To assess the development of a 1 month old, the nurse asks the parent if the infant is able to

Toddler developmental milestones NCLEX questions quiz for nursing students!

In pediatric nursing, you must be familiar with the developmental milestones. These milestones are routinely assessed by the nurse to ensure the infant is developing properly. This developmental milestones quiz will assess your knowledge on body changes, milestone achievement, nursing interventions for the hospitalized toddler, eating plan etc.

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Toddler Developmental Milestones NCLEX Questions Quiz

  • 1. A 2-year-old weighed 7 lbs. at birth. How much should the child weigh now?*

    • A. 14 lbs.
    • B. 28 lbs.
    • C. 21 lbs.
    • D. 36 lbs.

  • 2. You're assessing the height of a 24-month-old. The child is 34 inches. Based on this measurement, what is an estimated adult height for this child?*

    • A. 6 feet 2 inches
    • B. 5 feet 8 inches
    • C. 5 feet 2 inches
    • D. 6 feet

  • 3. The mother of a 2-year-old verbalizes concern about how her child has suddenly developed temper tantrums. She asks about preventive measures. What are some preventive measures you can educate the mother about? Select-all-that-apply:*

    • A. Avoid giving the child choices
    • B. Distract the child
    • C. Give in to the child's request
    • D. Prepare the child for a change in activity or an event a few minutes before it occurs
    • E. Avoid new activities when the child is hungry or tired

  • 4. Your patient, who is 2 years old, is having a temper tantrum. What actions below are not appropriate for dealing with this situation? Select-all-that-apply:*

    • A. Attempt to stop the tantrum
    • B. Protect the child from hurting themselves
    • C. Ignore the behavior
    • D. Reason with the child
    • E. Leave the child alone until the tantrum stops
    • F. Be consistent with your approach

  • 5. You're providing car seat safety education to a mother of an 18-month-old. Which statement by the mother requires you to re-educate her about this topic?

    • A. The safest place for the child is in the back seat.
    • B. A child is switched to a forward-facing car seat at 12 months.
    • C. A child less than 24 months of age should be in a rear-facing care seat.
    • D. My son sits in a rear-facing car seat in the back of the car.

  • 6. When potty training a child, it is important to remember that bladder control occurs before bowel control.*

    • True
    • False

  • 7. Fill-in-the-blank: The anal and urethral sphincter can be voluntarily controlled around _______________.*

    • A. 12-18 months
    • B. 24-36 months
    • C. 6-12 months
    • D. 18-24 months

  • 8. You're teaching a group of new moms about how to assess toilet training readiness in their toddler. Which statement by a participant demonstrates they did NOT understand the education provided:*

    • A. "I should start potty training once my child has had a dry diaper for 2 hours or more."
    • B. "It is best to start night-time potty training before day-time potty training."
    • C. "Having regular bowel movements is a sign of potty training readiness."
    • D. "My child can sit on the toilet for at least 10 minutes without fussy, so I think I will trying potty training soon."

  • 9. According to Piaget's Theory of Development, what stage would a 14-month-old be in?*

    • A. Formal operational
    • B. Sensorimotor
    • C. Preoperational
    • D. Concrete operational

  • 10. According to Piaget's Theory of Development, your patient is in the Preoperational Stage based on their age. The patient demonstrates they are in this stage by which finding below?*

    • A. The child understands time and quantity.
    • B. The child likes to play pretend.
    • C. This concept of object permanence is not developed yet.
    • D. The child possesses abstract thinking rather than concrete thinking.

  • 11. You're creating a plan of care for a 24-month-old and developing interventions to help with the development of the child. According to Erickson's Stages of Development, what intervention below would help promote development in this patient?*

    • A. Thoroughly communicate the rules to the child.
    • B. Encourage the child to ask questions about care.
    • C. Take time to swaddle and rock the child when crying.
    • D. Give the child opportunities to make food and drink selections.

  • 12. A 20-month-old is in what stage of development according to Erickson's Stages of Development?*

    • A. Industry vs. Inferiority
    • B. Initiative vs. Guilt
    • C. Autonomy vs. Shame and Guilt
    • D. Trust vs. Mistrust

  • 13. You observe toddlers playing. The children are playing with toys, but they are not playing together. This type of play is known as?*

    • A. Solitary play
    • B. Parallel play
    • C. Associate play
    • D. Co-operative

  • 14. You're providing caring to a 2-year-old and have noted negativism. Which statement by the nurse to the toddler will help decrease negativism when administering medications to the toddler?*

    • A. "Are you ready for your medicine?"
    • B. "Can you take your medicine in a cup?"
    • C. "Do you want to take your medicine now?"
    • D. "You can take your medicine in the blue or green cup."

  • 15. The nurse is educating the parents of a 13-month-old on how to avoid dental caries. Which statements should the nurse include in the education about this topic to the parents? Select-all-that-apply:*

    • A. "If a bottle is given at night, be sure to water down the juice before giving it to the child".
    • B. "When your child's first teeth erupt, it is time to go to the dentist."
    • C. "If your water at home does not contain fluoride, fluoride supplementation may be needed".
    • D. "To help promote autonomy in your child, he should brush his teeth by himself without assistance".

