To monitor correctness of respiratory care plans which of the following should be used

Who is called the " Father of Medicine" historically?

Where are most RCP's employed?

According to Egan, what are the expected roles of a Respiratory Therapist?

RT's apply scientific principles to prevent, identify, and treat acute or chronic dysfunction of the cardiopulmonary system.

What type of solutions are used in "Bland" aerosol therapy?

What is a "Mode" of mechanical ventilation?

Which "Mode" was used on ealrly vents?

According to Egans, what is the difinition of "Evidence Based Medicine"?

an approach to determining optimal clinical management based on several practices.
1. Rigorous and systemic review of available evidence.

2. Critical analysis of evidence to determine what management conclusions are most sound and applicable.

3.diciplined approach to incorporate literature with personal practice and experience.

Medical Director of Respiratory Care

Professionally responsible for the clinical function of the department and provides oversight for care that is delivered.
Ussually a Pulmonologist or Anesthesiologist.

What are the functions of NBRC organization?

National Board for Respiratory Care.
Credentialing body for Respiratory Therapists.
Administers Certification examinations .

What are the functions of CoARC organization?

Committee on Accredetation for Respiratory care.
Creates guidelines for respirartory care educational programs.
Accredits todays respiratory care educational programs.

What are the functions of AARC organization?

American Association for Respiratory Care.
Profesional organization for RTs.
Mission is to encourage and to promote professional excellence, advance the science of respiratory care and serve as an advocate for patients, families, the public, and the respiratory therapist.
Sponsors educational activities, seminars, publications, and websites.

What are the functions of ACCP organization?

American College of Chest Physicians.
One of the 4 organizations that sponsors CoARC.
Identified the elements of an acceptable respiratory care protocol.

The process in which a government agency gives an individual permission to practice an occupation. Typically a license is granted only after the applicant has demonstrated the minimum competency necessary to protect public safety or welfare.
Licensure regulations are based on a practice act that defines what activities the professional can perform.

What are the functions of HIPAA organization?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
Sets standards regarding the way sensitive health care information is communicated and revealed in the transmission of medical records in the written and verbal communication of imformation in the hospital.

What factors limit the effectiveness of patient focused care models?

decentralizing equipment and extensive crosstraining.

Who should monitor the correctness of respiratory care plans?

institutional monitoring practices.
Centralized government monitoring bodies (TJC The Joint Commision).

Define and explain the use of Respiratory Care Protocol.

Guidelines for delivering appropriate respiratory care, treatments, and services.
They are used to improve allocation of respiratory care services.

What element make up a Respiratory Care Plan?

carefully structured assesment tool and care plan form.

What is a Peer Review Organization and what does it do?

Developed by the federal government to evaluate the quality and appropriateness of care given to medicare beneficiaries.
They evaluate care provided to individual patients in real time to asses and ensure compliance with federal guidelines.

What is the primary pupose for Quality Assurance?

Required by the TJC to provide a system for controlling quality.
An evaluation of services provided and results achieved as compared to accepted standards.

What are the nine steps for a Quality Assurance Plan?

1. Identify problems.
2. Determine the cause of the problems.
3. Rank problems.
4. Develop strategies for resolving problems.
5. Develop appropriate measurement techniques.
6. Implement problem-resolution strategies.
7. Analyze and compile results of the intervention.
8. Report results to appropriate personnel.
9. Evaluate intervention outcome.

What are the specific methods to monitor the quality of respiratory care protocols?

Conducting care plan audits in real time and ensuring practitioner training by using case study exercises.

How can the correctness of respiratory care plans be monitored and who may conduct them?

Monitoring can be accomplished by using a care plan audit system.
Care plan auditors must therapists who are experienced in providing respiratory care and patient assesment.
The auditors will write a care plan for a selected patient and compare it with the care plan written by the therapist evaluator to determine correctness.

What body position is typical for people with difficulty breathing?

upright, arms flexed, and thorax leaning forward.

Helps maintain normal body function.
Ambulation should begin as soon as the patient is physiologically stable and free from severe pain.

What factors explains why voltage can seriously damage one person and have no effect to another person?

The degree of resistance offered by the skin varies from person to person based on the chemistry of the persons skin, the cleanliness of the skin, and the amount of moisture on the surface.
It is never wise to touch a potentially hot wire even though your skin is dry.

What represent s the greatest danger to you or your patients when electrical shorts occur?

The Current represents the greatest danger.

The harmful effects of current depend on what factors?

