benefit. There are four outcomes: equality of opportunity, full
participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency.

What is the current age span of individuals served by special education and related services?

Birth through age 21.

-This is stated in Part A of IDEA, the overarching policy to provide education to all persons with disabilities.
Specific age groups and services are elaborated on in Part B (6 to 21) and Part C (birth to age 3).

Which Supreme Court case famously impacted the progress made by advocates in support of public education for children with disabilities prior to 1972?

Brown v. Board of Education.

-This landmark
case (1954) was used to determine that schools could not discriminate on the basis of race. Advocates for special education used the case to argue that the same should be true for people who are disabled.

Under what circumstance can a child aged 3 to 6 receive special education services even if he or she not been categorized with a specific disability label?

The child meets the functional criteria for special education services.

-If a child experiences developmental delays in even
one area and needs special education or related services, he or she can receive those prior to categorization under a label.

What are the two purposes of the nondiscriminatory evaluation principle of IDEA?

To determine whether a student has a disability and to identify special education and related services that the student will receive.

-The key is that the nondiscriminatory principle also means that the evaluation will be fairly assessed and based on the student's need.

Which of the following statements is true with regard to the zero reject principle of IDEA?

Schools must educate all children with disabilities.

-Schools are prohibited from excluding any student with a disability from a free, appropriate public education.

What is the mechanism for assuring that students with disabilities receive an appropriate education?

Individualization through use of the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

-The key to an appropriate special education is individualization, and this is only accomplished through careful planning and an outcome-oriented approach to services.

Which of the following would the IEP team not include?

The physician who diagnosed the disability.

-However, an assessment specialist, the student's parents or guardians, and a general education teacher are all part of the team.

Our national goals for the outcomes of students with disabilities are

equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency.

-These should be the outcomes of effective education for all students.

Ensuring that people with disabilities will be protected from segregation solely on the basis of their disability is which of the following national goals?

Full participation.

-They also have opportunities to be included in all aspects of their community.

Ensuring that people with disabilities have the opportunity to fully participate in decision making about their lives is which of the following national goals?

Independent living.

-They should also be able to experience autonomy in making choices about how to live their lives.

How do states determine if schools are helping students, including those with disabilities, to meet their stated academic educational goals?

By administering state- and district-standardized tests.

-No students, even those most seriously affected by disabilities, are completely exempt from assessment.

The national rate of students receiving a high school diploma is

90 percent.

-The rate for students with disabilities is much lower, at 72 percent.

Which of the following is not a principle of the No Child Left Behind Act?


-Inclusion is favored by IDEA, but it is not part of NCLB.

Which of the following is the federal law that is an employment-related law for people with disabilities?

The Rehabilitation Act.

-This law ensures that a person will receive work evaluations and other services at age 16 and that people with severe disabilities can enroll in supported employment programs.

People who do not qualify for services under IDEA might still qualify for services, including special education, under which law?

Section 504.

-The definition of a person with a disability in Section 504 is broader than that in IDEA: if a person is considered to have a history of disability, or is regarded by others as having a disability, then the
individual may qualify under Section 504.

Accommodations in assessment do each of the following, except

change the content of the assessment.

-Accommodations do not change the content of assessment and can include changing the way information is presented, how students respond, and how assessment is timed.

Where should teachers document how a student will be involved with and progress in the general education curriculum, how a student's progress will be assessed, and how state- and district-wide assessments will be modified?

On the student's IEP.

-IDEA requires that an IEP be a written document covering these areas.

Which of the following represents the correct order for how states typically approach developing assessments?

First standards, then benchmarks, and finally indicators are defined.

-"Standards" are general statements of what students should know and are further detailed by specific statements (benchmarks) with indicators for
how to meet those benchmarks.

Which of the following refers to assessment for use with students with the most significant cognitive disabilities?

Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (AA-AAAS)

-These involve multiple accommodations and linkages to alternate achievement standards.

All of the following are supplementary aids and services, except

instructional modifications and supports.

-Supplementary aids and services are noninstructional supports and modifications.