  • 16. The mother of a toddler verbalizes her child has become a picky eater. What are some strategies the mother can implement to help her child? Select-all-that-apply:*

    • A. Have small easy to grab nutritious snacks available rather than 3 large meals a day
    • B. Give the child new foods to try
    • C. Use the same plate and cup for meals
    • D. Offer food items that are mixed

  • 17. A toddler is hospitalized and the parent had to temporarily leave the child. The child was inconsolable when the parent left, but now is quite and withdrawn. This is known as what stage of separation anxiety?*

    • A. Detachment
    • B. Denial
    • C. Despair
    • D. Protest

  • 18. A 3-year-old is hospitalized. The parent verbalizes to you that at home the child was potty trained but now the child is refusing to use the toilet and is voiding on themselves. The parent expresses concern. As the nurse you should tell the parent?*

    • A. Try potty training again while the child is hospitalized.
    • B. Reassure the parent that this is temporary and is most likely occurring because the child is hospitalized.
    • C. Advise the parent to set limits and implement discipline strategies for toilet accidents.
    • D. Recommend the parent avoids ritualistic routines until the child is not hospitalized.

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1. A 2-year-old weighed 7 lbs. at birth. How much should the child weigh now?

A. 14 lbs.

B. 28 lbs.

C. 21 lbs.

D. 36 lbs.

The answer is B. The child’s weight should be 4 times their birth weight when they are 2 years old. Therefore, if the child weighed 7 lbs. at birth they should be around 28 lbs. at 2 years (24 months).

2.  You’re assessing the height of a 24-month-old. The child is 34 inches. Based on this measurement, what is an estimated adult height for this child?

A. 6 feet 2 inches

B. 5 feet 8 inches

C. 5 feet 2 inches

D. 6 feet

The answer is B. At 2 years of age a child is about HALF their adult height. Therefore, if the child is measuring 34 inches at 2 years, they should be around 68 inches (5 feet 8 inches) when they’re an adult.

3. The mother of a 2-year-old verbalizes concern about how her child has suddenly developed temper tantrums. She asks about preventive measures. What are some preventive measures you can educate the mother about? Select-all-that-apply:

A. Avoid giving the child choices

B. Distract the child

C. Give in to the child’s request

D. Prepare the child for a change in activity or an event a few minutes before it occurs

E. Avoid new activities when the child is hungry or tired

The answers are B, D and E. These strategies can sometimes help prevent a tantrum. In addition, being aware of potential triggers (sickness, tired, hungry etc.) and praising their good behavior.

4. Your patient, who is 2 years old, is having a temper tantrum. What actions below are not appropriate for dealing with this situation? Select-all-that-apply:

A. Attempt to stop the tantrum

B. Protect the child from hurting themselves

C. Ignore the behavior

D. Reason with the child

E. Leave the child alone until the tantrum stops

F. Be consistent with your approach

The answers are A, D, and E. The question asked which actions would you NOT do during this tantrum and these are the options that you would not do during a tantrum. Options B, C, F would be interventions to perform during the tantrum.

5. You’re providing car seat safety education to a mother of an 18-month-old. Which statement by the mother requires you to re-educate her about this topic?

A. “The safest place for the child is in the back seat.”

B. “A child is switched to a forward-facing car seat at 12 months.”

C. “A child less than 24 months of age should be in a rear-facing care seat.”

D. “My son sits in a rear-facing car seat in the back of the car.”

The answer is B. The other statements are correct. Option B is wrong because it should say: A child is switched to a forward-facing car seat at 24 months (2 years)…NOT 12 months.

6. True or False: When potty training a child it is important to remember that bladder control occurs before bowel control.

The answer FALSE: BOWEL control occurs before bladder. The sensation to have a bowel movement is stronger than the sensation for urination.

7. Fill-in-the-blank: The anal and urethral sphincter can be voluntarily controlled around _______________.

A. 12-18 months

B. 24-36 months

C. 6-12 months

D. 18-24 months

The answer is D: 18-24 months

8. You’re teaching a group of new moms about how to assess toilet training readiness in their toddler. Which statement by a participant demonstrates they did NOT understand the education provided:

A. “I should start potty training once my child has had a dry diaper for 2 hours or more.”

B. “It is best to start night-time potty training before day-time potty training.”

C. “Having regular bowel movements is a sign of potty training readiness.”

D. “My child can sit on the toilet for at least 10 minutes without fussy, so I think I will trying potty training soon.”

The answer is B. Day-time potty training should be done first. Night-time potty train takes more time and most children still need a diaper at night until about 4-5 years.

9. According to Piaget’s Theory of Development, what stage would a 14-month-old be in?

A. Formal operational

B. Sensorimotor

C. Preoperational

D. Concrete operational

The answer is B…Sensorimotor. This stage includes children of the age of birth to 2 years (24 months).

