What happened in South Vietnam by the end of 1975 following the Paris Peace Accords quizlet?

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(1960s - 1970s)

Terms in this set (18)

Which of the following did Nixon's policy of "Vietnamization" involve?
a. Increasing the number of young men being drafted.
b. Working toward the reunification of North and South Vietnam.
c. Establishing diplomatic and trade relations with North Vietnam.
d. Gradually reducing the number of American troops in Vietnam.
e. Launching a U.S. invasion of North Vietnam.

d. Gradually reducing the number of American troops in Vietnam.

Which of the following occurred at Columbia University in 1968?

a. The Yippies held their founding convention.
b. The presence of military recruiters sparked a riot.
c. Students volunteered for the war in record numbers.
d. Anti-war students disrupted a speech by President Johnson.
e. A student protest shut down the campus.

e. A student protest shut down the campus.

Latino civil rights leaders faced an awkward dilemma when it came to dealing with

a. The New Left's major influence upon young Mexicans, which they feared might negatively impact their movement's public image.
b. Divisions within their movement over whether to support the sexual revolution and women's rights or to stick with traditional values.
c. Relationships with African American civil rights leaders and the question of whether to forge cross-community partnerships.
d. Illegal immigration from Latin America, which they feared threatened their own economic advancement.
e. The discrimination shown to Latino men who were denied the ability to serve as soldiers during the Vietnam War.

d. Illegal immigration from Latin America, which they feared threatened their own economic advancement.

The energy crisis of the early 1970s increased support for

a. Environmentalism.
b. Consumption.
c. Suburbanization.
d. Docialism.
e. Travel and tourism.

a. Environmentalism.

What did the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) do to punish the United States for supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur War?

a. It expelled the United States from membership.
b. It cut off oil shipments to the United States.
c. It nationalized American oil companies in its countries.
d. It announced it would deal exclusively with the Soviet Union.
e. It flooded the market with cheap petroleum to drive American oil producers out of business.

b. It cut off oil shipments to the United States.

The hippie movement sought to

a. Lead white youth into a form of paramilitary organization similar in many ways to the Black Panthers.
b. Address income inequality through civil disobedience to laws that reinforced inequities in American society.
c. Destroy the existing capitalist system through the immediate construction of a socialist-anarchist state.
d. Transform American political life through a careful series of revolutionary legal reforms at the federal and state levels.
e. Achieve personal liberation by exceeding limits, embracing plain living, and rejecting the pursuit of wealth and careers.

e. Achieve personal liberation by exceeding limits, embracing plain living, and rejecting the pursuit of wealth and careers.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the period of the 1960s and early 1970s?

a. Because assassinations of major American figures remained unheard of, the sixties and early seventies were decades marked by a widespread sense of calm that made citizens feel secure taking drastic social action.
b. The fabric of American society was more unified than ever in the sixties and early seventies, as class distinctions largely disappeared and new technology stimulated the economy and brought many different groups together.
c. The violence of the fifties, such as race riots and cold war conflicts fought domestically, deterred any American activism on a significant scale and cultivated a wide sense of fear and social indifference across the various classes.
d. The forces that contributed to the complacent prosperity of the fifties had ironically contributed to the sense of upheaval and unprecedented counterculture that helped define the sixties and early seventies.
e. The presidency of Richard Nixon successfully restored the American public's faith in the integrity of its leaders, thereby ushering in a period of unprecedented productivity in the sixties and early seventies.

d. The forces that contributed to the complacent prosperity of the fifties had ironically contributed to the sense of upheaval and unprecedented counterculture that helped define the sixties and early seventies.

Which of the following did James (Jimmy) Carter Jr. represent?

a. The new moderate wing of the Republican party.
b. The new moderate wing of the Democratic party.
c. A group of long-established, well-known political candidates.
d. The new liberal wing of the Republican party.
e. The new liberal wing of the Democratic party.

b. The new moderate wing of the Democratic party.

Economists coined the term "stagflation" in the early 1970s to describe

a. High oil prices along with declining profits for the petroleum industry.
b. A simultaneously stagnant economy with inflationary prices.
c. Continuing declines in stock prices.
d. Continuing economic growth along with a growing budgetary deficit.
e. The return of economic conditions similar to the Depression.

b. A simultaneously stagnant economy with inflationary prices.

What was the significance of the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade?

a. The Court held that abortions were illegal on a national scale during the first three months of pregnancy.
b. The Court's decision called for gender to play an even greater role in all federal financial assistance programs.
c. The Court ruled that women have a "right to choose" whether to keep a pregnancy, as it would affect their health and well-being.
d. The Court successfully enacted the requirement of equal treatment for women throughout American society and politics.
e. The Court's decision would result in drastically fewer conservatives in the 1970s and an enduring liberal political climate.

c. The Court ruled that women have a "right to choose" whether to keep a pregnancy, as it would affect their health and well-being.

