What are the three important parts of leadership that determine how effective a leader is quizlet?

What is leadership?

The exercise of influence by one member of a group or organization over other members to help the group or organization achieve its goals.

What is a leader?

An individual able to influence group or organization achieve its goals

What is a formal leader?

A member of an organization who is given authority by the organization to influence other organizational members to achieve organizational goals.

What is an informal leader?

An organizational member with no formal authority to influence others who nevertheless is able to exert considerable influence because of special skills or talent.

What does leadership involve?

First, it involves exerting influence over other members of a group or organization.
Second, it invovles helping a group or organization achieve its goals.

What is leadership effectiveness?

the extent to which a leader actually does help a group or organization to achieve its goals.

True/False: An effective leader helps achieve goals; an ineffective leader does not.


What are examples of how leaders influence and shape aspects of organizational behavior?

Motivation and performance
desire to be absent or quit
the quality of their decision making

True/False: All managers are leaders

False: Many kinds of managers do not have subordinates who report to them.

Ex: The accounting manager of a restaurant who is responsible for keeping the books is a manager, but not a leader.

What is the leader trait approach?

Personal traits that distinguish leaders from followers, and effective form ineffective leaders.

8 traits: Intelligence, task-relevance knowledge, dominance, self-confidence, energy/activity levels, tolerance for stress, integrity and honesty, emotional maturity


Helps a leader solve complex problems

Task-relevance knowledge

Ensures that leader knows what has to be done, how it should be done, and what resounrces are required for a group and organization to achieve its goals


An individual's need to exert influence and control over others, helps a leader channel followers' efforts and abilities toward achieving group and organizational goals


Helps a leader influence followers and motivates followers to perservere in the face of obstacles or difficulties

Energy/Activity levels

A high energy level helps a leader deal with the many demands or activities encountered day to day.

Tolerance for stress

Promotes a leader's ability to deal with the uncertainty or ambiguity inherent in any complex decision-making situation

Integrity and hoensty

An indicator that a leader will behave ethically at all times and is worthy of followers' trust and confidence

Emotional maturity

A sign that a leader is not overly self-centered, can control his or her feelings, and can accept criticism.

The leader behavior approach

Seeks to identify which leader behaviors help employees, groups, and organizations achieve goals.

researched developed over 1,800 specific behaviors that leaders might engage in, such as setting goals for followers, and then telling them what to do.
Next, they developed scales to measure those behaviors.
Found based on a survey that most leader behaviors involved consideration or initiating structure


Behavior indicating that a leader trusts, respects, and values good relationships with his or her followers.

A CEO was offered a set of keys on his first day to lock the cabinets. Workers insisted that he take the keys because there are a lot of workers.
Ceo refused, saying that his office should be based on trust.

Initiating structure

Behaviors that a leader engages in to make sure that work gets done and subordinates perform their jobs acceptably.

Ex: Assigning individual tasks to followers, planning ahead, setting goals, deciding which team members should perform which tasks, and pushing subordinates to get their tasks accomplished

True/False: Consideration and initiating structure are complementary but independent leader behaviors.

They are complementary because leaders can engage in both types of behaviors.
They are independent because knowing the extent to which a leader engages in consideration says nothing about the extent to which he or she engages in initiation structure and vice versa.

Leader Reward Behavior

A leader's positive reinforcement of subordinates' desirable behavior

Ex of rewards: Compliments, praise, pay raise, promotion

Helps to ensure that employees perform at high levels

Leader Punishing Behavior

A leader's negative response to subordinates' undesired behavior

Ex of punishments: Docking pay

True/False: Managers who are leaders administer reinforcements and punishments


Leadership behavior description questionnaire

Asking a leader's subordinate to indicate the extent to which their leader or supervisor engages in a number of different consideration and initiating-structure behavior

What is missing in the trait and behavior approaches?

each approach largely ignores the situation in which leadership takes place.
Ignores how situations can affect their ability to be effective leaders
Doesn't consider how situational characteristics affect behavior

Fiedler's Contingency Theory of leadership

The theory that leader effectiveness is determined by both the personal characteristics of leaders and by the situations in which leaders find themselves.

1) Why, in a particular situation, will one leader be more effective than another even though they both have equally good personal credentials?
2) Why might a specific leader be effective in one particular situation but not in another

Leader style

Fiedler identified two distinct leader styles - relationship-oriented and task-oriented styles

Relationship-oriented style

Wants to be liked by and get along well with their suboridinates. First priority is to develop good working relationships with their followers. Second priority is to make sure that the job is done


Want their subordinates to perform at a high level and accomplish all their assigned tasks to the best of their abilities.
First priority is task accomplishment where they push their subordinates to get the job done. Second is having good relations with their subordinates.

