What are ways in which newspapers are classified for advertising purposes quizlet?

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Terms in this set (181)

A difference between broadcast media and print media is that ______.

readers can process information provided by print media at their own pace

Consumer magazines are ideal for marketers who wish to target ______.

general users of products and services

Identify the magazine aimed at agricultural areas such as crop cultivation, poultry, and/or cattle raising.

Farm publication

Identify the magazine directed at specific industries or occupations.

Business publication

An advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium is the ability to reach a specific target audience, also known as ______.


A characteristic of newspapers and magazines is that they ______.

require high reader involvement

Which of the following advertising examples would benefit most from the reproduction quality of magazines?

An ad for a cosmetic company's new line of vibrant eye shadows

In the magazine industry, nearly two-thirds of all advertising dollars are spent in ______.

consumer magazines

Which of the following are various creative options advertisers can use for additional fees when advertising in magazines?

bleed pages

Identify a true statement about farm publications.

They are not classified with business publications.

______ allow advertisers to use a third page that opens out and gives the advertisement an extra-large spread.


Identify an advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium.

They help advertisers achieve demographic and geographic selectivity.

Identify an accurate statement about bleed pages in magazine advertising.

They give ads the impression of being larger.

One of the primary advantages of using magazines as an advertising medium is ______.

the superior reproduction quality of ads

Which of the following is an advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium?
Multiple choice question.

They allow advertisers to be creative and enhance the appeal of an ad.

Aisha is reading a fashion magazine. She comes across an ad that includes a small sample of facial moisturizer. This is an example of a(n) ______.


Identify an accurate statement about gatefolds.

They are sold at a premium price.

In magazine advertising, ______ allow advertisers to buy page units in particular combinations to increase the impact of their media budget.

creative space buys

In a magazine, a(n) ______ enables an advertisement to extend all the way to the end of a page, with no margin of white space around the ad.

bleed page

Return cards, recipe booklets, coupons, records, and product samples are examples of ______ used in magazine advertising.


Using magazines as an advertising medium is advantageous for marketers because ______.

readers can refer to the ads multiple times

From a marketer's perspective, an advantage of advertising in magazines with a favorable image is that such magazines ______.

create a positive image of the advertised products and services

A characteristic of creative space buys in magazines is that they ______.

offer advertisers flexibility in promoting their products

Identify the advantages of magazine advertising. (Check all that apply.)

Readers can control the rate and duration of their exposure to magazine advertisements.

Consumer receptivity is higher in magazine advertising compared with broadcasting media.

Identify a service provided by magazines in which two or more versions of an advertisement are printed in alternate copies of a particular issue of a magazine.

Split runs

One of the primary advantages of using magazines as an advertising medium is ______.
Multiple choice question.

the superior reproduction quality of ads

An advantage of magazine advertising is that magazines ______.

have a longer life span compared with newspapers

Identify an accurate statement about the costs of advertising in magazines.

The size of the target audience and the selectivity of the magazines influence the costs.

True or false: Readers' perceptions of a magazine are unlikely to be influenced by the type of ads that appear in that magazine.


Which of the following statements about the reach and frequency of magazines are correct?

Magazines are published infrequently, which limits their advertising power.

Even popular magazines have low penetration of households compared to other media.

Identify the type of advertising media that consumers find least intrusive or disruptive.


Which of the following requires the most lead time for advertisers?


An advantage of magazine advertising is the ______.

additional services offered to advertisers

Typically, the clutter problem in magazine advertising increases when a magazine ______.

becomes more successful

True or false: Advertisers must consider both the absolute cost and the relative cost of space in a magazine.


Identify a true statement about publications that base their rates on guaranteed circulation.
Multiple choice question.

Advertisers receive refunds from publications if the circulation falls below the guarantee.

In the context of magazine advertising, which of the following approaches used by advertisers is an inefficient way to build frequency and broaden reach?

Using multiple ads in the same issue of a publication

A disadvantage of magazine advertising is that ______.

advertisers must purchase space and prepare the ad well in advance of the actual publication date

Why is information about the percentage of paid magazine issues of particular interest to advertisers?

They believe that people who pay for a magazine are more likely to read it.

