What body of law requires organizations to provide employees with nonhazardous working conditions?

Which of the following is NOT one of the soft skills employers often find lacking in many Millennial applicants? Choices: professional appearance, familiarity with social media, manners, punctuality, ability to communicate

familiarity with social media

________ capital is the economic or productive potential of employee knowledge and actions.


A specialist at UPS who rides with couriers to learn about delivery time measurements and potential service problems is conducting a job


Michele had been working as an executive assistant to the president for nearly 25 years, so when she retired, no one had a good idea of all that her job entailed. Before Michele retired, Sharon sat with her for two weeks to observe her duties and ask her to explain all the functions she performs as executive assistant to the president. Sharon was performing a(n)

job analysis.

In considering the staffing an organization might need in the future, human resource managers should

understand the organization's vision and strategy in order to hire personnel to support them.

A(n) ___________ is a report listing your organization's employees by name, education, training, languages, and other important information.

human resource inventory

To ________, Ricco, an HR manager, used reports from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau for information about his industry's labor pool in his geographic area.

recruit from outside the organization

______ occurs when people are hired or promoted, or denied hiring or promotion, for reasons not relevant to the job.


After being referred by a friend, Hasina attended a job interview. She didn't feel it went well, but she was surprised when her friend told her the boss didn't like that Hasina had worn her hijab, a traditional headscarf worn by Muslim women. The boss told a coworker after the interview, "Our customers prefer working with Christians." Hasina is a victim of


If a firm gives all international assignments to people without disabilities, assuming they will therefore not require special accommodations, which type of workplace discrimination has occurred?

disparate treatment

Compared to internal recruiting, which of the following is true of external recruiting?

The process is more expensive and takes longer.

Which of the following statements about background information is FALSE?

Applicants with weak credit scores are more likely to be unqualified and dishonest employees.

Which of the following is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews?

After the interview, write a short report with a quantitative score of the candidate's qualifications.

Which of the following is NOT one of the five steps in the training process?


Which of the following training and development methods is most appropriate when people just need to learn facts such as work rules or legal matters?

videotapes, workbooks, and lectures

Performance appraisal consists of

assessing performance and providing feedback.

MBO is consistent with a(n) ______ performance appraisal.


A feedback technique in which an employee is appraised by her boss, peers, subordinates, and possibly clients is called a __________ appraisal.


The point of the performance appraisal is to

stimulate better job performance.

Which of the following is NOT a type of compensation? Choices: wages, salaries, incentives, benefits, promotions


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a successful incentive pay plan? Choices clear and realistic goals, regular communication with employees about the incentive plan, complex and comprehensive rules Correct, simplicity, consistency with the organization's existing goals

complex and comprehensive rules

Being dismissed "for cause" means that

an employee is being fired for poor job performance or unacceptable behaviors.

_______ are organizations of employees formed to protect and advance their members' interests by bargaining with management over job-related issues.

Labor unions

A binding decision may be sought from ________ if a grievance procedure is not sufficient to solve a labor-management dispute.

an arbitrator

Beginning with __________, a body of law has grown that requires organizations to provide employees with nonhazardous working conditions.

the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970

What is the process called that helps employees integrate and transition into their new job multiple choice training orientation mentoring onboarding coaching?

Onboarding is the process of helping new employees become engaged, productive, and successful members of your team. It includes all of the activities that occur to make them feel welcome and help them transition to their new jobs and work environments.

Is a law that requires an extension of health insurance benefits after termination quizlet?

The Equal Pay Act requires an extension of health insurance benefits after termination.

Which type of workplace discrimination occurs when an organization uses an employment practice?

There are two types of workplace discrimination, adverse impact and disparate treatment. Adverse impact occurs when an organization uses an employment practice or procedure that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class (such as Hispanics) over another group of people (such as non-Hispanic whites).

What is the benefit to managers of being evaluated by subordinates quizlet?

What is the benefit of a manager being evaluated by his or her subordinates? It will give you an unbiased opinion of your management style. It will let the subordinates know that you also are being evaluated. It can provide information for the subordinate's performance appraisals.


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