True/False: According to Fiedler, a leader's style is not an enduring personal characteristic and it can be changed easily

False: It is an enduring characteristic that cannot be changed easily.

True/False: Task-oriented style is more effective

False: either can be effective in different situations.

The least preferred co-employee scale

A questionnaire by Fiedler that measures leader style by scoring leader's responses to questions about the co-employee with whom they have the most difficulty working.

Relationship-oriented leaders (High LPC leaders) described their least preferred co-employee in relatively positive terms and were able to say some good things about the person they had the most difficulty working with.

Task-oriented leaders (low LPC leaders) described their least preferred co-employee negatively. They believed their LPC had few redeeming qualities and had a highly negative overall impression of the person.

Situational characteristics

Fielder proposed that situations vary in their favorability for leadering, the extent to which the situation allows the leader to easily guide and channel subordinate behavior in the direction of high performance and goal attainment.

Three characteristics determine how favorable situations are for leading: leader-member relations, task structure, and position power.

Leader-member relations

The relationships between a leader and his or her followers.
When relations are good, followers appreciate, trust, and feel a certain degree of loyalty toward their leader, and the situation is favorable for leading.
When they are poor, followers dislike or distrust their leader, and the situation is unfavorable for leading.

Task Structure

The extent to which the work to be performed by a group is clearly defined

task structure is high when a group has specific goals that need to be accomplished, and every group member knows how to go about achieving these goals

When group goals are vague or uncertain, and members are unsure about how to perform the tasks need to achieve these goals, task structure is low.

Position power

The amount of formal authority a leader has.

If a leader has the power to reward and punish subordinates, by, for example, granting them pay raises and bonuses or docking their pay, position is high.

If a leader can do little to reward or punish subordinates, then position power is low.

True/False: A situation is more favorable for leading when position power is low.

False: It's more favorable when position power is high.

The contingency model

All possible combinations of good and poor leader-member relations, high and low task structure, and high and low position power yield eight leadership situations.

Fiedler applied the word octant to each type of situation.

Octant 1, 11, and 111 situations are very favorable for leading; octant IV, V, VI, and VII are moderately favorable for leading, and octant VIII situation is very unfavorable for leading.

True/False: According to Fiedler's theory, task-oriented leaders are most effective in situations that are very favorable or very unfavorable, and relationship-oriented leaders are most effective in moderately favorable situations


True/False: Fiedler considers leadership styles to be changeable

False: they are relatively fixed or enduring

Path-goal theory

A theory that describes how leaders can motivate their followers to achieve group and organizational goals and the kinds of behaviors leaders can engage in to motivate followers.

Suggests that effective leaders follow three guidelines to motivate their followers. The guidelines are based on the expectancy theory of motivation.

What are the three guidelines for path-goal theory?

1. Determine what outcomes subordinates are trying to obtain in the workplace. Ex: What needs are they trying to satisfy, or what goals are they trying to meet?
2. Reward subordinates for performing at high levels or achieving their work goals by giving them desired outcomes
3. Make sure the subordinates believe they can obtain their work goals and perform at high levels. Ex: leaders can do this by showing subordinates the paths to goal attainment. Such as helping to remove obstacles

House's four types of behavior that leaders can engage in to motivate subordinates.

1. Directive behavior: lets subordinates know what tasks need to be performed and how they should be performed. (Similar to initiating structure)

2. Supportive behavior: Lets subordinates know their leader cares about their well-being and is looking out for them. (Similar to consideration)

3. Participative behavior: Enables subordinates to be involved in making decisions that affect them.

4. Achievement-oriented behavior: Pushes subordinates to do their best. Such behavior includes setting difficult goals for followers, expecting high performance, and expressing confidence in their capabilities.

When a subordinate is under a lot of stress, what behavior might be especially effective?

Supportive behavior

Path-goal theory enhances our understanding of effective leadrship in organizations by

specifying how leaders should motivate their followers

Vroom and Yetton model

A model that describes the different ways in which leaders can make decisions and guides leaders in determining the extent to which subordinates should participate in decision making.

Leaders making their individual or group decisions can choose from four different decision making styles: Autocratic, consultative, group, delegated.

Then instructs leaders to choose among their alternative decision-making styles on the basis of their answers to a series of questions about the nature of the situation and the subordinates involved

What are disadvantages to employee participation?

Biggest: when subordinates participate in decision making it takes longer for decisions to be made, and both the leader and subordinates have to spend their valuable time deciding what to do so they have less time to spend on performing their other tasks
Subordinates may disagree among themselves
Can lower performance, especially in group situations.


