Wer ist red hulk

It's looking like the MCU will have a General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross after all, as Harrison Ford is reportedly stepping in to take the role previously played by the now-deceased William Hurt in Captain America: New World Order, as well as possibly Thunderbolts.

And with the Leader now confirmed to return in Captain America: New World Order, speculation has naturally turned to whether the MCU General Thunderbolt Ross will be transformed into the powerful form of the Red Hulk.

But if you're a Marvel fan who doesn't have a deep bench of comic book knowledge, you may be wondering exactly what the Red Hulk is, how Thunderbolt Ross is transformed into the Red Hulk, and how the Red Hulk saga fits into the mythos of characters like Bruce Banner, She-Hulk, and Abomination.

The answers to these questions are simple - but they open the door to a whole wider Hulk continuity full of numerous Gamma mutates, rival Hulk factions, and much more.

We'll break it all down right now.

Who is Red Hulk?

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

The original Red Hulk is General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross. Introduced all the way back in 1961's Incredible Hulk #1 (opens in new tab) alongside Bruce Banner, Thunderbolt Ross (for decades just a regular man) is the Hulk's oldest enemy, a military leader obsessed with obtaining and controlling - or at the very least destroying - the limitless power of the Hulk.

After years of pursuing the Hulk through conventional (if increasingly powerful) weaponry and tactics as part of the military special forces group known as the Hulkbusters, Thunderbolt Ross finally decides to bite the bulle, and try to match the Hulk's strength through his own transformation.

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)(opens in new tab)

But he doesn't undergo the transformation by himself. Instead, he volunteers as a subject for Hulk experiments conducted by the villain MODOK, who steals Bruce Banner's own Gamma energy after it's siphoned off by special satellites built by Tony Stark in the story World War Hulk - a process which leaves Banner unable to turn into the Hulk at all.

Using a combination of Gamma Rays and Cosmic Energy (the energy that gave the Fantastic Four their powers in the Marvel Universe), MODOK empowers Thunderbolt Ross as a Red Hulk, who possesses not just the strength of the original Hulk, but all his own military knowledge and cunning, as well as the power to absorb and release Cosmic Energy with blazing force.

Following the successful creation of the Red Hulk, MODOK joins forces with the Leader, Hulk's other major nemesis, to use the power of the Red Hulk to get revenge on those who have wronged them, and to seize power.

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)(opens in new tab)

The newly empowered Red Hulk was introduced in 2008's Hulk #1 (opens in new tab), but his actual human identity remained secret for some time. 

While still anonymous, the monstrously strong villain tears across the Marvel Universe by seemingly killing Hulk's classic foes the Abomination and Wendigo, single-handedly destroying a SHIELD Helicarrier, and even causing an earthquake in the San Francisco area, before finally suffering his first defeat at the hands of a re-empowered Bruce Banner, and Thor.

Finally, in 2010's World War Hulks (opens in new tab) (a sequel to 2008's World War Hulk), the true identity of Red Hulk is revealed as Thunderbolt Ross.

But the reveal of Red Hulk's secret identity wasn't the end of Thunderbolt Ross' time as a Hulk - far from it. 

Red Hulk in the Marvel Universe

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

First, Red Hulk teams up with underwater villain Tigershark, the magical Baron Mordo, and former herald of Galactus Terrax the Tamer to form the Offenders, a villain team that mirrors the classic lineup of the original Defenders (Hulk, Namor, Doctor Strange, and Silver Surfer).

In that story, Red Hulk absorbs Silver Surfer's Power Cosmic, nearly killing the spaced-out hero along with several others - until Galactus learns of Red Hulk's theft of the Power Cosmic, which the world devourer takes back, undoing the death and destruction caused by Red Hulk with his own godlike power.

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)(opens in new tab)

After finally defeating the Red Hulk, a re-empowered Bruce Banner arranges for him to be released into Steve Rogers' custody. Under the terms of the arrangement, Ross becomes an agent of the United States government working as Red Hulk, and eventually earns membership in the Avengers.

Along with the creation of the Red Hulk, MODOK and the Leader's supervillain group the Intelligencia conducts more Gamma experiments, leading to a series of spin-off characters including Thunderbolt Ross' daughter Betty Ross becoming the Red She-Hulk, and Hulk's longtime pal Rick Jones becoming the explosive, Abomination-esque A-Bomb.

In 2012, Thunderbolt Ross led a new version of the Thunderbolts (opens in new tab) whose missions involved dealing with the ramifications of Ross' own military career, while Ross continued to operate in the Marvel Universe as the Red Hulk.

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)(opens in new tab)

However, his downfall came when Bruce Banner, in his Doc Green Hulk persona, manages to catch Red Hulk and turn him back into Thunderbolt Ross. With his powers depleted, Ross is imprisoned in his human form and later paroled as a powerless retiree.

Tragically, Ross was murdered in 2018's Captain America #1 (opens in new tab), with Steve Rogers being framed.

Despite Ross' death, the Red Hulk lives on, this time as former retired army general Robert Maverick, introduced in 2017's US Avengers #1 (opens in new tab) (after Thunderbolt Ross' defeat, but before his death), who becomes the second Red Hulk thanks to a Gamma device which allows him to transform for a limited time.

As of right now, Robert Maverick is still the Red Hulk, though he hasn't been seen for a while.

Red Hulk in the MCU

(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

Red Hulk hasn't officially come to the MCU just yet, but with Thunderbolt Ross reportedly set to play a big role in Captain America: New World Order, as well as possibly in the upcoming Thunderbolts movie, there's every reason to think Marvel Studios will go there and introduce Red Hulk in one of those films.

All the pieces are now on the board. Though the story of the Intelligencia and their desire for She-Hulk's blood in the She-Hulk streaming series ended in a much more unconventional way, the themes of the story remain mostly intact for a more straightforward follow-up in a later film - especially considering the Leader himself, Samuel Sterns, is well known to be after the Hulk's blood as of the events of 2008's Incredible Hulk.

Now that Sterns himself is returning to the MCU in his evolved villain form as the Leader in New World Order, it's not impossible that Red Hulk himself will also play a role in the adaptation of Leader's story in the MCU.

It's tough to say whether or how much Harrison Ford will be involved in a role that seems to require a lot of physical motion capture acting, but if the MCU is ready to turn Thunderbolt Ross into Red Hulk, they've got everything needed to make it happen right at their fingertips.

Wer ist stärker Red Hulk oder Hulk?

Kräfte. Übermenschliche Kraft: Red Hulk besitzt übermenschliche Kraft und ist so stark wie ein wütender Savage Hulk.

Wer ist der Graue Hulk?

Der graue Hulk blieb lange ein unterschwelliges Motiv in der Marvel-Fangemeinde und 1986 manifestierte sich das Alter Ego Bruce Banners unerwartet in einem durchtriebenen, grauen Hulk, der sich „Joe Fixit“ nannte und als Rausschmeißer in Las Vegas arbeitete.

Wie entsteht Red Hulk?

Betty wurde angeblich durch Abominations Hände getötet, doch wurde sie vom Leader und seiner Gruppe, die Intelligencia, am Leben gehalten und wie ihr Vater verwandelt. So entsteht die Rote She-Hulk.

Was ist die stärkste Hulk Form?

Als Folge der Explosion des Warpkerns seines Schiffes, das ihn nach Sakaar brachte, das den Planeten zerstörte und Caiera und das ungeborene Kind tötete, wurde Green Scars Stärke dramatisch erhöht. In einem ruhigen emotionalen Zustand ist er die stärkste primäre Hulk Inkarnation.


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