What does this map reveal about the US military intervention in the Caribbean from 1898 to 1941 quizlet?

German-Americans bore the brunt of forced Americanization and nationalism during and after World War I. Which of the following best represent ways that Americans sought to enforce their culture on immigrants?

Iowa passed a law requiring all public conversations to be conducted in English.

Hamburgers became known as "liberty sandwiches."

The Committee on Public Information (CPI) was created by Woodrow Wilson as a propaganda agency to explain to the American public and the world "the cause that compelled America to take up arms in defense of its liberties and free institutions." Identify the statements that describe the CPI.

The CPI was formed to combat growing opposition to entering the war from the Socialist Party and labor unions.
The CPI distributed pamphlets, posters, newspapers, and motion pictures with its pro-war message.

British, American, French, and Japanese troops occupied Russian territory in 1918 in an attempt to reverse communist successes in the Russian civil war. Unable to form a coherent policy nor find a worthy anticommunist ally, the force had no lasting impact on the eventual outcome of the Russian Civil War and Lenin's victory.


The English editor W. T. Stead accurately predicted in 1902 that the United States would increasingly get involved in the affairs of other countries in order to strengthen its influence—both cultural and political—around the globe.


At Sarajevo in June of 1914, a(n) Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian empire. While relatively conservative, Ferdinand understood that Austro-Hungary could not survive without creating some sort of racial harmony throughout the empire. To Serbian nationalists, Ferdinand's conciliatory attitude undermined their desire to acquire Bosnia Herzegovina as part of their greater Serbia. Their action set into motion the chain of events that plunged Europe into World War I.


D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation chronicled the early days of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and had its premiere at Woodrow Wilson's White House in 1915. Identify the statements that describe the movie.

The movie glorified the Ku Klux Klan not as racist terrorists, but as heroes protecting virtuous white southerners from "uncivilized" blacks.

The movie depicted African-Americans as unworthy of participation in government and dangerous to white women.

Identify the accomplishments of the following African-Americans.

founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association, a movement for African independence and black self-reliance
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Marcus Garvey
wrote The Souls of Black Folk (1903) in which he explored the meaning of being black in America
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W. E. B. Du Bois
editor of the Boston Guardian and founder of the all-black National Equal Rights League
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William Monroe Trotter

Identify the symbolism and messages deployed by the CPI in the United States during World War I.

The Statue of Liberty became a symbol of the American war effort and the embodiment of freedom.

Buying Liberty bonds became a demonstration of patriotism.

The war, according to the CPI, was being fought in "the great cause of freedom."

Woodrow Wilson brought a missionary zeal and strong moral righteousness to the office of the presidency. Identify the statements that describe Wilson's foreign policy and actions.

Wilson established a military government in the Dominican Republic in 1916.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in June of 1914. After much hand-wringing and indecision on the proper response, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia in August of 1914. Europe was entangled in a series of complicated alliances that involved both Serbia and Austria. Serbia was allied with Russia, which was allied with France. While Britain was in agreement with, but not yet in a formal alliance with France, Austria and its ally Germany formed the Central Powers, and by the end of August 1914 all these nations were at war.


Progressive presidents were willing to project American power beyond the borders of the United States. Which of these regions experienced over twenty American interventions between 1901 and 1920?

The Caribbean

Identify the main objectives of these Allied leaders at the Paris peace conference.

primarily concerned with getting what was due to the British empire and ensuring Germany was morally held responsible for the war
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Prime Minister Lloyd George

wanted to approve his Fourteen Points plan in order to achieve a just peace and new world order
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President Woodrow Wilson

concerned with the interests of France, as the country had suffered the most damage and causalities out of all of the Allies
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Prime Minister George Clemenceau
did not attend due to conflicts in his home country
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Vladimir Lenin

Identify the statements that describe the construction of the Panama Canal.

Over 60,000 workers labored on the construction of the Panama Canal.

The best jobs were reserved for white Americans.

Which of these events moved President Wilson, and America, toward entering World War I?

the Zimmermann Telegram

the sinking of the RMS Lusitania

How did America's use of the Espionage and Sedition Acts infringe on the rights of the people?

Freedom of speech was temporarily suspended.

They began a witch hunt to find those who were "un-American."

American troops played a key role in the Battle of Berlin, cutting off German reinforcements from East Prussia.


Identify the statements that describe the "race problem" before and during World War I in the United States.

Most Progressives believed that democracy wouldn't survive in a country divided along racial lines.

Pseudo-science attempted to explain the dangers or virtues of different races and categorize them according to their relative worth.

American citizens felt that their entire culture and political system were under assault by waves of new immigrants.

To what outcomes did many Progressives hope American participation in World War I would lead?

realign American society's values around science, rather than religion

disseminate American Progressive values around the globe

instill a sense of national unity and self-sacrifice, and expand social justice

What does this map reveal about the U.S. military intervention in the Caribbean from 1898 to 1941?

In addition to military oversight, the United States also exerted its power by overseeing the financial dealings of countries in the Caribbean.

