What CR angulation should be used for an AP axial projection of the clavicle on an asthenic patient?


situation: a patient enters the ED with multiple injuries including a possible fracture of the left proximal humerus. Which positioning rotation should be performed to determine the extent of the humerus injury?

AP and horizontal beam transthoracic lateral shoulder


which AP projection of the shoulder and proximal humerus is created by placing the affected palm of the hand against the thigh?


how much CR angulation is recommended for an asthenic patient for an AP axial projection of the clavicle?


how much CR angulation should be used for a scapular Y projection?

no CR angulation should be used


a posterior dislocation of the shoulder occurs more frequently than an anterior dislocation.


where is the CR centered for a transthoracic lateral projection?


what is the name of the insertion point for the deltoid muscle located on the shaft of the humerus?


situation: a patient enters the ED with a possible bony defect or fracture of the midwing area of the scapula. the patient is able to stand . in addition to the routine AP scapula projection with arm abducted which of the following would best demonstrate the involved area?

have patient reach across the chest and grasp opposite shoulder for a lateral scapula projection


which projection of the shoulder requires that the patient be rotated 45 to 60 degrees toward the IR from a PA position?

lateral scapula projection


the anterior surface of the scapula is referred to as the


the arm should be abducted about 45 degrees for an AP scapula ?


which of the following arm positions demonstrates the lesser tubercle in profile medially?


a radiograph of an anterior oblique scapular Y position reveals that the scapula is slightly rotated(the vertebral and axillary borders are not superimposed). the axillary border of the scapula is determined to be more lateral compared with the vertebral border. which of the following modifications should be made for the repeat exposure?

increase rotation of thorax


which view and projection of the proximal humerus is represented in the figure?(picture)

external rotation,AP projection


which of the following structures is not part of the proximal humerus?


what is the name of the large fossa found within the anterior surface of the scapula?


part 5 refers to (picture)


which of the following projections should be performed using a breathing technique?


the recommend SID for AC joints is 72''(183 cm)


situation: a patient enters the ED with multiple injuries. the physician is concerned about a dislocation of the left proximal humerus. the patient is unable to stand. which of the following routines is advisable to best demonstrate this condition?

AP shoulder and recumbent AP scapular Y projection


part 7 refers to (picture)


a rodiograph of a transthoracic lateral projection reveals that it is difficult to visualize the proximal humerus due to ribs and lung markings. the following exposure factors were used: 75 kv, 30 mAs,40-inch sid,grid,suspended respiration. which of the following changes will improve the quality of the image?

use a breathing technique


shoulder radiography produces significant dose to the breast and thyroid gland.


which term describes the medial end of the clavicle?


situation: a patient comes to the ED with a possible right AC joint separation. right clavicle and AC joint exams are ordered. the clavicle is taken first, a small linear fracture of the midshaft of the clavicle is discovered. what should the technologist do?

consult with the ED physician before continuing with the AC joint study


situation: a patient enters the ED with a possible AC joint separation. the patient is paraplegic, therefore the study cant be done erect. which of the following routines would be performed to diagnose this condition?

non-weight nearing and weight-bearing type projections performed with the patient recumbent by pulling down on the shoulders


a radiograph of an AP clavicle reveals that the sternal extremity is partially collimated off. what should the technologist do?

repeat the AP projection and correct collimation


which rotation of the humerus will result in a lateral position of the proximal humerus?

internal rotation(epicondyles perpendicular to the image receptor)


a radiograph for an AP projection with external rotation of the proximal humerus reveals that the greater tubercle is profiled laterally. What should be changed to improve this image for a repeat exposure?

positioning is acceptable; dont repeat it.


where is the CR centered for an AC joint projection on a single 14' 17-inch (35' 43 cm) image receptor?

1 inch(2.5 cm) above the jugular notch


for a Grashey method projection of the shoulder, the CR is centered to the scapulohumeral joint?


part 10 refers to the axillary angle of the scapula(picture)


which of the following arm positions demonstrates the greater tubercle in profile medially?


part 4 refers to the greater tubercle (picture)


the female clavicle is usually shorter and less curved than that of the male.

What CR angulation should be used for an AP axial projection of the clavicle on an asthenic patient quizlet?

35. How much CR angulation is required for an asthenic patient for an AP axial projection of the clavicle? No CR angulation should be used for this projection.

How many degrees should the CR be angled for an AP axial projection of the clavicle of an average patient?

In order for this to be achieved on an AP axial clavicle projection, the central ray is angled 15- 30 degrees cephalic. This will allow the central ray to hit the clavicle which is more anterior and project it higher to superimpose over the first and second posterior ribs.

What type of CR angle is required for the AP axial projection?

Bontrager Ch 6 Self Test Questions.

What Cr angle is required for the AP axial projection Alexander method for AC joints?

In the Alexander method (AP axial projection), which is superior in delineating abnormalities of AC joint, the CR is directed to the coracoid process at a cephalic angle of 15°. This angulation projects the AC joint above the acromion.