A teacher arranges a classroom so that all of the students can clearly see the whiteboard.
Which type of supplementary aids or services is this associated with?

Classroom ecological variables.

-This is an example of supplementary aids and services that include seating arrangement, types of
seating, lighting, and acoustics.

Each of the following is an example of using universal design to represent content, except

portfolios of semester work.

-Portfolios are examples of students providing evidence of their learning.

When some students present oral reports and others present videotaped reports, they are illustrating which element of UDL?

Multiple means of action and expression.

-This concerns how the materials provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate knowledge.

The majority of students served by special education spend the majority of their time in which of the following settings?

General education classroom.

-Of students served by special education, 61 percent spend 80 to 100 percent of their time in general education classrooms.

Which of the following means that students with exceptionalities should be placed in schools and classrooms in the same proportion as the occurrence of exceptionality within the general population?

The principle of natural proportions.

-The principle of natural proportions holds that students with exceptionalities should be placed in
schools and classrooms in the same proportion as the occurrence of exceptionality within the general population.

Each of the following is a characteristic of or a major issue related to inclusion, except

age and grade placements commensurate with a student's intellectual capacity.

-In an inclusive setting, students with disabilities are placed with others of their own age and in the grade level they would be in without being held back.

Which of the following is a student outcome associated with inclusion?

Students with disabilities benefit academically from involvement in the general education curriculum.

-This is particularly important in light of trends in standards-based reform.

Which of the following is not a duty of the IEP team?

Include at least five of the components described in IDEA (those that are relevant to the child)

-All eight required components must be included in addition to special factors and other considerations.

Each of the following is a required component of every IEP, except

planned instruction in Braille.

-Planned instruction in Braille is not one of the general requirements, but it must be included if a child is blind or visually impaired.

Which part of the IEP addresses how the student's disability affects his or her involvement and progress in the general curriculum?

The present level of academic and functional performance.

- It also addresses how a preschooler's disability affects the child's participation in activities and describes benchmarks for students who take alternate assessments.

Well-written annual goals should be

expressed in terms of observable behavior.

-In addition, they should be expressed according to the conditions under which the behavior will occur.

Each of the following is a campus- or classroom-level action that promotes student
progress in the general education curriculum,

implementing universal design for learning.

-This is an important tool for promoting access but is not part of the "heavy lifting" that occurs day in and day out in the classroom.

Which of the following is an example of school-wide instructional strategies?

Peer-mediated learning.

-Although this can be used in individual classrooms, it can also be used in school-wide programs or be expected throughout the school.

Environments in which students learn to respect and value differences, understand their roles and responsibilities, work in a self-directed manner, and participate in setting classroom rules are

learning communities.

-Such communities are created by discovering students' abilities, using students' progress to plan future lessons, and individualizing educational experiences.

Which of the following is a means to determine whether any student, regardless of type of disability, needs more intensive instruction and involves assessing the quality of instruction?

Response to Intervention (RTI)

-RTI is a multilayered system that provides increasingly intense levels of academic interventions and assessment.

Which metaphor do the authors of your textbook use to describe "culture"?

Yeast culture in the air.

- Like the cultures in our society, yeast culture simply lives in the air around us and affects our assumptions and presuppositions even when we cannot see it (the way the yeast culture will make
bread rise even if it is just thick in the air, not added to the dough).

Groups from a large area that have distinct traditions and cultures separate from those of the predominant culture are called


-Microcultures have distinct cultures
and traditions (common race/ethnicity, religion, language, and geographic origins) and make up the macrocultural group known as "Americans."

Which of the following blames the academic failure of students from diverse backgrounds on the inherent disadvantages that exist within the students' cultures?

Cultural deficit theory.

-Such "disadvantages" are defined by a more dominant culture and would include things like books in the home and the lack of attendance of parents at teacher-parent conferences.

Which of the following holds that racial and class inequity are reproduced over time through institutional and individual actions and through decisions that create privilege for some groups at the expense of curtailing privilege for others?

Cultural reproduction theory.

