We use symbols signs or sounds arranged according to systematic rules to communicate our ideas

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  1. Social Science
  2. Psychology
  3. Cognitive Psychology

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Terms in this set (64)

In terms of language, ____ means the system is dynamic and free to change.


In terms of language, ____ means there id no real connection between a sound and the meaning or ideas associated with it.


____ is the entire set of rules for combining symbols and sounds to speak and write a particular language.


The set of rules for arranging words and symbols to form sentences or in English is called ____, whereas the set of rules for combining symbol and sounds to speak and write English is called ____.

Syntax; grammar

____ is the way in which words are combined to form sentences.


____ is a very rudimentary language, also known as pre-language, used by earlier species of Homo.


The first sounds humans make other than crying, consisting almost exclusively of vowels, and occurring during the first 6 months of life, are called ____.


When an infant utters sounds like "ma", "pa", and "me" more exclusively or less randomly, he is ____.


We use ____, symbols arranged according to systematic rules, to communicate our ideas.


What are some true facts about "concept"?

It is a mental grouping of objects, events, or people. It is the most basic unit of knowledge.

What do cognitive psychologists study?

Perception, problem-solving, and memory

Put in the order the language acquisition in children.

Cooing, babbling, one-word utterances, two-word utterances, and use of proper sentence structure

The ____ heuristic is a cognitive shortcut in which people judge things based on their similarity to other things.


The apparently universal changes in adult speech patterns when speaking to young children or infants, such as using higher pitch, simpler sentences, or emotion, is called ____ speech.


The ____ heuristic is a strategy we use when we make decisions on the ease with which estimates come to mind or how present they are in our awareness.


A causal ____ is a judgement about the causation of one thing by another.


Mental shortcuts used to make complex and uncertain decisions and judgments are ____.


The mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, and storing knowledge are labeled ____.


The tendency to selectively attend to information that supports one's general beliefs is called ____.

Confirmation bias

____ is the process of drawing inferences or conclusions from principles and evidence.


Identify the various qualities of a critical thinker.

Interprets information, evaluates information, and analyzes information

Which of the following persons has passed the sensitive period for learning to speak a second language?

Jason, age 25 and Beth, age 40

____ reasoning is reasoning from general statements of what is known to specific conclusions.


Which perspective in psychology is concerned with how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems?

Cognitive Psychology

____ is the process by which one analyzes, evaluates, and forms ideas.

Critical thinking

What are characteristics of the mother that affects the timing of the child's vocabulary development?

Socioeconomic status, vocabulary use, and personality characteristics

Thinking that a plane crash is more likely than a car crash, because you can easily remember dramatic images of plane crashes on TV is an example of what cognitive shortcut?

Availability heuristic

The ____ heuristic is a strategy we use to estimate the probability of one event based on how typical it is of another event.


The neural system in the brain that permits the understanding of language is the language-____ device.


What is the sensitive period for learning to speak a second language without an accent?

Ends in adolescence

Felicity see many similarities between Patricia and Patrick, and so treats them the same way. In other words the ____ heuristic seems to be guiding her actions.


Three year-old Heather has entered the ____ phase of language development and has begun to speak in fully grammatical sentences.


____ thinking is the process that includes the ability, first, to think, and then, to reflect on one'e own thinking.


Phrases put together, starting at around 18 months of age, such as "go away", "mo wawa", and "my ball", are called ____.

Two-word utterances

A ____ is a concept that organizes other concepts around they all share in common.


A ____ is the best-fitting example of a category.


The ____ fallacy occurs when people say the combination of two events is more likely than either event alone.


According to Chomsky, there is a single ____ that is inborn and underlies all human languages.

Universal Grammar

Visual ____ are representatives in the mind that resemble the object or event being represented.


The ____ approach to language development proposes that there is an innate mechanism that directs language development in humans.


Who is associated with the nativist approach to language development?

Noam Chomsky

____ is an arrangement of related concepts in a particular way, with some being general and others specific.

A concept hierarchy

According to the ____ view of language, we discover language rather than learn it, and language development is inborn.


Language development at around the age of 12 months is characterized by ____, such as "mama", "dada", or "no"!

One-word utterances

Inductive reasoning involves reasoning to ____ conclusions from ____ evidence.

General; specific

The ____ "bird" includes animals that have wings and beaks, including robins, penguins, and cardinals.


When it comes to categorizing new information, our brains use several techniques, for example, the mental category that is used to group objects, and events is called a ____.


When a toddler utters, 'Mama', she gets more of her mother's attention and smiles than when she utters 'baba'. Hence, in the future she will say 'Mama' if she desires her mother's attention. Which theory of language acquisition best explains this?


The tendency to learn the last word in a sentence first may reflect the memory phenomenon called the ____ effect.


The process of imagining an object turning in three-dimensional space is ____.

Mental rotation

____ is the process using the cognitive skills required to generate, test, and revise theories.

Scientific thinking

After the age of ____, learning a second language starts to become more difficult.


The specific area on the left frontal lobe that controls the production of speech is ____.

Broca's area

You are thinking of how to play a hand in a poker game. In other words, you are using a(n) ____ to figure out what to do.

Mental representation

What is the premise of the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis?

Language creates thought as much as thought creates language.

The ____ determinism hypothesis proposes that language determines our way of thinking and our perceptions of the world.


According to rational choice theory, when given the choice between two or more goals, people will choose the one that is ____.

Most likely to help their goals.

Within the first year, infants become more competent at sounds of their native language, while losing the ability to produce other sounds. This is due to ____, the degradation of synapses and the dying off of neurons.


Six year-old Celeste are her parents, 30 year-old Naomi and 42 year-old Joe, are attending Spanish classes together. Who is likely to learn the second language more quickly?


According to Skinner, we learn to speak due to reinforcement and shaping. His thinking represents the learning or ____ theory approach to language development.


Language comprehension occurs in the left hemisphere of the brain, in a region called ____'s area.


In Chomsky's theory, ____ are the different rules for what is allowed and what is not in different languages.


If a child is not exposed to language by the time she or he is 5, it is unlikely that she or he will easily learn to speak. This suggests that there is a ____ for a language development.

Critical Period

What are environmental influences on language?

Socioeconomic status, culture, and birth order

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Is communication of information through symbols arranged according to systematic rules?

Language is the communication of ideas through symbols that are arranged according to rules of grammar. Language contains three basic elements: phonemes, morphemes, and syntax.

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Critical Thinking- the process by which one analyzes, evaluates, and forms ideas.

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A mental set is a tendency to only see solutions that have worked in the past. This type of fixed thinking can make it difficult to come up with solutions and can impede the problem-solving process.

Is the tendency to think of an object only in terms of its typical use?

Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias that limits a person to use an object only in the way it is traditionally used. The concept of functional fixedness originated in Gestalt psychology, a movement in psychology that emphasizes holistic processing.


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