What are the major internal sources of new product ideas available to a company?

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Introducing the new product to the market

Test marketing gives management the information needed to make a final decision about whether to launch the new product. If the company goes ahead with commercialization—introducing the new product into the market—it will face high costs. For example, the company may need to build or rent a manufacturing facility. And, in the case of a major new consumer product, it may spend hundreds of millions of dollars for advertising, sales promotion, and other marketing efforts in the first year. For instance, to introduce the Surface tablet, Microsoft spent close to $400 million on an advertising blitz that spanned TV, print, radio, outdoor, the Internet, events, public relations, and sampling. Similarly, Tide spent $150 million on a campaign to launch Tide Pods in the highly competitive U.S. laundry detergent market

A company launching a new product must first decide on introduction timing. If the new product will eat into the sales of other company products, the introduction may be delayed. If the product can be improved further or if the economy is down, the company may wait until the following year to launch it. However, if competitors are ready to introduce their own competing products, the company may push to introduce its new product sooner.

Next, the company must decide where to launch the new product—in a single location, a region, the national market, or the international market. Some companies may quickly introduce new models into the full national market. Companies with international distribution systems may introduce new products through swift global rollouts. For example, Apple launched its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus phones in its fastest-ever global rollout, making them available in 115 countries within less than three months of initial introduction.18


Continual innovation is imperative to sustain competition. Companies require generating innovative product ideas and implementing them. Companies require understanding customer requirements and preferences and doing continual innovation to develop offerings for meeting and exceeding customer expectations. New product ideas may come from varied sources and by applying diverse creativity techniques. Companies generate ideas from both internal and external sources. Internal sources include research and development and employees. External sources include customers, competitors, and various other stakeholders. Companies may adopt creativity techniques like crowdsourcing, brainstorming, role-playing, forming forced relationships, morphological analysis, reversing of assumptions about product usage, mind mapping of individuals, and lateral marketing. Companies require creating and encouraging a culture of innovation to generate ideas, implement them, exceed customer expectations, succeed in the completion, and have long-term growth.

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2. Generation Of Ideas For Innovation

Generation of ideas is the first step towards new product development (Carson, 2007). Companies search for new product ideas systematically. Companies do a lot of introspection and generate hundreds – even thousands – of ideas to find a few good ones. Companies may generate ideas for new product development from a number of sources. Major sources of new product ideas include internal sources and external sources such as customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers, and others (Aboulnasr, Narasimhan, Blair, & Chandy, 2008). Marketing experts believe that the best set of ideas for new products is generated by uncovering and understanding unmet customer needs and how those needs can be satisfied with the help of technological innovation (Aboulnasr et al, 2008). New product ideas can come from interacting with various groups and using creativity-generating techniques.

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What are the internal and external sources of new product ideas?

New product ideas may come from varied sources and by applying diverse creativity techniques. Companies generate ideas from both internal and external sources. Internal sources include research and development and employees. External sources include customers, competitors, and various other stakeholders.

What are internal sources of business ideas?

Sources of Idea Generation Employees and the research & development department of the company are great internal sources. Whereas, external sources are also very helpful. These are customers, suppliers, competitors, distribution channels, government, educational institutions, and focus groups.

What is internal new product development?

Internal development means the firm develops the new product itself. This is riskier than external development because the company bears all of the costs associated with new product development and implementation.

What are the main sources of ideas?

Let us look at some good sources for ideas..
Past Work Experience: ... .
Hobbies and Interests: ... .
Strengths and Abilities: ... .
Friends and Family: ... .
Distribution Channels: ... .
Travel: ... .
Books and Magazines: ... .
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