-In this system, there seems to be an advantage to a more prevalent, or dominant, culture to maintaining the status quo than in maximizing opportunities for all students.

Which of the following is the thought that school failure results primarily because there is a mismatch between students' cultures and the cultures of the schools themselves?

Cultural difference theory.

-Academic failures of students from diverse backgrounds cannot be attributed to perceived disadvantages existing within a culture. Educators should determine how to utilize the potential
advantages existing within different cultures.

Proponents of common schools advocated for an education that focused on basic skills and which of the following?

Morality and citizenship.

-They believed this would put students from immigrant backgrounds on par with European American students who were born in the United States.

The progressive movement of the first half of the 20th century produced educational reforms designed to do which of the following?

Promote educational equity for all students through
differentiated instruction.

-Many educators believed that the recent advances in
standardized testing could be used to "track" students so that schools could provide the skills students needed to be successful.

Which of the following was an early consequence for special educators of Brown v. Board of Education's desegregation of schools?

Increased enrollment of students from culturally
diverse backgrounds into self-contained programs for students who were mildly
"mentally retarded."

-Biased standardized tests were being used, resulting in tracking of African American and Latino students into programs for students with intellectual

A risk ratio of 0.8 indicates

underrepresentation of a particular group as
compared to the combination of other groups.

-This means that the "risk" of a group (such as Asian/Pacific Islander) being placed in a category (such as intellectual disability) is 0.8 times that of the non-group (non-Asian/Pacific Islander), or less
than the non-group.

Which of the following groups is most likely to receive special education and related services for learning disabilities?

Native American/Alaska Native students.

-With a risk ratio of 1.84, these students are more likely to receive services for learning disabilities than non-Native American/Alaska Native students.

African American students are most dramatically overrepresented in which disability category?

Intellectual disabilities.

-They are nearly three times more likely to be served in programs for students with intellectual disabilities than are non-Black students.

Which of the following are overrepresented in gifted programs?

Asian/Pacific Islander and European American
students. The average total for students served in gifted education programs is about 7 percent; however, these groups are represented in gifted education at significantly higher percentages (about 13 percent and 8 percent, respectively).

Disability categories in which experts have the greatest leeway for diagnosing students'
problems are called which of the following?

High-judgment categories.

-These categories include students with milder disabilities who are usually identified after starting
school, and they rely on educational and psychological assessments that entail professional judgment rather than direct medical diagnosis.

At which stage of English language proficiency do students expand their receptive vocabulary to about 3,000 words and begin using simple sentences?

Speech emergence stage.

-Students' receptive vocabulary expands to about 3,000 words. They begin to use simple sentences. This stage often lasts for 1 year.

Children represent about 25 percent of the U.S. population. What percentage of people living in poverty in the United States are children?

About 34 percent.

-"Poverty" is defined as having an income of about $22,000 or less a year for a family of four, but it takes about twice this income level to meet expenses.

Each of the following is an example of a student factor in the ecological layers influencing provision of education to students, except

social services.

-Social services are an example of state and federal policy factors.

Each of the following is a strategy for becoming a more culturally responsive teacher, except

adjusting instruction to fit within the ecological
layers that influence the provision of education.

-Teachers can participate with those advocating for systems change across the ecological layers to reflect our increasingly diverse macroculture.

Reading biographies of women and people of color who are scientists and mathematicians, learning about demographics of diverse groups in mathematics, reading and creating multicultural literature, and including images of many kinds of
families in the curriculum are examples of action steps for which of the following?

Steps to content integration.

-This involves teachers using examples and content from a variety of cultures and groups to illustrate

Which component of culturally responsive instruction exists when teachers modify their
teaching in ways that will facilitate the academic achievement of students from diverse groups?

An equity pedagogy.

-Examples of this include knowing the cultural backgrounds of students, incorporating those backgrounds into instruction, and placing students in pairs to encourage question-and-answer

Which component of delivering culturally responsive instruction addresses grouping and labeling practices and the interaction of staff and students across ethnic and racial lines?

School culture and social structure.

-These are some factors that should be examined to create a school culture that empowers students from diverse groups.

