What does E stand for in the soften model of nonverbal communication in presentations?

Which of the following is a guideline connected with the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication?
a) Use your facial expressions to connect with your audience and show enthusiasm for your topic.
b) Speak in a steady tone and avoid dramatic modulation of your voice as much as possible.
c) Lean back and lower your shoulders to convey self-confidence while presenting.
d) Avoid gesturing with your hands, arms, body, and head as it is distracting.
e) Go through your presentation quickly because most audiences have a short attention span.

a) Use your facial expressions to connect with your audience and show enthusiasm for your topic.

Which of the following should you do to quickly manage your nervousness before a presentation?
a) Take several deep breaths to quickly alleviate your anxiety.
b) Drink a lot of caffeinated beverages so you will feel energized.
c) Go for a strenuous physical workout right before the presentation.
d) Review your notes and avoid making eye contact with audience members.
e) Think of all the things that could go wrong in the presentation so you can prepare.

a) Take several deep breaths to quickly alleviate your anxiety.

Which of the following guidelines makes a presentation more effective?
a) starting your slides right away without preliminary remarks
b) standing still as you talk so as not to distract the audience
c) using the slides as the primary source of information
d) speaking to your audience not the screen
e) reading your slides rather than interpreting them

d) speaking to your audience not the screen

According to the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication, during a presentation you should
a) attempt to read your audience and get a sense for how much energy they have.
b) smile as much as possible to express your enthusiasm for your topic.
c) dress a little more casually than the audience is dressed.
d) put your hands on your hips and fold your arms to convey authority.
e) speak very slowly to show how well you know your topic and how much you prepared.

a) attempt to read your audience and get a sense for how much energy they have.

During Macie’s presentation, the manager of another department asked her for some statistics she did not have on hand. She promised to get it to him, looked up the statistics the next morning, and emailed them to him right away. Which aspects of credibility were enhanced by Macie’s action?
a) competence and caring
b) competence and character
c) caring and character
d) competence and compliance
e) caring and command

c) caring and character

When you lose your train of thought during a presentation, you should
a) read from your slides instead of trying to interpret them.
b) tell a few jokes to distract the audience.
c) pause until you regain your composure and your line of thinking.
d) start your presentation all over again.
e) announce a short break that will allow you to collect your thoughts.

c) pause until you regain your composure and your line of thinking.

Hector wants to practice a relaxation technique before his presentation. Which of the following options should he avoid using?
a) thinking about the things he wants to achieve
b) stretching
c) listening to his favorite music
d) meditating
e) counting backward from 100

a) thinking about the things he wants to achieve

Generally, formal business attire projects
a) competence.
b) approachability.
c) creativity.
d) trustworthiness.
e) friendliness.

a) competence.

Which of the following presenters interacts most effectively with the audience during a question-and-answer session?
a) Malik always provides elaborate answers to audience members’ questions.
b) Ricardo changes the subject if someone asks him a question he does not know.
c) Rebecca believes reframing questions to match her agenda is unethical.
d) Barry answers questions without taking the time to think about them.
e) Judith thanks each member of the audience who asks a question.

e) Judith thanks each member of the audience who asks a question.

Which of the following professionals is making effective use of slides during a presentation?
a) Martha starts her presentation with a slide of a chart rather than with opening remarks.
b) Juan displays a blank screen when he speaks for lengthy periods without referencing his slides.
c) Roger uses animated effects every time he switches from one slide to another to jazz up the presentation.
d) Amy stares at her slides and reads them word for word to the audience.
e) Colin stands in front of the slide projection and talks about the content.

b) Juan displays a blank screen when he speaks for lengthy periods without referencing his slides.

Which of the following should be avoided during most presentations?
a) turning off the lights
b) speaking before the slide show
c) interpreting the slides
d) using blank slides
e) standing to the side of the projection area

a) turning off the lights

What does low-level business casual dress project?
a) productivity and trustworthiness
b) authority and creativity
c) creativity and friendliness
d) productivity and friendliness
e) authority and competence

c) creativity and friendliness

Nathaniel recently joined Anderson Enterprises, a multinational firm. He is confused about what to wear for a business meeting where he will have to make a presentation to important clients. Which of the following should Nathaniel wear?
a) Nathaniel should wear a sports coat or blazer and khaki pants.
b) Nathaniel should wear tailored pants and a button-down, collared shirt without a tie.
c) Nathaniel should wear a conservative business suit with a dress shirt and a necktie.
d) Nathaniel should wear chinos with a button-down, collared shirt and no tie.
e) Nathaniel should wear a polo-type shirt with khakis and conservative footwear.

c) Nathaniel should wear a conservative business suit with a dress shirt and a necktie.

Which of the following is a guideline for fielding questions?
a) Never admit that you do not know the answer.
b) Defend your position no matter what the audience says.
c) Provide detailed, lengthy explanations.
d) Pause before answering a question.
e) Avoid reframing the question to match your agenda.

d) Pause before answering a question.

Which of the following should you do during a presentation?
a) Stand in front of the slide projection area so you can point to it.
b) Keep the previous visual on the screen when you speak for lengthy periods.
c) Interpret your slides rather than just reading them.
d) Avoid making a personal connection with your audience.
e) Stand still as you talk to avoid distracting the audience.

c) Interpret your slides rather than just reading them.

Presentations allow you to express your views in a(n) ______ environment.
a) networked
b) two-way
c) many-to-one
d) one-way
e) one-to-one

b) two-way

Which of the following techniques will help you make your presentation about people?
a) introducing colleagues and referring to them by name during your presentation
b) engaging in frequent name-dropping to show your network of contacts
c) reading from your slides and letting the audience interpret them as they like
d) using examples from your personal life rather than from business contexts
e) avoiding the use of charts and tables in your slides because numbers are impersonal

a) introducing colleagues and referring to them by name during your presentation

What does "F" stand for in the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication in presentations?
a) facing front
b) first point
c) forward lean
d) friendly smile
e) facial expression

c) forward lean

According to the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication, which of the following gestures conveys warmth to the audience?
a) lowering your shoulders
b) putting your hands on your hips
c) crossing your legs
d) folding your arms
e) keeping your arms to your sides

e) keeping your arms to your sides

Which of the following is an important principle for effectively interacting with the audience during presentations?
a) Give short responses as they are more effective.
b) Never admit that you do not know the answer.
c) Restrict the number of questions to a minimum.
d) Never pause before answering a question.
e) Reframe questions to match the audience’s agenda.

a) Give short responses as they are more effective.

What does the E stand for in the soften model?

E stands for Eye Contact.

What is the soften model of nonverbal communication in presentations?

What is the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication in presentations? SOFTEN model is a form of behavior used during presentations. The model means smile, open stance, forward lean, tone, eye contact, and nod. These nonverbal gestures can display confidence, strength and compassion.

Which statement about the soften model of nonverbal communication in presentations is true quizlet?

Which statement about the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication in presentations is true? keeping your arms to your sides or gesturing with palms up is more inviting to the audience.

Which guideline is recommended by the soften model of nonverbal communication quizlet?

Which of the following is a guideline connected with the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication? Use your facial expressions to connect with your audience and show enthusiasm for your topic.


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