What do the four groups of anoles (trunk-crown, twig, trunk-ground, and grass-bush) represent?

C.Because absolute measurements would be too largeD.Because body size is the same for allAnolislizards4.Species that belong to the same ectomorph group are similar in appearance and occupysimilar habitats. This suggests that species living in similar habitats evolved similar traits,which allow them to be successful in those habitats—in other words, the different traits areadaptations. Which of the following observations supports this conclusion?x

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5.Based on what Dr. Jonathan Losos said, why have different lizard species evolved to occupydifferent parts of the habitats?A.To minimize competition for food and other resources between different speciesB.To ensure that lizard species with different diets can surviveC.To make lizards able to evolve different traits and adaptationsD.To have similar types of lizards on all of the Caribbean islandsx

6.On Puerto Rico and Hispaniola, you find the same:x

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7.Based on what you have learned so far, what is the most likely explanation for why the sameectomorphs evolved on both Puerto Rico and Hispaniola?x

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Module 2: PhylogenyIn this experiment, you will be constructing phylogenetic trees based on the DNA sequencesfrom the species in Module 1: Ecomorphs. These organisms can be grouped both by body typesand ecological niches. The scientific question that is being explored here is whether similar bodytypes found on multiple islands evolved independently on each island or evolved once and thenspread to each of these various islands. After constructing the phylogenetic tree, you will answer

What are the four types of anoles?

The groups are referred to as ecological morphotypes, or ecomorphs. Table 1 lists the six anole ecomorphs found in the Caribbean islands and their body features. The film discusses only four ecomorphs: the crown-giant, trunk-ground, twig, and grass-bush anoles.

What are trunk crown anoles?

These are anoles which inhabit the uppermost reaches of the trunks of tall trees as well as the lower canopy; they are generally found several metres off the ground. Trunk-crown anole are usually predominantly green and have relatively large sub-digital toe-pads and short stout legs to aid in arboreal locomotion.

What are the physical characteristics of a grass

The groups are referred to as ecological morphotypes, or ecomorphs. For example, the grass-bush anoles live on grass and small bushes, and typically have long legs and strikingly long tails that help them balance on thin branches and blades of grass.

What are twig anoles?

The Puerto Rican Twig Anole or Dwarf Anole (Anolis occultus) is a species of small, arboreal anole endemic to Puerto Rico and primarily inhabiting the Cordillera Central from the Sierra de Cayey range in the Southeast to the central-western ranges of Maricao. A mostly grey to olive-brown bodied lizard, A.


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