Goran is reading a home and garden magazine. As he flips through the pages he notices that nearly half of the pages are ads. This is an example of ______.


______ is the basis for a magazine's rate structure and is defined as the number of copies distributed to original subscribers or store purchasers.

Primary circulation

When a subscriber or purchaser gives a magazine to another person or when a publication is read in doctors' waiting rooms or on airplanes, _____ readership occurs.


Typically, advertisers place greater value on the _____ reader.

primary in-home

Circulation verification services audit most major publications. For auditing purposes, a publisher sends copies of his or her magazine to individuals that the publisher believes can influence the company's purchases. This type of circulation is known as _____ circulation.


Identify the factors that influence the advertising rates of a magazine. (Check all that apply.)

The number and frequency of insertions

The size of the ad to be published

The selected edition of the magazine

The position of the ad in the magazine

With the help of _____, an advertiser can buy space in a group of publications as a package deal.

magazine networks

How can publishers make advertising in their magazines more appealing to marketers? (Check all that apply.)

By making their publications available online

By managing their circulation bases effectively

By creating better editorial content

A pass-along reader _____ than a primary in-home reader.

typically spends less time with a magazine

Identify the form of advertising media that accounted for about 8 percent of total advertising spending in the United States in 2018.


Assume that a magazine has an average circulation of 5 million and about 25 million total readership. Determine the number of readers per copy.


Morning and evening publications are a classification of ______.

daily newspapers

Which of the following is a trait of magazine networks?

The network magazines usually share similar target readership.

In order to attract more advertisers, magazine publishers should _____.

offer cross-magazine and media deals to advertisers

Newspapers are a form of ______ media.

digital & print

Which of the following forms of print media are published each weekday and deliver detailed coverage of news, events, and issues about the local area as well as national and world news, business news, sports, and other relevant information and entertainment?

Daily newspapers

Identify the print media originating in small towns or suburbs that delivers news, sports, and events relevant to the local area and usually disregards national and world news, sports, and financial and business news.

Weekly newspapers

Identify the publication that is delivered daily and whose editorial content has nationwide appeal.

A national newspaper

Identify an example of special-audience newspapers.

Newspapers that target health care professionals

Why do weekly newspapers appeal mainly to local advertisers? (Check all that apply.)

Because of their geographic selectivity

Because of their low absolute cost

National newspapers appeal primarily to which type of advertiser? (Check all that apply.)

Regional advertisers

Large national advertisers

Identify an accurate statement about newspaper supplements.

They are carried by a parent newspaper.

Newspapers that publish distinctive editorial content for particular groups, including labor unions, professional organizations, and industries, are known as ______ newspapers.


Identify the category of newspaper advertising that is found throughout a newspaper and uses illustrations, headlines, white space, and other visual devices in addition to the copy text.

Display advertising

______ includes ads that use small text and are arranged under subheads based on the product, service, or offering that is being advertised.

Classified advertising

Which of the following statements about newspaper supplements is true?

They carry both national and regional advertising.

They usually feature in Sunday editions.

An example of special advertisements in newspapers includes ads for ______.
Multiple choice question.

government reports

Advertisements that are published by an advertiser and then delivered with a newspaper are known as ______.

preprinted inserts

An example of classified advertising includes ads for ______.


Identify an advantage of using newspapers as an advertising medium.

They offer a high level of reach and frequency in a particular market.

A barista from Grind It Out, a local coffee shop, just won the national barista competition. Grind It Out wants to include this information in an ad. Which of the following would be the best option if Grind It Out wants the ad to go out as quickly as possible?

Daily newspaper

Newspaper ads that provide a variety of government and financial reports and notices and public notices in business and personal relationships are a part of ______.

special advertisements

A benefit of using newspapers as an advertising medium is that ______.

they can run ads in various sizes, shapes, and formats

From an advertiser's perspective, an advantage of newspapers is their ______.

high market coverage

Typically, newspapers are valued by advertisers because they ______.

have short closing dates

An example of special advertisements in newspapers includes ads for ______.

government reports

After direct mail, ______ advertising offers the most geographic selectivity.


What is an advantage of newspaper advertising?

It offers an advertiser creative flexibility.

A feature of newspaper advertising is that it ______.

is an important source of information for consumers

Identify an advantage of newspaper advertising.

