What describes a structure in which governors share power with many other elected officials?

The framers of the U.S. Constitution had a shared goal: create a government with a set system of checks and balances. This way, no single political party, office, individual, or group could hold all the power at the federal, state, or local level. To ensure this balance, they created three separate branches of government:

  • Legislative – Creates laws
  • Executive – Implements and enforces laws
  • Judicial – Assesses and interprets laws

These three branches exist at every level of our country’s government — federal, state and local. Here’s a quick overview of how it works in Georgia’s state government.


The Georgia General Assembly is made up of the Georgia Senate and the Georgia House of Representatives. It is in charge of creating, debating and determining the laws that guide our state. The Georgia General Assembly also has the power to:

  • Determine the state’s operating budget.
  • Consider proposed amendments to the Georgia Constitution. If both chambers pass  a proposal with two-thirds of members giving it a “yea” (yes) vote, the question will be put to Georgia voters in an upcoming election.
  • Establish legislative districts. Every 10 years, the General Assembly uses population data from the U.S. Census to draw district boundaries for the state House, state Senate, and U.S. House.

At the local level, legislative decisions are handled by your city council, county board of commissioners, board of supervisors, and board of trustees.

To learn more about the Legislative Branch, read Article 3 of the State of Georgia Constitution.


Georgia’s main executive official and head of state is the governor. Elected to a 4-year term by Georgia voters, the governor isn’t allowed to hold office more than 2 consecutive terms. Along with overseeing the state budget and leading an executive branch of more than 100,000 employees, the governor is in charge of:

  • Enforcing laws and maintaining peace
  • Leading our state’s National Guard and police forces as commander in chief
  • Vetoing, approving, or taking no action on legislation passed by the Georgia General Assembly
  • Filling unexpected vacancies in the Senate, House of Representatives, and other public offices
  • Convening special sessions of the Georgia Assembly
  • Nominating officials to positions in state government (these must be approved by the Georgia General Assembly)

The other elected members of the executive branch include: 

  • Lieutenant governor 
  • Secretary of state 
  • Attorney general
  • State school superintendent
  • The commissioners of agriculture, insurance, and labor

This is only an overview of the different roles and services managed by the executive branch, which also includes various agencies, boards, and commissions.

To learn more about the Executive Branch, read Article 5 of the State of Georgia Constitution.


Georgia’s judicial branch interprets our state laws and administers justice through our legal system. Our judicial system has two appellate-level courts: the Supreme Court of Georgia and the Court of Appeals of Georgia. It also has five classes of trial-level courts: the superior, state, probate, juvenile, and magistrate courts.

Georgia’s Judicial System is overseen by the Judicial Council. Its job is to develop policies for administering and improving our state courts. The Council is staffed by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and is led by the chief justice (chairperson) and the presiding justice (vice chairperson) of our state’s Supreme Court. 

To learn more about the Executive Branch, read Article 6 of the State of Georgia Constitution.

What describes a structure in which governors share power with many other elected officials?

What describes a structure in which governors share power with many other elected officials?

Large-scale public works projects require federal and state governments to cooperate and compromise, especially when deciding who pays for what. The construction of the Interstate Highway System was a crowning achievement of this sometimes strained partnership.

Governors. Mayors. State Representatives. City Council members. Sheriffs.

Beneath the layer of the national government lies a complex web of state and local officials and institutions. The nation's founders concern over tyranny transcended their separation of power among the three branches of government. Power is also divided by level, with each layer performing its designated responsibility. States and communities would even have the freedom to design their own institutions and create their own offices. This creates a multitude of "laboratories" where government leaders at any level could see which systems were successful and which were problematic.

State Constitutions

What describes a structure in which governors share power with many other elected officials?

This well-built Governor looks like he could be a wrestler. Wait, he was a wrestler: Jesse Ventura of Minnesota broke onto the local and national political scene by becoming the first Reform Party candidate to win the governorship of a state.

