To improve your abilities, you must check your subjective viewpoints against objective facts.

1.When Brandon's friend Caitlyn started to smile at him more and touch his arm when she laughed, Brandon began to consider what her
nonverbal communication meant. Brandon was engaged in which of the following stages of the perception process?

2.Brandi has been bombarded with noise and messages while she is trying to focus on Professor Johnson's lecture. She is not paying attention
to anything but that lecture. Brandi is engaged in which of the following?

3.When Jade learns that her history professor will not accept late work and is a very tough grader, she applies what type of construct to
her teacher?

4.Carl is waiting at the airport to pick up Aunt Tillie, whom he has not seen for quite some time. As people begin leaving the plane, Carl notices
a short, older woman who resembles his mother. Carl is using which of the following constructs?

5.Brittany doesn't understand why her dad just won't add texting to his cell phone plan; her father doesn't understand why Brittany
can't just call him. Each fails to understand the other's

6.Because we have cultures, stereotypes, primacy and recency effects, and our own perceptual sets, we

7.When we identify a group we believe a particular person belongs to, recall generalizations about the people in that group, and apply those
generalizations to that person, we are engaging in which of the following?

8.Mike liked his speech teacher on the very first day of class. He liked her energy and enthusiasm and her interactive approach. On the last day
of class, his assessment was still positive. What fundamental force of perception is at work here?

9.When Chris met Carol some weeks ago, he liked her, but he learned that she constantly interrupts him and others. This is a pet peeve of his,
and it has become too much for him. This is an example of which of the following?

10."I'll see it when I believe it." This is a motto that may be applied to which of the following?

11. A permanent, semipermanent, or not easily changed cause of a behavior is referred to in which dimension of attributions?

12.When attributing whether the cause of a behavior is outside us or within us, we are referring to which of the following?

13.Every time Genevieve gets on the phone, her five-year-old daughter interrupts her and pesters her with questions. Genevieve has tried to
explain to her daughter that she should not interrupt her when she is on the phone, but her daughter just does not seem to understand. Which
fundamental force is at work here?

14.Lance received a semester grade of C in his communication course with Professor Meany. Lance always receives Bs, and he studied for the
final exam in this class. However, he thinks Professor Meany added questions to the exam that were not in the study guide, and that is why
he received a lower-than-expected grade. Lance is applying which of the following to the situation?

15.While out to dinner with her husband, Patricia noticed a noisy table nearby giving the waiter a hard time. The teenagers were sending their food
back and talking loudly on their phones at the table. "Teenagers are so self-centered," Patricia thought. Which type of attribution error did
Patricia make?

16.On the first day of class when everyone did a short introduction speech, Jill stated that she competed in pageants and worked as a model.
When Paige saw Jill fixing her hair in the bathroom after class, she determined that Jill was shallow. What type of attribution error did Paige

17.In making meaning of her boss slamming the door to her office, Randi should use all of the following except

18.Sara saw her manager talking to her friend Joe when she arrived at work. She later heard that someone, a guy, had been fired earlier in the
shift. She had heard rumors that Joe often gave his friends free food and figured he had finally been caught. If Sara focuses on separating
fact from interpretation, which factor would be considered fact?

19.Which of the following is not an element of direct perception checking?

20. Minsun noticed that her parents seem angry with each other, but she is not sure if this perception is correct. In order to determine if they are
angry, she continues to observe them throughout the day. This is an example of

What are the ways to improve accuracy in perception?

Strategies for Improving Perceptual Skills: 7 Strategies.
Knowing Oneself Accurately: ... .
Emphatize with Others: ... .
Have a Positive Attitude: ... .
Postpone Impression Formation: ... .
Communicating Openly: ... .
Comparing One's Perceptions with that of Others: ... .
Introducing Diversity Management Programs:.

When checking your perceptions about others you can follow these steps?

Perception Checking has 3 parts: Description - provide a description of the behavior you noticed. Interpretation - provide two possible interpretations of the behavior. Clarification - request clarification from the person about the behavior & your interpretations.

Why is perception checking important?

Perception checking allows individuals to fully understand each other. As a result, greater levels of intimacy can be reached. In addition, the process of perception checking shows that you are tuned in to what the other person has to say (Hawkins, 2009).

What could you do to improve the perception of your communications?

A good way to improve your perceptions and increase your communication competence in general is to engage in self-reflection. If a communication encounter doesn't go well and you want to know why, your self-reflection will be much more useful if you are aware of and can recount your thoughts and actions.