In a study of 12 African American families, only one had two biological parents living in the home with at least one working full-time. This type of home group is described as a(n)

nuclear family.

-A "nuclear" family refers to a two-parent home in which both parents are the biological parents of the child or children in the family.

Why do the authors of your textbook include information about different family structures among participants in a study of 12 African American families?

To illustrate the point that it is likely that you will
encounter vast diversity among the families of the students you teach.

-This is why the authors favor a much looser definition of the term "family" than that used by
the U.S. Census Bureau.

What is the percentage of children with disabilities who live in households with no biological parents present?

Nearly 20 percent.

-In contrast, only 3 percent of children without disabilities live in such households.

Approximately what percentage of mothers of children with disabilities experience depression?

33 percent.

-One-third of mothers of children with disabilities experience depression compared to 18 percent (less than one-fifth) of mothers of children without disabilities.

Having a way to take care of expenses is an example of which domain of family quality of life?

Physical/material well-being.

-These are resources available to the family to meet its members' needs, including transportation, feeling safe, and medical/dental help.

Research has documented positive impacts within families of children with disabilities in each of the following areas, except

rate of depression.

-Maternal depression is higher in families with children who have disabilities.

The family quality of life domain of family interactions includes each of the following
indicators, except

Helping the child learn to be independent

-this is an indicator of parenting activities that adult family members do to help children grow and develop.

Which of the following demonstrates an indicator in the family interaction domain?

Solve problems together.

-This, along with talking openly, enjoying spending time together, and showing that they love and care for each other, comprises the family interaction domain.

Which statement about gifted education is true?

There is no federal law granting parents of
children who are gifted the right to make decisions in partnership with teachers.

-Because of this, only 26 states (of 47 reporting) have such a requirement.

Which word is used to describe a relationship involving joint responsibilities and close cooperation?


In family-professional partnerships, families and professionals collaborate, capitalizing on each other's judgments and expertise to increase the benefits of education for all.

Each of the following is a documented result of good family-professional partnerships cited in your textbook, except

a significant decrease in problem behaviors at

-Although the authors of your textbook say that family-professional relationships can enhance families' quality of life, they do not specifically state that behavior at home is improved.

Youth whose families are more involved in their schools are less behind grade-level peers in


-They tend to receive better grades overall but are specifically less often behind in reading.

Of the four networks described in your textbook chapter that teachers can use to guide families to helpful resources, which operates in traditionally underserved communities to provide support to families who experience cultural and linguistic

Community parent resource centers.

-These are funded at the community level and provide in-depth supports and services to
families challenged by poverty, lower education levels, and language differences.

Sharing a positive experience about the student, providing participants with name tags, and reviewing the conference's agenda are all processes that can occur during which phase of collaborating with parents during IEP meetings?

Connect and start.

-Other suggestions include beginning with introductions and greetings, sharing informal conversation, and clarifying parents' legal rights.

Which of the following is a not ground rule that should be established when creating a Circle of Friends?

The child with the disability gets to pick the activity.

-All of the participants should have an opportunity to determine and suggest activities. However, it is essential that there are planned activities or
discussions at each meeting.

Which of the following statements about parents helping their children with homework is not true?

Students in general education whose parents help with homework experience a loss in self-confidence due to overreliance on outside help.

IDEA's definition of specific learning disabilities includes each of the following components, except

a disorder that may be due to visual, motor, hearing, or intellectual disabilities.

-IDEA specifically excludes these conditions from the definition of specific learning disabilities.

Which of the following conditions is specifically named by the inclusionary standard of the definition of specific learning disabilities?

Perceptual disabilities.

-A person with perceptual disabilities may have perfect sight and hearing; however, it is how the individual perceives, or interprets, what he or she sees and hears that causes the problem.

Which of the following indicates a severe reading disability?


-Dyslexia is a disorder associated with neurological impairment.

Which of the following is not a criticism of the discrepancy model?

It distinguishes between students whose poor reading is due or not due to causes other than IQ-achievement discrepancy.

