The views expressed in the passage are best seen as evidence of which of the following in africa?

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Terms in this set (44)

The description of Gilgamesh in the first paragraph of the passage most directly supports which of the following about ancient leaders?

Ancient leaders were given divine origins to bolster their legitimacy

Which about ancient cities is most supported by discussion of Urak?

Ancient cities featured areas for worshipping their patron cities

What best describes the origins of epic poetry such as the Epic of Gilg?

The rise of a literate class of scribes in cities who could record poems

The image of both sides of the coin above best exemplifies what?

Cultural syncretism

In addition to minting of coins such as the one shown above, rulers of classical civiliz. most commonly used what to advertise their political authority?

the construction of monumental architecture

What best describes the significance of currency to classical civiliz.?

It was swiftly adopted as better altern. to the barter system

What civiliz. is the most analogous to the civiliz. that created the coin portrayed in the image?

Yuan China

What best explains the presence of Buddhist communities within Sassanid PErsia?

Persia's location sat astride international trade routes w India

The source best illustrates which of the following aspects of religions in the period circa 600-1450

Some empires imposed uniformity of belief systems across their domains

The source best supports what inference about sources of political authority in the period circa 600BCE-600CE?

Rulers derived legitimacy for their rule by their sponsorship of religion and chief priests

What was Persia's relationship w Arabia?

Persia was brought into Arabian orbit over the course of the period

The obsv. expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence for what in Yuan China?

Policies of religious toleration

What conclusion about the period 600-1450 is mostly supported by passage?

The empires of steppe nomads united trade links across Eurasia

What change to Chinese politics regarding trade occured under the Ming Dynasty?

The chinese gov restricted foreign merchants to specific sites in the coastal cities

Mongal admin of its russian domains in the period 600 to 1450 differed in that it

relied heavily on tribute from Russians

The interactions described in the letters are best understood in the context of what?

Development of slave trade in Sub-Saharan africa

The tone of the 2nd letter reflects what development in early modern Europe?

The centrality of commercial activity in motiving Euro expansion

The two letters support what conclusion?

trade between Portugal and Kongo was brisk w both parties

The tone of the 1st letter best reflects what development?

A growing dependence on trade with europe for manufactured goods

Rodney's argument in passage is because of what development?

The expansion of African diaspora to New World

What supports author's assertion that Western Europe capitalists were responsible for african underdevelopment?

The aggressive expansion of the slave trade to provide labor for Caribbean sugar plantations

What contributed least to Europe's ability to penetrate Africa in 1750 to 1900?

The development of joint-stock companies

What explains the importance of trading contacts with Euros for Sub-Saharan Africans circa 1450 to 1750?

Sub-Saharan Africans depended on Euro merchants as the sole purchasers of slaves

Based on map and knowledge of history, what encouraged the development of the city of Batavia?

The Dutch East India Company evaluated the site of the city to be an easily defended outpost in Indonesia

The layout of the city as shown in map most clearly demonstrates what development?

Euro trade companies developed urban centers in areas in which they traded frequently

The variety of places of worship shown on map of Batavia is result of what broader process in 600 to 1450?

The spread of religions along heavily frequented trade routes

The views expressed in the passage are best seen as evidence for what in Spanish South America?

The imposition of social stratification based on origin of birth

Which of the following conclusions about the period 1450-1750 is most directly supported by the passage?

The population of the Americas declined

Compared to the practices in the exerpt, English treatment of the natives in the New World differed in that they

widely did not condone intermingling w the natives

What changes to the Spanish policies toward Native Americans occured on account of the practices described in the passage?

The promulgation of royal decrees insiting on more humane treatment of natives

The production of mines mentioned in passage most directly contributed to what?

The prosecution of a variety of wrs by the Spanish Hapsburgs across the world

The boycott mentionied in the fifth paragraph is best understood in the context of what historical development?

Indian efforts toward self-rule and independence

the instructions indicated in the fourth paragraph to remain nonviolent inspired what

civil rights movements in US

what historical development from 1450 to 1750 most inspired in the fifth paragraph to boycott foreign cloth?

development of joint-stock companies

what historical development most assisted the ultimate success of the boycott mentioned in fifth paragraph?


the reference to "continental beatings" most directly supports what decision in later Soviet policy?

the creation of Warsaw pact

Stalin's speech is strongly influenced by what?


1937 to 1942 on table?

government spending on wars waged against China and western allies

1942 to 1946?

destruction of Japanese industrial assets

after 1946?

presence of American troops in Japan and the Korean war

the treaty above is clearly an example of what

response to aggression from outsiders of western europe

based on the treaty, the UN mentioned in the first paragraph is an example of what?

an organization dedicated to providing avenues of arbitration of disputes for the nations of the world

What explains why the north atlantic treaty was signed by its participating countries?

the threat from the opposing states was sufficient enough to join in alliance for the sake of protection

The North atlantic treaty in the passage above most clearly supports what?

collective defense

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