Today almost every company, small and large, is affected in some way by which of the following

Marketing MCQ Marketing Today almost every company, small and large, is affected in some way by which of the following?

Today almost every company, small and large, is affected in some way by which of the following?

Today almost every company, small and large, is affected in some way by which of the following?

A) the societal marketing concept

B) not-for-profit marketing

C) global competition

D) customer-generated marketing

E) caring capitalism

Answer: C

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Is one of the best ways to increase share of customer?

How to Increase Market Share?.
Innovation. Innovation is an excellent method of increasing market share. ... .
Lowering prices. A company can also expand its market share by lowering its prices. ... .
Strengthening customer relationships. ... .
Advertising. ... .
Increased quality. ... .

Which of the following marketing management concepts is most likely to lead to marketing myopia?

Answer: The production concept and product concept are orientations that are more likely to lead to marketing myopia than the marketing concept and the societal marketing concept are.

Which is the most important concept of modern marketing?

It relates to finding out the consumers and to develop a product as per their needs rather than providing them with the already manufactured goods. Modern marketing concept aims at complete customer satisfaction by fulfilling their needs and wants. Consumer concept believes in giving attention to individual customer.

Which of the following is the set of benefits a company promises?

A set of benefits promised to consumers is called a market offering or the value proposition.