1. The amount of current flowing through the body.
2. The path it takes.
3. The duration the current is applied.

What are the safety risk associated with electrical shock?

Ventrical fibrilation.
Diaphragm dysfunction.
Damage to vital organs.

What factors influence verbal communication?

- internal factors.
- sensory/ emotional factors.
- environmental factors.
- verbal expressions.
- nonverbal expressions.

What are the internal factors which influence verbal communication?

previous experiences, attitudes, values, culture, heritage, religous beliefs, self concepts, listening habits, preoccupation, feelings, and illness.

What are the sensory/emotional factors which influence verbal communication?

Fear, stress, anxiety, pain, mental acuity, hypoxia, brain damage, sight/hearing/speech impairment.

What are the environmental factors which influence verbal communication?

lighting, noise, privacy, distance, temperature.

What are the verbal expressions which influence verbal communication?

language barrier, jargon, choice of words/questions, feedback, voice tone.

What are the nonverbal expressions which influence verbal communication?

body movement, facial expressions, dress, professionalism, warmth, interest.

What factors are barriers of effective communication?

- use of symbols/words that have different meanings.
- different value systems.
- emphasis on status.
- conflict of interest.
- lack of acceptance of differences in point of views, feelings, values, or purposes.
- feelings of personal insecurity.

Which web-based resource includes data bases, journals, books, and searching software?

- is an extensive collection of web-based info resources, including data-bases, journals, books and searching software.

When doing google searches, how can the search criteria be narrowed?

Google search criteria can be narrowed by the use of:
-specific terms.
-site search.
-the define function.
-the refine function.
-quotation marks.

What core functions make-up an electronic health record?

Core functions of an electronic health record would include:
-medical records.
-results reporting.
-computerized physician order entry.
-clinical decision support.
-electronic communication channels between healthcare providers and patients.
-patient entered data.

What general types of medications are deliverable as an aerosol by an RT?

Aerosol meds that can be delivered by an RT:

What is the mission statement of the AARC?

The mission statement of the AARC:

To encourage and promote professional excellence, advance the science and practice of Respiratory Care and serve as an advocate for patients, families, public, the profession, and the respiratory therapist.

Which organization is responsible for accrediting RT education programs in the US and what groups make-up this organization?

is responsible for accrediting RT educational programs in the US, it is made up of:
-CAAHEP: comission on accreditation of health education programs.
-CHEA: council for higher education accreditation.

What is The NBRC responsible for?

National Board for Respiratory Care.
Credentialing body for Respiratory Therapists.
Administers Certification examinations .

What are the responsibilities of a departments medical director?

The medical director is responible for he clinical function of the department, provide oversight of the clinical care that is delivered and develop and approve department clinical policies and procedures.

What credentials can be earned in the respiratory care profession?

The 2 credentials that can be earned in Respiratory therapy are
-CRT: certified respiratory therapist
-RRT: registered respiratory therapist

What does HIPAA stand for and what are its reponsibilities?

HIPAA- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This act sets standards regarding how sensitive healthcare information is communicated and revealed in the transmission of medical records and in the written and verbal communication of information in the hospital.

What method has been devised to improve the allocation of respiratory care services in hospitals?

Respiratory care protocols are devised in an effort to improve the allocation of respiratory care services in the hospital

What does licensure ensure?

Licensure ensures that applicant has demonstrated the minimum competency necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare.

What elements make-up a respiratory protocol?

Key elements of a respiratory care protocol
- strong and comitted medical direction.
- capable therapist
- active quality monitoring
- collaborative environment among RTs, MDs, and RNs
- responsiveness of all participants to address and correct problems

What activities make-up quality assurance?

Qualified and commited medical director, along with capable RTs, and can be enhanced by well-constructed respiratory care protocols.

How can a therapists improve sending communication?

The RT can improve sending communication by
- Share info rather than telling.
- Seek to relate to people rather than controlthem
- value disagreement as much as agreement
- Use effective nonverbal communication techniques

What events are considered primary sources of conflict in an organization?

Primary sources of conflict in an organization
- Poor communication
- Structural problems
- Personal Behavior
- Role conflict

When an RT is performing a physical exam of a patient's thorax, where in the problem-oriented medical record should this information be placed?

A RT assessment of the thorax should be placed in the progress notes in SOAP format.

What info should be reported in the subjective section of a SOAP note?

The subjective section on a SOAP note contains info obtained from the patient, their relatives or a similar source.

