What benefits arise for a salesperson who effectively uses response checks and check-back questions?

Professional Selling Chapter 7 Due as individual assignment on April 4 (printed and stapled) Sales Dialogue: Creating and Communicating Value 1. What are the key characteristics of effective sales dialogue? Plan and practice sales dialogue Encourage buyer feedback Create value for the buyer Communicate value gain Engage and involve the buyer Support customer value through objective claims 2. What are the advantages of using response-checks during a sales dialogue? Check-backs and response-checks are used in sales dialogue to promote buyer interaction with the seller.

Sellers use check-backs to encourage customer feedback. Sales people can use responses to understand which benefits the consumer confirms. The type of feedback a buyer gives may allow the seller to determine the level of interest the customer has in the product or services. When a buyer objects the seller, the feedback that the seller initiates afterwards, allows him or her to evaluate how well the situation was handled. An example of a response check could be “Does that answer your concern” or “So is this something that would be valuable to you? ”. 3. What is the relationship between confirmed benefits and customer value?

Confirmed benefits are the attributes of a product that a buyer recognizes. The more benefits that a consumer confirms, the more a customer may value what an organization has to offer. To create customer value the salesperson must try to communicate how the buyer’s needs will be met or what opportunities may arise from making a purchase decision. The buyer must understand how features convert to benefits. Not all features have benefits for the buyer and not all features are necessary for a buyer. Features that are confirmed benefits may have more than one benefit for the consumer. 4.

How can salespeople make sales dialogue interesting and understandable to buyers? Verbal support and sales aids can make a sales presentation interesting and understandable to the buyer. Sales aids may be printed materials, electronic materials, and product demonstrations. Verbal support includes the characteristics of one’s voice, examples, anecdotes, comparisons and analogies. An anecdote is a short story about a real situation. An analogy compares two product’s similar features and emphasizes how the product being sold has additional beneficial features. Two cars may be the same, but one dealership may sell the car for less money. . What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of sales aids? Sales aids can capture the buyer’s attention, persuade, increase buyer involvement, clarify, provide proof, and enhance the professional image of the salesperson and organization. The buyer may not see value in a product until a sales aid is used. Visuals may generate more interest in the solution being presented. When using a demonstration the buyer may experiences and see how the product or service is beneficial. A disadvantage of sales aids is that they can easily become a distraction.

If an aid is not taking away soon enough, the consumer may focus on the aid rather than what the seller has to say. Sales aids need to be efficient enough so that they support the salesperson but does not take away from the message being conveyed. 6. How can electronic materials be used as sales aids? Electronic materials that can be used as sales aids include slides, videos and multimedia presentations. A buyer can create power point presentations that include visuals, sounds and images that can enhance the consumers understanding of what the organization has to offer.

Applications like iMovie allow the seller to create visuals that look professional and impressive. Many electronic materials make aids seem more professional and increases the credibility the target market sees in product. 7. What are the four stages of the SPES Sequence for using sales aids effectively? State the selling point and introduce the sales aid Present the Sales aid Explain the sales aid Summarize 8. How can testimonials be used to support product claims? Testimonials are the statements that a satisfied buyer makes about an organization’s product or service.

An example of a testimonial may be a review on a website that encourages other consumers to buy a product. A purchaser is more likely to believe the value of a product with the backup of a testimonial. Buyers perceive purchases as less risky when they are presented with relevant and trustworthy testimonials. Testimonials allow the customer to feel trust and acceptance of the claims that a salesperson makes. 9. What are the key challenges of selling to groups versus individuals? When selling to a group, sales groups must prepare themselves for though questions.

The process of selling to a group is common in business to business marketing. It is often much more efficient to sell to individual prior to a group presentation. It is much easier to address the questions of an individual and answer in terms to the individuals opinions. In group presentations there is the influence of every group member. It is difficult to maintain eye contact with each group member throughout a sales presentation. The seller must avoid taking sides and ask for opinions and responses from each group member. 10. How should salespeople handle questions during a group dialogue?

During a group dialogue the seller must maintain eye contact throughout the presentation and to each individual present. When an individual asks questions the presenter must have eye contact with that person. If the seller fails to make eye contact the group may question the seller’s genuineness. Salespeople should restate questions to make sure that there is a clear understanding of what is being asked; in turn the seller can answer questions to his or her best ability. When making a sale a person must answer questions clearly and convincingly.

What are the advantages of using response checks during a sales dialogue?

Response Checks are an integral part of solution selling that encourage customer participation and provide valuable insight for the sales professional regarding potential objections as well as the customer's overall acceptance and understanding of the solution being presented.

Why is it important for a salesperson to establish expectations with a new customer?

Increase brand loyalty: Exceeding your customers' expectations can inspire them to make future purchases from your brand. Influence product sales: Customers who have high expectations about your products or services may choose to shop with your brand, helping you increase profits and meet sales goals.

Why is it important for a salesperson to ask a buyer what he or she wants the salesperson to do when resolving the complaint?

so that they can easily react to what the buyer is saying, if they anticipate the objection, they can have a preformulated response in their head. it is the salesperson's job is to uncover objections and answer them to a customer's satisfaction.

What are confirmed Benefits What is the relationship between confirmed benefits and customer value?

What is the relationship between confirmed benefits and customer value? - When the buyer confirms benefits that you have outlined about your product it shows that the customer values your product and is interested in certain aspects of it.