It can concentrate on consumers in specific geographic areas.

Which of the following is an advantage of using newspaper advertising?

Newspapers can offer special services to advertisers.

Identify an accurate statement about newspapers as an advertising medium.

Readers have a high level of acceptance and involvement with newspaper ads.

An advertiser cannot depend on newspapers as an advertising medium if ______.

the advertised product has to be visually appealing

A characteristic of newspapers as an advertising medium is that ______.

newspaper ads are unlikely to have impact beyond the day of publication

A limitation of newspaper advertising is that it cannot ______.

target customers based on their lifestyle characteristics

Which of the following are special services newspapers may offer to advertisers? (Check all that apply.)

Information about the local market
Art services to help create ads

From an advertiser's perspective, what is a limitation of newspaper advertising?

Numerous ads must compete with each other for consumers' attention and interest.

A disadvantage of using newspapers as an advertising medium is ______.

the poor reproduction quality of ads

Typically, newspapers as an advertising medium have ______.

a short life span

Identify a drawback of using newspapers as an advertising medium.

Advertisers cannot achieve demographic selectivity.

A limitation of using newspapers as an advertising medium is ______.

the problem of advertising clutter

Media planners can use circulation figures to assess a newspaper's value, selectivity, and market coverage.


How can newspaper publishers maintain their strong position as a dominant local advertising medium? (Check all that apply.)

By developing strong relationships with their advertisers

By retaining existing subscribers rather than acquiring new ones

By redesigning newspapers to make them easier and faster to read

Advertising revenue in the newspaper industry has ______ over the past decade.


Which of the following are reasons newspaper readership has declined?

People don't have time to read newspapers.

Many now get their news from online resources.

General advertising rates would apply to ______.

major automotive manufacturers

Online versions of newspapers are the preferred mode of reading for ______.

younger consumers

______ indicates that a newspaper can place an advertisement on any page or in any position it desires.

Run of paper

Newspapers generate most of their advertising revenue from ______.

local advertisers

Which of the following statements about competition the newspaper industry faces from other media for advertising revenue is true?

Newspapers face competition from traditional and digital media.

For newspaper advertisers, the most important market segment is ______.


To increase readership, newspaper publishers should ______.

offer online versions of their publications

The primary objective of support media is to ______.

reinforce an advertising message

Identify an alternate name for support media.

Nontraditional media

Identify an example of out-of-home media from the following.


An advantage of out-of-home (outdoor) advertising through digital media is that it ______.

allows advertisers to change their messages frequently

Identify an example of a nontraditional support media.

Ads on manhole covers

Identify the other terms used to refer to support media. (Check all that apply.)


Identify an example of transit media categorized under out-of-home media.

Taxi displays

Identify an example of a medium used in aerial advertising.


A bike manufacturing company has started an ad campaign using billboards to display its ads on major state highways. In this scenario, the company is using ______ to market its products.

out-of-home media

An outdoor medium that involves displaying ads on vehicles is known as a(n) ______.

mobile billboard

Which of the following statements about out-of-home (outdoor) advertising is correct?

It can make use of digital messages.

In the context of traditional support media, identify an example of in-store media from the following.

Aisle displays in supermarkets

A characteristic of digital out-of-home media is that it ______.

is very creative

A common form of transit advertising is advertising associated with ______.


A manufacturer of sports shoes using a blimp over beaches and sports arenas to promote its products is an example of ______.

aerial advertising

Identify a location where advertisers use inside cards to promote their products.

The luggage area in a subway car

Vans, with ads painted on them, that drive around the target market areas are examples of ______.
Multiple choice question.

mobile billboards

Identify a form of transit advertising that includes ads displayed on the roof of a bus.

Outside poster

Which of the following is an example of in-store media?

Aisle displays

Marketers of a popular watch brand have started an advertising campaign that displays ads in subway platforms, airport terminals, and bus shelters. This form of transit advertising uses ______.

terminal posters

A fast food chain has started a marketing campaign that involves displaying posters in subways of major cities. This is an example of ______.

transit advertising

Identify advantages of outdoor advertising. (Check all that apply.)

It enhances creativity and cost-efficiency.

It can lead to a high level of awareness.