The states had constitutions years before the United States Constitution was even written. Since the Declaration of Independence, states have written a total of about 150 constitutions, with several states writing new ones frequently. State constitutions tend to be quite a bit longer than the national one — an average of four times as long — so they also are more specific. As a result, they often are heavily amended and rather easily tossed out, at least in some states. State constitutions determine the structure, role, and financing of state and local levels of government.

State Officials

Each of the 50 states has its own array of public officials, with no two states being exactly alike. But all of them have Governors, legislatures, and courts:

  • Governors. In every state the Governor is chosen by popular vote, and most serve four-year terms. More than half of the states put limits on the number of times an individual may be elected called term limits. In most states, several other top officials are elected, including a Lieutenant Governor, a Secretary of State, and an Attorney General. In general, Governors have the authority to issue executive orders, prepare the state budget, make appointments, veto legislation, and to grant pardons to criminals. In states that tend to concentrate powers in the hands of a few, Governors have broader authority and more powers. In other states, power is spread out among many elected officials, or is strongly checked by the legislature.
  • State legislatures. Every state has a bicameral, or two house, legislature, except for Nebraska, which has a unicameral body. State legislatures vary in size from 20 to 400, and are not necessarily in proportion to the size of the state's population. For example, New Hampshire has 400 members in its lower house. All states have guidelines for age, residency, and compensation, and most legislatures meet in annual sessions. Just as in the national legislature, many state legislators serve for several terms, creating a large body of professional politicians in the United States.
  • State courts. Each state has its own court system, and most have a state Supreme Court. State judges have the final voice in the vast majority of cases in the United States since more come under state rather than federal jurisdiction. Most states have two types of courts — trial courts that handle issues from traffic fines to divorce settlements to murder, and appeals courts that hear cases appealed from lower courts.

What describes a structure in which governors share power with many other elected officials?

Types of Local Governments

Local governments are generally organized into four types:

    What describes a structure in which governors share power with many other elected officials?

    Governorship can often be an opportunity to pursue higher office; several state Governors have gone on to become President. Before he became one of the most notable chief executives of the century, Franklin Roosevelt served as Governor of New York.

  • Counties. Counties are usually the largest political subdivisions, and their primary function is to administer state laws within their borders. Among other duties, they keep the peace, maintain jails, collect taxes, build and repair roads and bridges, and record deeds, marriages, and deaths. Elected officials called Supervisors or Commissioners usually lead counties.
  • Townships. These units of government do not exist in about half the states, and they have different responsibilities in those that have them. A township may simply be another name for a town or city, or it may be a subdivision of a county.
  • Special Districts. These units of government have special functions. The best known example is the local school district, but other types are growing in numbers, especially in heavily populated areas where county and city governments may be overloaded with work.
  • Municipalities. City, town, or borough governments get their authority to rule only as it is granted by the state. Today about 80% of the American population lives in municipalities, and municipal governments affect the lives of many citizens. Municipalities may have elected mayors, or they may be managed by appointed city managers.

The organization of state and local governments varies widely across the United States. They have common specific features, but their organizations differ. Regardless of their design, state and local governments often have a far greater impact on people's lives than the federal government. Marriage, birth, and death certificates. School policies. Driving age and qualifications for licensure. Laws regarding theft, rape, and murder, as well as the primary responsibility of protecting citizens from criminals. These critical issues and many others are not decided by distant Washington authorities, but by state and local officials.

Which of the following best describes governors roles with respect to their political party in Texas during the one party era quizlet?

Which of the following best describes governors' role with respect to their political party in Texas? Governors can influence the choice of the party leadership, but do not control the party.

Which of the following is one of the governor's formal powers?

The ability to veto legislation is just one of the formal powers governors have at their disposal. Formal powers are powers the governor may exercise that are specifically outlined in state constitutions or state law.

When the governor appoints his or her political supporters to prominent positions it is called?

four-year term with no limit on terms served. When the governor appoints his or her political supporters to prominent positions, it is called ______. patronage.

When used by the governor Which of the following wields the most influence quizlet?

When used by the governor, which of the following wields the most influence? the chairs of two committees from each chamber. Which of the following assists the legislature in doing research and serves as a depository of records for the legislature? state supreme court.