The types of teaching used in patient education are factual, sensory, and __________.

Use of Theory to Enhance Motivation and Learning

Health education often involves changing attitudes and values that are not easy to change by simply teaching facts. Therefore it is important for you to use various interventions based on theory when developing patient education plans. Because of the complexity of the patient education process, different theories and models are available to guide patient education. Using a theory that matches the patient’s needs in practice will provide more effective patient education. Social learning theory provides one of the most useful approaches to patient education because it explains the characteristics of the learner and guides the educator in developing effective teaching interventions that result in enhanced learning and improved motivation (Bandura, 2001; Stonecypher, 2009).

According to social learning theory, people continuously attempt to control events that affect their lives. This allows them to attain desired outcomes and avoid undesired outcomes, resulting in improved motivation. Self-efficacy, a concept included in social learning theory, refers to a person’s perceived ability to successfully complete a task. When people believe that they are able to execute a particular behavior, they are more likely to perform the behavior consistently and correctly (Bandura, 1997).

Self-efficacy beliefs come from four sources: enactive mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological and affective states (Bandura, 1997). Understanding the four sources of self-efficacy allows you to develop interventions to help patients adopt healthy behaviors. For example, a nurse who is wishing to teach a child recently diagnosed with asthma how to correctly use an inhaler expresses personal belief in the child’s ability to use the inhaler (verbal persuasion). Then the nurse demonstrates how to use the inhaler (vicarious experience). Once the demonstration is complete, the child uses the inhaler (enactive mastery experience). As the child’s wheezing and anxiety decrease after the correct use of the inhaler, he or she experiences positive feedback, further enhancing his or her confidence to use it (physiological and affective states). Interventions such as these enhance perceived self-efficacy, which in turn improves the achievement of desired outcomes.

Self-efficacy is a concept included in many health promotion theories because it often is a strong predictor of healthy behaviors and because many interventions improve self-efficacy, resulting in improved lifestyle choices (Bandura, 1997). Because of its use in theories and research studies, many evidence-based teaching interventions include a focus on self-efficacy. When nurses implement interventions to enhance self-efficacy, their patients frequently experience positive outcomes. For example, researchers associated interventions that include self-efficacy with effective management of heart failure (While and Kiek, 2009; Yehle and Plake, 2010), participation in physical activity (Ashford et al., 2010), self-management of arthritis (Nunez et al., 2009), and improved management of asthma in children (Coffman et al., 2009).

Chapter 15 Patient Education1.Consumer education has helped Americans become:

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2.When offering pre-operative education you should always allow for what:

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3.What is participatory teaching:

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4.When lifting heavy objects one should:

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5.An example of third level of disease prevention is:

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6.A position that may be at risk for injury due to sitting for long periods of time would be:

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7.Participatory teaching includes:

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the process by which the average person learns to make informed decisions about goods and services, including healthcare

method of teaching that provides the patient with details of the information that is being taught

the process of teaching the patient a new skill by having the patient observe and imitate it

method of teaching that includes demonstrations of techniques that may be necessary to show that something has been learned

the system of values and principles an office has adopted in its everyday practice

participatory teaching method in which the technique is first described to the patient and then demonstrated to the patient; the patient is then asked to repeat the demonstration

performing a diagnostic test in a person who is typically free of symptom

method of teaching that provides a patient with a description of the physical sensations he or she may have as part of the learning or the procedure involved

a benefit of the patient information packet is that it

helps patients feel more comfortable with the qualifications of the healthcare professionals who are caring for them

which of the following types of teaching gives patients a description of the physical sensations they may have during the procedure

which of the following is the most difficult way to create electronic patient instructions

type the instructions directly into a new document

which of the following is the least likely patient benefit of patient education

office staff are not interrupted as often by patient phone calls

which of the following is an example of the psychomotor learning domain

the patient performs his own blood glucose test

when checking an internet site for credibility, which of the following is least likely to be necessary

click the links on the site to make sure they are not broken and are kept up-to-date

which of the following would least likely be in the patient information packet

patient instruction sheet about healthy living

what visual tool is especially helpful when performing preoperative education

which of the following is a healthy habit that should be part of patient teaching

balancing lifestyle of work and leisure activities (moderation)

your patient has a history of of cardiovascular disease. which of the following is least likely a screening procedure that would be done

What are the types of patient education?

There are many ways to deliver patient education. Examples include one-on-one teaching, demonstrations, and analogies or word pictures to explain concepts. You can also use one or more of the following teaching tools: Brochures or other printed materials.

What are the components of patient education?

These include ascertaining patients' educational needs, identifying barriers to learning, counseling concisely, evaluating and utilizing written, audiovisual and computer-based patient education materials, and incorporating education into routine office visits.

What are the principles of patient teaching?

Two important principles for providing patient education are simplicity and reinforcement ( Table 1 ). "Simplicity" means that educational messages must be delivered so the client can readily understand them.

In which type of teaching should the patient do a return demonstration?

Teach-Back or Return Demonstrations It asks the patient to state what they have learned from what you said as if they were going to teach it to you. It is a way to confirm that you have explained to your patient what they need to know in an understandable way.


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