It offers wide coverage of local markets.

It achieves geographic flexibility.

Identify a disadvantage of outdoor advertising.

It can have high absolute and relative costs.

In Los Angeles, a public service message about the importance of recycling is being displayed above the seats of public buses. This form of ad placement is an example of a(n) ______.

inside card

Identify a location where advertisers use outside posters to promote their products.

The back of a bus

What are the advantages of transit advertising? (Check all that apply.)

It increases the potential number of people exposed to an ad.

It has a low cost per thousand on a relative basis.

It results in a high frequency of exposure.

Identify a location where advertisers use terminal posters to promote their products.

A subway platform

Identify a disadvantage of transit advertising.

It is ineffective in reaching a mass audience.

An advantage of outdoor advertising is that it ______.

allows advertisers to change digital messages based on local market conditions

Which of the following are disadvantages of outdoor advertising? (Check all that apply.)

It cannot accurately measure the reach and frequency of an ad.

It results in overexposure to an ad message.

It can only display short messages due to short exposure time.

Identify a form of transit advertising that refers to ads displayed in commuter trains and subways.

Inside cards

Identify an advantage of transit advertising.

It increases the length of exposure to an ad.

True or false: The effectiveness of transit advertising is not influenced by the mood of the audience.


Which of the following statements are correct about OOH Ratings, the measurement system introduced by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA)? (Check all that apply.)

Its data includes eye tracking.

It uses a "likely to see" metric in place of the traditional measure of "opportunity to see."

It can provide demographic data about consumers.

An advertising medium that uses items such as ad specialties, premiums, business gifts, awards, prizes, or commemoratives to attract consumers is known as ______.

promotional products marketing

What are the advantages of promotional products marketing? (Check all that apply.)

It increases the frequency of exposure and has low relative cost per exposure.

It generates goodwill in the receiver, which leads to high recall of the advertiser.

It offers a high degree of flexibility and selectivity.

Identify a disadvantage of promotional products marketing.

Use of this medium by multiple advertisers can reduce the impact of a message.

Identify an item used for specialty advertising.

Coffee mugs

The Promotional Products Association International is the trade organization of ______.

specialty advertising

Identify an advantage of promotional products marketing.

It results in a low level of waste coverage.

What are the disadvantages of promotional products marketing? (Check all that apply).

This medium requires a longer lead time than most other media.

Television advertising has a greater reach compared to this medium.

Increased usage of this medium in the marketplace can reduce the value of the specialty item.

The company can develop a poor image in the market by a poorly designed advertising form.

True or false: Specialty advertising does not have an established ongoing audience measurement system?


Which of the following statements is correct about advertising in movie theaters?

Movie theater ads include commercials shown before the movie and ads in theater lobbies.

Identify an advantage of movie theater advertising.

It allows advertisers to reach specific target groups.

Identify a disadvantage of movie theater advertising.

Cinema ads may create a high degree of annoyance.

Which of the following elements are used for movie theater advertising of products and services? (Check all that apply.)

Drink-cup ads

The primary goal of branded entertainment is to ______.

direct consumers' attention to products

An advantage of movie theater advertising is that it ______. (Check all that apply.)

has low absolute and relative costs per exposure

offers demographic selectivity

does not face the problem of advertising clutter

provides a broad base of exposure

Consumers are less likely to have the same negative reactions to product placements as they may to commercials because product placements ______.

are not very intrusive

What are the disadvantages of movie theater advertising? (Check all that apply.)

It may lead to increased irritation and dissatisfaction among consumers.

It tends to have higher cost per thousand compared with other media.

A form of product placement where a product is woven throughout a program or becomes the program itself is known as ______.

product integration

A form of advertising that blends marketing and entertainment through television, film, music talent, and technology is known as ______.

branded entertainment

A form of advertising in which marketers create a video and/or music content in an attempt to entertain viewers while advertising their products is known as ______.


Cafe Refrez, a coffee shop, has signed an agreement with a popular TV show to feature its beverages in various episodes. This is an example of ______.

product placement

A form of branded entertainment in which advertisers design online games to promote their products is known as a(n) ______.


Rezzen Inc., a car manufacturer, has signed a contract with a film production company to feature its car as an integral part of a film script. The film's plot will revolve around the car getting stolen. Which of the following forms of support media is the company using?