The leader makes the decision without input from subordinates


Subordinates have some input, but the leader makes the decision


The group makes the decision, the leader is just another group members


The leader makes subordinate solely responsible for making the decision

Their that focuses on choosing the right leader decision-making style

Vroom and Yetton model

Leader-member exchange theory

A theory that describes the different kinds of relations that may develop between a leader and a follower give to and receive back from the relationship

Focuses on the leader-follower dyad, that is, the relationship between the leader and a specific subordinate.

Proposes that each leader-subordinate dyad develops a unique relationship that stems from the unfolding interactions between the leader and the subordinate.

There are two general kinds of relationships, the in-group and the out-group

In-group relationship

the leader develops a special relationship with the subordinate, characterized by mutual trust, commitment, and involvement

Out-group relationship

Based on the formal authority of the leader and obedience to rules

Does leadership always matter in organizations?

Research suggests that leaders can make a difference, but there are researches that think leaders can have little effect on their subordinates.

Steven Kerr and John Jermier, proposed that several leadership "substitutes" and "neurtralizers" may exist that limit the influence of leaders and importance of leadership in organizations.

Leadership Substitute

Something that acts in place of a formal leader and makes leadership unnecessary.

Characteristics of the subordinate, the work, the group, and the organization all have the potential to act as substitutes for leadership

Leadership Neutralizer

Something that prevents a leader from having any influence and negates a leader's efforts

Leadership substitute vs leadership neutralizer

Substitutes for leadership are actually functional for organizations because they free up some of a leader's time for other activities. But neutralizers are dysfunctional because they reduce a leader's ability to influence subordinates.

Romance of leadership

Followers want to believe leaders have the ability to raise performance and make a difference, and so they attribute qualities or powers to them they really don't possess.

Transformational leadership

Leadership that inspires followers to trust the leader, perform behaviors that contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, and perform at high levels.

Transformation leaderships change or transform their followers in three important ways. Those are...

1. Increase subordinates' awareness of the importance of their tasks and the importance of them performing them well.
2. Make subordinates aware of their needs for personal growth, development, and accomplishment.
3. Motivate their subordinates to work for the good of the organization rather than exclusively for their own personal gain or benefit.

How do transformational leaders influence their followers and bring these changes about?

They are charismatic leaders: a self-confident, enthusiastic leader able to win followers' respect and support for his or her vision of how good things could be.

By intellectually stimulating them to become aware of problems in their groups and organization and view these problems from a new perspective.

leads followers to view problems as significant and feel responsibility for helping to solve them.

Through developmental consideration: behavior by a leader that is supportive and encouraging toward followers and gives them opportunities to develop and grow on the job, such as by acquiring new skills and capabilities.

Transactional leadership

Leadership that motivates followers by exchanging rewards for high performance and noticing and reprimanding subordinates for mistakes and substandard performance.

Occurs when a leader motivates followers purely by exchanging rewards for good performance.

May engage in transformational leadership but takes it a step further by inducing followers to support their vision and put aside their personal interests for the sake of the organization and take responsibility for solving its problems.

Challenging followers to achieve goals that they have not imagined could be achieved

Leader mood

how leaders' feelings influence their effectiveness
a leader's level of emotional intelligence may also contribute to leader effectiveness.

Gender and leadership

Men and women who have leadership positions tend to behave in quite similar ways. Specifically, men do not engage in more initiating structure just as women do not engage in more consideration.

Women tended to lead in a more democratic style (involving their subordinates in decision making and seek their subordinates input on a variety of matters), and men tended to lead in a more autocratic style (discouraging subordinate participation in decision making and like to do things their own way).

Why are women more democratic as leaders than men?

They are more skilled interpersonally.

Women in leadership positions encounter more resistance from subordinates than men in leadership positions.

Watching and learning from women leaders may actually help men who lack skills such as good communication and listening, work quality, motivating others, more participation, flexibility, and willing to admit when they are wrong.


The willingness of one person or group to have faith or confidence in the goodwill of another person, even though this person puts them at risk.

What are the 3 important parts of leadership that determine how effective a leader is?

Three key qualities of an effective leader.
Strong Character. Leaders with strong character earn the respect of their peers. ... .
Committed, Swift Decision Making. ... .
Available When You Need Them. ... .
Additional Resources..

What are the three key elements of leadership?

To be a good leader, we need to have these three key elements of leadership: influence, initiative, and responsibility.

What are the most important factors to be an effective leader?

Strong leaders use listening, speaking and writing skills and keep communication open, honest and genuine at all levels of the organization. They communicate a mission, vision and values and share information often, openly, clearly and with confidence and passion.

What are the essential components of the definition of leadership effectiveness?

Three Necessary Components for Effective Leadership Convey value and respect. Inspire through empowerment. Lead by example and radiate integrity.