What are the five 5 organizational characteristics that influence training *?

Employees are the heart and soul of any successful enterprise. Moreover, organizations spend heavily on enhancing their employees’ skill set and maximizing their output. This helps them yield maximum profit from their workforce. The process starts with hiring when the HR team sets out to find suitable candidates for the role. However, the “suitable” candidates are usually the ones that are qualified for the job. Therefore, HR’s are entrusted with the task of training the selected candidates in the company’s ways.

New employees are trained to understand their role well and adjust their skills accordingly. Additionally, new employees are introduced to these if the company uses some exclusive software or database models. Also, HR’s pick out some modules to add certain qualities to the new employees, so they can become an asset in the future. Lastly, new joiners are introduced to the company’s policies and work environment.

This is a great way that leads to team bonding and enhanced collaboration. With the advent of new technologies, corporate training methods have also changed. Companies are striving to adapt to the ways of the changing world. Recently, with the increasing popularity of remote working, employee training has also evolved. Here are five factors that will influence corporate training in the coming years.

The Purpose

At the start of the corporate training, it is very crucial to determine the purpose. A definite objective is important to streamline the training methods. You will have to understand what your company’s goals and objectives are. What is the relevance of the open role, and what is expected of you?

Next, you must plan the skills and knowledge that you want in your employees. You can use this step to explain their role in the organization to the trainees. The skill development program must be comprehensible and not too complex.

If the training program seems technical, like business management courses online, you can contact third-party agencies or experienced consultants. Usually, software development companies are contacted to conduct an extensive seminar on the efficient use of their products.

Additionally, you can also devise a program where you can explain your company’s work culture and so on. You must also take note of your organization’s budget plans. If you want to save resources, you must try to plan your training program internally. Defining the “purpose” of the training should be your first goal.

The resources

The quality of your training program will depend largely on the resources available at your disposal. If your company is working on a tight budget, you may have to design a simple course with a straightforward learning routine. Additionally, you can throw in some reading materials and online learning modules.

Also, depending on the work profile, you may have to hire some professionals to train the new joiners. Some large corporations send their employees to niche university programs to develop their understanding of the work.

However, you can reach out to experienced college professors and schedule a few classes every week in case of limited resources. Similarly, if your organization has an extensive collaborative database, you can use it to upload useful materials. You may also attach these dedicated materials to every employee’s profile.

Although, if budget is not a problem, you can design an extensive training program. You will have to ensure that these programs will develop your trainees into an asset. You may also use these programs to assess the new employees and see whether they are quick learners.

Third-party consultants can also be an option if you don’t want to disrupt your organization’s daily business. The bottom line is, the availability of resources will determine the future of training programs.

The Audience

Understanding your audience is also a crucial part of devising a training program. An organization is a network of different departments, and each department has a different role and expertise.

If your company is not a boutique, you may have to design a training program according to the expertise of your employees. If you have hired new candidates for a specific role, you will have to impart some technical training.

However, certain team-building activities can work universally for all your staff members. Therefore, make a comprehensive checklist of training goals and objectives. Understand the needs of every department and what they lack.

Schedule a meeting with team leaders to understand what they expect and what they are looking for in new team members. Accordingly, divide your staff and allot them different training zones. Prepare different modules and reading materials for them.

You may also hire third-party agencies or consultants who can develop extensive policies to ensure the smooth running of the training programs. Lastly, you must keep an eye on the market.

If there are some new trends, you may have to train your employees accordingly. The purpose of the training should be to create an adaptive atmosphere. The world changes rapidly, and so should your corporate work culture. Understanding the needs of your audience should be a priority when designing a corporate training program.

The training staff

Training staff will act as your virtual limbs during training sessions. An employee may need training in different disciplines to be able to perform his task better. Hence, you may need a dedicated force of training staff, and each of them must be an expert in their fields.

Apart from the prerequisite expertise, you may also need some experience. Experienced professionals are better equipped to understand their audience and conduct a training program accordingly.

Additionally, the training staff will also assist you in designing the modules and training materials. Moreover, you may also need an expert when creating video learning routines or PowerPoint presentations. In addition to this, your training staff should understand your organization’s goals and objectives and traditional work culture.

This will help them modify their course accordingly. Lastly, the training staff must be enthusiastic and passionate about their work. They should form a nexus with your employees and create a close bond with them. Therefore, be diligent when hiring experts to impart training to young joiners.

The technology

The changing trends in technology will hugely impact the ways of corporate training in the future. If your company is switching to cloud databases, you will have to design a program to train your employees in technical methods.

Technical fluency is crucial to save confusion and promote efficient team collaboration. Similarly, you can use the latest technologies and software to promote greater interaction and participation in your training programs.

You may also use social media and other such platforms to create an online nexus during the era of remote working culture. You may also have to segregate your audience based on their technical knowledge.

While some may be fluent with new technologies, some may struggle to grasp them. Therefore, you may have to design a comprehensive guide explaining step-by-step procedures to your employees. This may also call for industry experts, which can be a bit of a burden on your purse.


Corporate training is an essential part of an organization, and it helps new joiners understand their role in the organization and make them efficient. Therefore, companies spend heavily on these programs to turn their employees into assets.

However, look no further than Great Learning if you are looking for a collaborative platform to teach your employees some new skills like MBA courses. At Great Learning, you get a fleet of experienced professionals who are just as enthusiastic as you to teach new ideas to your employees.

What are the five organizational characteristics that influence training?

Here, we provide five important characteristics of effective training programs that must be kept in mind to ensure the best results in an individual and organizational level:.
Personalized. ... .
Inquiry-Based. ... .
Collaborative. ... .
Interdisciplinary. ... .

What are the 5 characteristics of organization?

The following are the important characteristics of organization:.
Specialization and division of work. The entire philosophy of organization is centered on the concepts of specialization and division of work. ... .
Orientation towards goals. ... .
Composition of individuals and groups. ... .
Continuity. ... .

What is the characteristics of training?

The main characteristics of a training programme are: (i) Its objectives and scope are clearly defined. (ii) The training techniques are related directly to the needs and objectives of the organization. ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii)It employs accepted principles of learning.

What are the 3 characteristics of an organization?

An organization comes into being when (1) there are persons able to communicate with each other (2) who are willing to contribute action (3) to accomplish a common purpose. The elements of an organization are therefore (1) communication; (2) willingness to serve; and (3) common purpose.


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