PubMed is the national library of medicine's free search engine for health information that searches several databases.

What is a fire wall and how is it used?

Firewalls filter the exchange of data between the internet and local networks by verifying users' identification, passwords, and registered internet addresses and restricting certain types of communication.

What was the clinical role of inhalation therapists in the 1940s?

Inhalation therapists role in the 1940s. They were just oxygen technicians or oxygen orderlies who could haul cylinders of oxygen and related equipment around the hospital and set up O2 tents, masks and nasal catheters.

What was the stimulus for the rebirth of intellectualism in europe in the 12th century?

An intellectual rebirth in Europe began in the 12th century, when Medieval universities were formed, and contact with the Arabs in Spain and Sicily reintroduced ancient Greek and Roman texts.

What medical device played a prominent role during the polio epidemics of the 1930s and 1940s?

A commercial version of the Iron Lung was used extensively during the polio epidemics.

What was the purpose of the Boothby, Lovelace and Bulbulian (BLB) mask during world war II?

The BLB mask was used to deliver 80-100% oxygen to pilots.

What was the name of the first professional association for respiratory therapy?

Founded in 1947 in Chicago, the Inhalation Therapy Association (ITA) was the first professional association for the field of respiratory care.

Who was the first chairman of the Joint Review Committee for Inhalation therapy in 1970?

What are the primary traits that are characteristics of a professional Respiratory therapist?

Respiratory Therapists apply scientific principles to prevent, identify, and treat acute or chronic dysfunction of the cardiopulmonary system.

What is the responsibilty of the US Food and Drug Administration?

Medical devices are regulated under the Medical Device Amendment Act of 1976, which comes under the authority of the US Food and Drug Administration. The FDA also regulates the drugs delivered by RTs. It is the purpose of the FDA to establish safety and effectiveness standards and to ensure that these standards are met by equipment and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

What are the advantages of therapist driven protocols?

Advantages are better allocation of respiratory care services without an increaded frequency of resp care treatments and cost savings

What therapies are written as therapist driven protocols?

aerosol therapy, bronchopulmonary hygiene, oxygen therapy, hyperinflation techniques, suctioning, pulse oximetry, ABG sampling, ventilator weaning, decannulating, tracheostomy, titrating 02

What methods are commonly used to monitor the quality of resp care protocol programs?

instutional monitoring practices and centralized government monitoring bodies such as The Joint Comission.

Who established peer review organizations?

What is the definition of evidence based medicine?

an approach to determining optimal clinical management based on a rigirous and systematic review of available evidence, a critical analysis of available evidence, to determine what management conclusions are most sound and applicable and a diciplined approach to incorporating the literature with personal practice and experience

What is the principle of autonomy?

it acknowledges patients personal liberties and right to decide their own course of treatment and follow through a plan on which they freely agree

What is the definition of intutionism?

an ethical viewpoint that holds that there are certain self evident truths usually based on moral maxims

what elements are included in a practice act?

scope of professional practice, requirements and qualifications for licensure, exemptions, grounds for administrative action, creation of exam board and processes, penalties and sanctions for unauthorized practice.

What question does the dicipline of ethics attempt to answer?

In what resp therapy protocol has the use of a handheld computer demonstrated shortening of a patients stay in an ICU?

integration of a protocol for discontinuation of mechanical ventilator with the use of a handheld computer

Define a macroshock hazard?

when a high current is applied externally to the skin

What is the most essential aspect of providing quality respiratory care?

Perhaps the most essential aspect of providing quality respiratory care is to ensure that the care being provided is indicated and that it is delivered competently and appropriately.

Who is professionally responsible for the clinical function of the respiratory care department?

Respiratory Therapists are health care professionals responsible for the care of patients with deficiencies and abnormalities of the cardiopulmonary system.

Which of the following are professional characteristics of a respiratory therapist?

6 Personality Traits of a Good Respiratory Therapist.
Compassion. Respiratory therapists should be able to provide emotional support to patients undergoing treatment and be sympathetic to their needs, regardless of health status. ... .
Detail-Oriented. ... .
Interpersonal Skills. ... .
Patience. ... .
Problem-Solving Skills. ... .
Science and Math Skills..

What are respiratory care protocols?

As defined by the American Association for Respiratory Care, respiratory care protocols are “guidelines, usually written in algorithmic form, for providing respiratory therapy services.” The need for protocols has been framed by the frequent occurrence of misallocation of respiratory care, consisting both of over- ...