What can the skills developed by cybersecurity professionals be used for good or evil

Chapter 10: Will Your Future Be in Cybersecurity

This chapter covers the legal and ethical issues that arise when working in cybersecurity. It also discusses

educational and career paths for cybersecurity. There are educational paths towards certifications that

you may wish to pursue with the Cisco Networking Academy. Some of these certifications are

prerequisites to Specialization Certificates in many areas of networking, including cybersecurity.

The Networking Academy Talent Bridge page (netacad.com under Resources) provides good information

to help you write a great résumé and prepare for a job interview. It also contains listings for Cisco and

Cisco Partner jobs. Three external Internet job search engines are presented for you to explore.

Cybersecurity Legal and Ethical Issues, Education and Careers

Cybersecurity professionals must have the same skills as hackers, especially black hat hackers, in order to

protect against attacks. One difference between a hacker and a cybersecurity professional is that the

cybersecurity professional must work within legal boundaries.

Personal Legal Issues

You do not even have to be an employee to be subject to cybersecurity laws. In your private life, you may

have the opportunity and skills to hack another person9s computer or network. There is an old saying,

<Just because you can does not mean you should.= Keep this in mind. Most hackers leave tracks, whether

they know it or not, and these tracks can be followed back to the hacker.

Cybersecurity professionals develop many skills which can be used for good or evil. Those who use their

skills within the legal system, to protect infrastructure, networks, and privacy are always in high demand.

Corporate Legal Issues

Most countries have some cybersecurity laws in place. They may have to do with critical infrastructure,

networks, and corporate and individual privacy. Businesses are required to abide by these laws.

In some cases, if you break cybersecurity laws while doing your job, it is the company that may be

punished and you could lose your job. In other cases, you could be prosecuted, fined, and possibly


In general, if you are confused about whether an action or behavior might be illegal, assume that it is

illegal and do not do it. Your company may have a legal department or someone in the human resources

department who can answer your questions before you do something illegal.

International Law and Cybersecurity

The area of cybersecurity law is much newer than cybersecurity itself. As mentioned before, most

countries have some laws in place, and there will be more laws to come.

Ethical Issues in Cybersecurity

In addition to working within the confines of the law, cybersecurity professionals must also demonstrate

ethical behavior.

Personal Ethical Issues

What can the skills developed by cybersecurity professionals be used for?

As the name implies, cybersecurity is a technology-focused field: you will be likely be tasked with responsibilities such as troubleshooting, maintaining, and updating information security systems; implementing continuous network monitoring; and providing real-time security solutions.

What are the critical skills needed for cybersecurity professionals?

10 cybersecurity technical skills.
Scripting. Scripting is a type of coding in which you make a program do something. ... .
Controls and frameworks. ... .
Intrusion detection. ... .
Network security control. ... .
Operating systems. ... .
Incident response. ... .
Cloud. ... .

What are three important cyber skills?

Top 5 Cybersecurity Skills.
Networking and System Administration. ... .
Knowledge of Operating Systems and Virtual Machines. ... .
Network Security Control. ... .
Coding. ... .
Cloud Security. ... .
Blockchain Security. ... .
The Internet of Things (IoT) ... .
Artificial Intelligence (AI).

What are the top 3 personal attributes important to a cyber professional?

The traits you'll need to be successful in cyber security.
An eye for attention. ... .
Listening ability. ... .
A hunger to learn. ... .
Writing and speaking. ... .
Courtesy and professionalism. ... .
Ethical standards. ... .
Passion for the field..


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