10. According to Piaget’s Theory of Development, your patient is in the Preoperational Stage based on their age. The patient demonstrates they are in this stage by which finding below?

A. The child understands time and quantity.

B. The child likes to play pretend.

C. This concept of object permanence is not developed yet.

D. The child possesses abstract thinking rather than concrete thinking.

The answer is B. A child in this stage possesses symbolic thinking. Therefore, they love to play pretend. This is one of the hallmark signs of this stage.

11. You’re creating a plan of care for a 24-month-old and developing interventions to help with the development of the child. According to Erickson’s Stages of Development, what intervention below would help promote development in this patient?

A. Thoroughly communicate the rules to the child.

B. Encourage the child to ask questions about care.

C. Take time to swaddle and rock the child when crying.

D. Give the child opportunities to make food and drink selections.

The answer is D. The child at this age is in the Autonomy vs Shame/Guilt stage. Therefore, the child is developing independence and has discovered they’re individuals separate from others, which means their actions affect others in their environment. It is important the nurse provide opportunities for autonomy (independence) like option D.

12. A 20-month-old is in what stage of development according to Erickson’s Stages of Development?

A. Industry vs. Inferiority

B. Initiative vs. Guilt

C. Autonomy vs. Shame and Guilt

D. Trust vs. Mistrust

The answer is C: Autonomy vs. Shame and Guilt.

13. You observe toddlers playing. The children are playing with toys, but they are not playing together. This type of play is known as?

A. Solitary play

B. Parallel play

C. Associate play

D. Co-operative

The answer is B: parallel play.

14. You’re providing caring to a 2-year-old and have noted negativism. Which statement by the nurse to the toddler will help decrease negativism when administering medications to the toddler?

A. “Are you ready for your medicine?”

B. “Can you take your medicine in a cup?”

C. “Do you want to take your medicine now?”

D. “You can take your medicine in the blue or green cup.”

The answer is D. Negativism is doing the opposite of what is being asked and responding negatively to the command. Therefore, the nurse should not ask a question that could allow the toddler to say “no”, but give options and let them pick (helps with autonomy).

15. The nurse is educating the parents of a 13-month-old on how to avoid dental caries. Which statements should the nurse include in the education about this topic to the parents? Select-all-that-apply:

A. “If a bottle is given at night, be sure to water down the juice before giving it to the child”.

B. “When your child’s first teeth erupt, it is time to go to the dentist.”

C. “If your water at home does not contain fluoride, fluoride supplementation may be needed”.

D. “To help promote autonomy in your child, he should brush his teeth by himself without assistance”.

The answers are B and C. Option A is wrong because a bottle at night-time should be avoided, especially with juice. Option D is wrong because a 13-month-old does not possess the skills to brush his teeth without assistance.

16. The mother of a toddler verbalizes her child has become a picky eater. What are some strategies the mother can implement to help her child? Select-all-that-apply:

A. Have small easy to grab nutritious snacks available rather than 3 large meals a day

B. Give the child new foods to try

C. Use the same plate and cup for meals

D. Offer food items that are mixed

The answers are A and C. Toddlers are grazers so they do better with small nutritious snacks rather than large meals. Plus, they tend not to like foods that are mixed like stir-fry or casseroles and are not likely to try new foods (most prefer to eat the same thing).

17. A toddler is hospitalized and the parent had to temporarily leave the child. The child was inconsolable when the parent left, but now is quite and withdrawn. This is known as what stage of separation anxiety?

A. Detachment

B. Denial

C. Despair

D. Protest

The answer is C: Despair

18. A 3-year-old is hospitalized. The parent verbalizes to you that at home the child was potty trained but now the child is refusing to use the toilet and is voiding on themselves. The parent expresses concern. As the nurse you should tell the parent?

A. Try potty training again while the child is hospitalized.

B. Reassure the parent that this is temporary and is most likely occurring because the child is hospitalized.

C. Advise the parent to set limits and implement discipline strategies for toilet accidents.

D. Recommend the parent avoids ritualistic routines until the child is not hospitalized.

The answer is B. The toddler is experiencing regression which is due to the stress of the recent hospitalization. The parent should be reassured that this is temporary. The parent should avoid adding more stress to the toddler by trying to potty train while the child is hospitalized and disciplining the child for potty accidents. The parent should NOT avoid ritualistic routines (remember the toddler loves routines and rituals).

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*Disclaimer: While we do our best to provide students with accurate and in-depth study quizzes, this quiz/test is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please refer to the latest NCLEX review books for the latest updates in nursing. This quiz is copyright Please do not copy this quiz directly; however, please feel free to share a link to this page with students, friends, and others.

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Signs of toilet training readiness include physical and psychological readiness. The ability to sit, walk, and squat and having regular bowel movements are physical readiness signs. Expressing a willingness to please is a sign of psychological readiness. The child should be able to stay dry for 2 hours, not 1.


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