Product integration

A form of branded entertainment in which advertisers do not develop their own material but fund specific programs and receive product placements and promotions in return is known as ______.

content sponsorship

Ricom Motors, a car manufacturing company, has created a short feature film on the future of automotive technology. It plans to distribute the film to cable operators for free. The film will be released through cable TV networks. In this scenario, the company is using ______ to promote its brand name.

video on demand

A fast food chain has developed an ad campaign in which it has produced a series of ad film episodes that will be shown on the Internet. The chain is using ______ to market itself.


Which of the following are the advantages of branded entertainment? (Check all that apply.)

Product placement gives exposure to products under advertising restrictions.

Consumer recall for product placements is higher than for TV commercials.

Product placement can target consumers with a strong interest in a particular subject matter.

What are the disadvantages of branded entertainment? (Check all that apply.)

It has increased competition among advertisers to get their products placed.

It can result in negative placements.

It can have very high absolute costs.

It does not give advertisers control over how the product is portrayed.

Muzzen, a cell phone manufacturer, has developed an online game to exhibit the handling of its new phone model. In this scenario, the company is using a(n) ______ to promote its products.


Sierra Inc., a manufacturer of sports goods, is funding an intercity baseball tournament and receiving product placements in return. The company is using ______ to market its products.

content sponsorship

Identify an example of guerrilla marketing.

A footwear brand placing a giant shoe model in the middle of a busy street

A specialized content program offered through cable TV networks that is developed by an advertiser and provided to the cable operators for free is known as ______.

video on demand

Identify an example of parking lot ads used to promote products.

A fast food chain displaying ads in parking spaces of malls

Identify advantages of branded entertainment. (Check all that apply.)

It increases the potential exposure of a product.

It generally has a low cost per thousand.

It can support other promotional media.

It increases the chances of repeat exposures.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of branded entertainment?

It lacks potential for discussing product benefits.

True or false: Product placements on network television are tracked by Nielsen Media Research.


Lattice Inc., a tire manufacturing company, has organized a flash mob in a busy train station to promote its products. In this scenario, the company is using ______.

guerrilla marketing

A coffeehouse chain has started an ad campaign at gas stations to promote its new range of beverages. It plans to attract consumers by displaying ads on screens that appear on gas pumps. The chain is using ______ ads to market itself.

gas station pump

Tango, a soda manufacturer, has started an ad campaign that involves displaying posters and signs of its products on the walls of indoor parking garages. The company is using ______ to promote its products.

parking lot ads

Identify an example of place-based media from the following.

A skin clinic offering hygiene and beauty tips on a TV monitor

Identify an example of gas station pump advertising.

A car manufacturer advertising on screens that appear at the local Exxon station

Identify an advantage of miscellaneous alternative media.

They can create awareness and gain consumers' attention.

Identify the disadvantages of miscellaneous alternative media. (Check all that apply.)

They increase the chances of wearout.

They can have a negative impact on an advertiser's image.

Triton Motors, a car manufacturer, has a "Triton TV Channel" in its dealership stores across the country. The channel advertises products and services offered by the company. In this scenario, the company is using ______ to market itself.

place-based media

An advantage of miscellaneous alternative media is that they ______. (Check all that apply.)

can target specific interest groups

generally do not have very high absolute or relative costs

can attract significant customer attention

True or false: Advertising placed in the wrong medium can result in irritation or negative attitudes toward an advertiser.




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What are three types of newspaper classified advertising?

There are three types of newspaper advertisements, Text Classified Ad, Classified Display Ad and Display Ad.

Which of the following is an advantage of using newspapers as an advertising media?

Newspaper advertising typically costs less per thousand readers than television, radio, and direct mail advertising. In addition, newspaper staff members will work directly with advertisers to create ads at no additional costs.

Why are newspapers such an important tool for advertisers?

Why are newspapers such an important tool for advertisers? Newspapers provide advertisers with a large number of readers with high disposable income in a localized setting.

For which type of advertising are newspapers most likely to be a suitable choice?

For an advertiser who wants to target specific audiences in terms of economic, social, and demographic segments, newspapers would be a suitable advertising medium.