While the United States was active in the Caribbean Islands and Central America, it didn't interfere in the affairs of countries in South America.

The United States gained
control over territories in the Caribbean through leases, seizures, and purchases.

According to the Wilson Administration, America's war aims were so virtuous they should not be challenged. Identify the examples of "coercive patriotism" that took place during World War I.

Sympathy for the Russian Revolution was considered "un-American."
It was illegal in many states to possess a communist or anarchist flag.
Teachers were required to sign loyalty oaths and revise their curriculum to ensure they were patriotic.

Identify the statements that describe the Wilsonian ideal of "self-determination" and the influence it had on global affairs after World War I.

Britain and France did not embrace the concept, as it would mean relinquishing control of their occupied lands all over the world.

Japan proposed to include in the League of Nations charter a clause that recognized the equality of all people, regardless of race.

Citizens of Arabic countries asked Wilson to declare war in the name of democracy.

Identify the statements that describe the role of women in World War I.

The woman suffrage movement argued that if the war was about "freedom" abroad then it should also aim to expand "freedom" at home.

Many women did jobs previously reserved for men before the war.

The process of the United States entering World War I was drawn out. No single event caused the United States to intervene. Put the events in the order in which they occurred that led to the United States' participation in the war.

The RMS Lusitania, which was carrying a cache of arms, was sunk by German submarines.

Germany announced its intention to resume unrestricted submarine warfare against ships sailing to or from the British Isles.

The Zimmermann Telegram was intercepted. In it, Germany promised to help Mexico recover territory lost to the United States when it joined the war.

Wilson authored the Fourteen Points.

World War I led to the difficult question of balancing security with liberty. Wilson portrayed the war as a fight for liberty and for protecting our freedoms, yet it led to some of the worst examples of repression and violations of basic civil liberties in American history. Wilson was so sure of his own virtue and the virtue of his cause that he saw any questioning or disagreement as treason. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the violation of civil liberties during World War I.

For the first time since the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, the federal government enacted laws to restrict freedom of speech. The Espionage Act of 1917 prohibited not only spying and interfering with the draft but also "false statements" that might impede military success. That was followed in 1918 by the Sedition Act, which made it a crime to make spoken or printed statements that intended to cast "contempt, scorn, or disrepute" on the "form of government," or that advocated interference in the war effort.

1919 was a year of worldwide social and political upheaval. Identify the events that took place during this year that contributed to the historic changes taking place around the globe.

the Great Steel Strike

the Russian Revolution and civil war

Many politicians in Congress were willing to ratify the League of Nations treaty with some "reservations," but President Woodrow Wilson was unwilling to compromise. Why was he unwilling to compromise?

"hand of god" was reflected in the treaty

Identify the role the following individuals played in the Red Scare of 1919-1920.

attorney general who dispatched federal agents to raid leftist and labor organizations throughout the United States
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A. Mitchell Palmer

the director of the Justice Department who was in charge of the "Palmer Raids"
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J. Edgar Hoover

secretary of labor who forced the release of imprisoned immigrants bringing an end to the Red Scare
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Louis Post

President William Howard Taft was a strong proponent of using military intervention to achieve his foreign diplomacy goals.


World War I and the importance placed on nationalism in politics created a backlash against ethnic and racial differences in the United States. Identify the examples of "Americanization" that took place in the country.

Public schools paid special attention to the children of immigrants in attempt to teach them American values.

The Fourth of July was renamed Loyalty Day, and ethnic groups had to participate in patriotic pageants.

Employers regularly assessed how American their employees were and forced immigrants to enroll in English-language courses.

As president, Theodore Roosevelt was far more active in international diplomacy than any of his predecessors. Which of these international events were the results of Roosevelt's active foreign policy?

the Panama Canal Zone

peace settlement ending the Russo-Japanese War

During World War I, the U.S. government intervened in the economy to spur efficient war production and to maintain the flow of war materials to British and American troops in Europe.


leader of the nonviolent movement for the independence of India

Mohandas K. Ghandi

leader of Vietnamese nationalists opposed to French colonial rule

Nguyen That Thahn

organizer of a Pan-African Congress who proposed German African colonies be turned into an independent nation

W. E. B. Du Bois

What does Wilson think is the greatest threat to freedom in the world? Select the quotation from the excerpt where he describes this danger.

"The menace to peace and freedom lies in the existence of autocratic governments backed by organized force which is controlled wholly by their will, not by the will of their people.

What does this map reveal about the United States prior to Prohibition?

The majority of the Northeast was "wet" in 1915.

The majority of the South was "dry" in 1915.

Many states were a mix of both "dry" and "wet" counties.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the path to World War I.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in June of 1914. After much hand-wringing and indecision on the proper response, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia in August of 1914. Europe was entangled in a series of complicated alliances that involved both Serbia and Austria. Serbia was allied with Russia, which was allied with France. While Britain was in agreement with, but not yet in a formal alliance with France, Austria and its ally Germany formed the Central Powers, and by the end of August 1914 all these nations were at war.


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