What was the event that helped trigger the gay rights movement of the 1970s?

a. The passage of hate-crimes legislation.
b. The labeling of HIV/AIDS as a "homosexual disease" by politicians.
c. The Stonewall riots.
d. Red Power protests.
e. The debate over the Equal Rights Amendment.

c. The Stonewall riots.

hich of the following statements accurately describes the youths of the counterculture?

a. They were strongly at odds with the approach taken by the Beats in the fifties.
b. They focused more on cultural and individual change than political activism.
c. They believed that electoral politics would solve society's problems.
d. They preferred urban surroundings to a rural life in contact with nature.
e. They came primarily from poor or working-class families.

b. They focused more on cultural and individual change than political activism.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the burglars arrested at the Watergate apartment complex?

a. They had connections to the CIA and the Nixon campaign, helping engage in partisan sabotage.
b. They were trying to obtain Republican campaign files to make a Democratic win more likely.
c. They had been sent there by the FBI to look into evidence of war crimes during the Vietnam War.
d. They were spying on the Nixon administration on behalf of the Soviet Union.
e. They were common thieves hoping to steal valued items that belonged to Nixon's family.

a. They had connections to the CIA and the Nixon campaign, helping engage in partisan sabotage.

Who were known as the "great silent majority"?

a. Upper-class Americans whose influence was growing weaker by the early 1970s.
b. The middle-class Americans whose votes had brought Richard Nixon to the presidency.
c. Americans who were against the Vietnam War, although uninvolved in open protest.
d. Americans who quietly approved of the social and cultural changes of the 1960s.
e. African American politicians who were being elected in greater numbers than ever before.

b. The middle-class Americans whose votes had brought Richard Nixon to the presidency.

Cesar Chavez became famous for his leadership in what organization?

a. The Weathermen.
b. The American Indian Movement.
c. The American Latino Alliance.
d. The Farmers' Alliance.
e. The United Farm Workers.

e. The United Farm Workers.

What had happened in South Vietnam by the end of 1975 following the Paris Peace Accords?

a. The South Vietnamese government invited North Vietnamese leaders to a summit, where they agreed to acknowledge Hanoi's authority in the South.
b. The United States reentered the Vietnam War once Gerald Ford had replaced Nixon as president because the situation in Southeast Asia was so dire.
c. North Vietnam signed a second treaty with South Vietnam, agreeing to withdraw its remaining troops after American forces left.
d. North Vietnamese troops gained the upper hand over South Vietnam, successfully invading and capturing Saigon.
e. The conflict resumed between South Vietnam and North Vietnam but with little consequence or outright warfare for many years.

d. North Vietnamese troops gained the upper hand over South Vietnam, successfully invading and capturing Saigon.

Who was Senator George McGovern of South Dakota?

a. Nixon's secretary of defense.
b. The Republican nominee for governor in South Dakota in 1972.
c. The Democratic nominee for president in 1972.
d. A famous commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam.
e. The first senator to resign from his or her position.

c. The Democratic nominee for president in 1972.

What was the significance of the birth-control pill in the 1960s?

a. The pill resulted in the dramatic decrease of sexually transmitted diseases among both men and women in the 1960s.
b. The availability of the pill played little role in American life because few college women of the period were sexually active.
c. Widespread access to the pill led to more open discussion of birth control, reproduction, and sexuality in general.
d. Although access to the pill was a goal of the feminist movement, it would not be available for several more decades.
e. The pill highlighted how the feminist movement was entirely separate from and only came after the so-called sexual revolution.

c. Widespread access to the pill led to more open discussion of birth control, reproduction, and sexuality in general.

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The Vietnam War ended in 1975, in which Ford evacuated nearly 500,000 Americans and South Vietnamese from Vietnam. He closed the war. Born in 1890. Communist leader of North Vietnam; he and his Viet Minh/Viet Cong allies fought French and American forces to a standstill in Vietnam, 1946-1973.

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Why did South Vietnam fall to the communists after the Paris Peace accords? North Vietnam refused to sign the treaty until U.S. troops left South Vietnam. Hanoi surrendered but an uprising in the south brought a communist government to power.

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The settlement included a cease-fire throughout Vietnam. It addition, the United States agreed to the withdrawal of all U.S. troops and advisors and the dismantling of all U.S. bases within 60 days. In return, the North Vietnamese agreed to release all U.S. and other prisoners of war.

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South Vietnam officially surrendered to communist North Vietnam on April 30, 1975. On July 2, 1976, Vietnam was reunited as a communist country, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

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