-The discrepancy model does not distinguish between these students.

Some special education researchers criticize the RTI model for each of the following reasons, except

its emphasis on discovering optimal instruction for
students to make academic progress.

-This is the strength of RTI; it is an effective model of instruction even if it remains unproven as a model for identification.

Those in support of the RTI model for identifying students with learning disabilities disagree with the psychological processing model because it

lacks scientific evidence.

-RTI also has no reliable criteria for identifying students.

A process that helps identify those points in the curriculum at which students with disabilities should receive instruction based on their unique learning needs is

curriculum mapping.

-The process helps teachers to know the scope and sequence of content being delivered in the general curriculum, enabling teachers to see gaps or repetitions (and to identify essential skills) in the content.

Which of the following is the strategy of incorporating instruction into the daily activities
of young children who have or are at risk of having a learning disability?

Embedded learning opportunities.

-Teachers identify opportunities that are most important to the learning objectives of each child and build short instructional interactions that support the child's goals into existing routines and activities.

A tool that helps students identify key concepts and subconcepts, compare and contrast information, and relate cause to effect is called a(n)

graphic organizer.

Where do the majority of students with learning disabilities spend the majority of their time in school?

General education classrooms.

-Of students with learning disabilities, 62 percent spend 80 to 100 percent of their time in general education classrooms.

The biggest barrier to successful inclusion and positive postsecondary outcomes for many
students with disabilities is

limited social skills.

-That is why it is so important to track students' social skills and relationships throughout the school years.

Each of the following is a skill needed for executive functioning except

recalling information shortly after it is presented.

-Acquiring, organizing, and prioritizing information; initiating new strategies; shifting to different approaches when a given approach is not working; and evaluating correct and incorrect solutions are skills needed in the area of executive functioning.

Procedural problems, semantic memory problems, and visual-spatial problems are characteristics of learning disabilities in which area?


Learning disabilities in mathematics also can include frequent errors in understanding concepts, difficulty in remembering facts, and difficulty in reproducing numbers.

The intelligence level of individuals with learning disabilities is commonly in which of the following ranges?

Average to above average.

-Despite this, they almost always demonstrate low academic achievement in one or more areas.

What requires students to create questions, predict answers to those questions, and search for the answers while reading?

Self-questioning strategy.

-This strategy requires students to interact with material, divides passages into manageable units, and enhances later recall of information.

Differentiated instruction includes each of the following elements, except

providing students with lots of practice within the context of daily activities.

-This is a feature of the embedded learning approach.

Which of the following strategies presents information before a lesson to help students
anticipate relationships between their prior knowledge and new material?

Advance organizers.

-Advance organizers are like cognitive road maps for learning.

Which of the following involves directly assessing a student's skills in the content of the curriculum that is being taught?

Curriculum-based measurement.

-Curriculum-based measurements are frequently used in RTI and are useful for tracking progress in reading, writing, spelling, and math.

Which of the following is not true about curriculum-based measurements (CBMs)?

They are slow to administer and score, so they are not meant to be used repeatedly.

-CBMs are quick to administer and score and can be given repeatedly, can significantly improve student performance, and enable teachers to be more
responsive to student needs.

How many students in the US receive special education?

In 2020–21, the number of students ages 3–21 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was 7.2 million, or 15 percent of all public school students.

What percentage of students ages six through 21 receive some form of special education?

Tables. Table 13.1: In the fall of 2017, there were 66,525,958 people ages 6 to 21. Of these people ages 6 to 21, 6,024,513 or 9.1 percent received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B.

What is the percentage of students with learning disabilities?

The mix of disabilities those students have, however, has changed dramatically. The percent of students with disabilities who had a specific learning disability, like dyslexia, decreased from 36.7 percent in 2010-11 to 32.7 percent in 2020-21.

How many students in the US have an IEP?

More than half (54 percent) of the kids in special education have IEPs for LD or OHI. 2.3 million public school students have IEPs for LD. This is by far the largest disability category covered under special education law. More than one-third (38 percent) of all students with IEPs are classified as having LD.


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