What is a collection of related web pages usually belonging to an organization or individual?

The knowledge and understanding of basic computer fundamentals

inexpensive personal computer

a programmable electronic device that accepts data input, performs processing operations on that data and outputs and stores results

the physical part of a computer system such as the keyboard, monitor, printer etc

the largest and most well known computer network linking millions of computers all over the world

a very small notebook computer

performing operations on data that has been input into a computer to convert input to output

the instructions, also called computer programs, that are used to tell a computer what it should do

the operation of saving data, programs or output for future use

the fastest most expensive and most powerful computer

Uniform Resource Locator
An internet address, usually beginning with //, that uniquely identifies a web page

A collection of related web pages usually belonging to an organization or individual

allows the use of computers in virtually any location and both online and offline content to be sent wirelessly from one device to another.

internet connections that allow people to connect to the www

allows only authorized individuals to enter office building, or access to the company network via access card or finger or hand scan

consumers access small self service computer based stations that provide information or other services to the public including those used for ATM transactions, bridal registries, ticketing systems

mini computers that allow consumers to pay for their goods without a sales clerk

the process of entering data into a computer, can also refer to the data itself

the process of presenting the results of processing, can also refer to the results themselves.

the transmission of data from one device to another

Data that has been processed into a meaningful form

the information processing cycle
The progression of input, processing, output and storage

Examples of early computers

Before 1946
slide rule, punch card tabulating machines

First Generation Computers

enormous computers utilizing vacuum tubes
Could only solve one problem at a time

Second Generation computers

used transistors (small devices made of semiconductor material that acts like a switch to open or close electronic circuits.
Programming languages were Fortran and cobol

Third Generation computers

1964 to 1970
transistor replaced by integrated circuits which incorporate many transistors and electronic circuits on a single tiny silicon chip

Fourth Generation computers

1971 to present
increase in amt of transistors on a single chip...leading to invention of microprocessor
IBM PC and Apple Macintosh computers

small device made of semiconductor material that acts like a switch to open or close electronic circuits

egs keyboard, mouse, microphone, digital pens, digital camera, touch pad and touch screens

CPU or central processing device

Central processing device
considered the brain of the computer
it performs the calculations and comparisons needed for processing and controls the computers operations.

accepts processed data from the computer and presents the results to the user
egs are monitors, printer, speaker, headphones data projectors

CD DVD drives, flash memory card readers are used to access data from storage media
hard drives and usb flaw drives includes both a storage device and storage medium in a single piece of hardware.
Used to save data, program settings,, or output for future use; they can be installed to a computer, attached tot he computer as an external drive or accessed remotely thru a network or wireless connection.

allow users to communicate electronically with others
hardware include modems, network adapters and routers

used to connect a computer to the internet

connects an computer to a computer network

used to create a small network so a variety of devices can share and internet connection and data

the programs that allow a computer to operate i.e. the instructions that are used to tell a computer what it should do

the main component of the system software that enables a computer to operate, manage its activities and resources under its control, run application programs and interface with the user.

the background work area displaced on the screen for computers running Microsoft Windows

programs that enable users to perform specific tasks on a computer such as writing letters or playing games

Hypertext Markup Language
computer language used for developing webpages

scripting languages are used to create interactive web pages

are computer professionals who write the programs for computer use.

computer users or end users

are the people who used computers to perform tasks or obtain information

are people who design computer systems to be used within their companies

Computer operations personel

are people who are responsible for day to day computer operations at a company such as maintaining systems or troubleshooting user related problems.

are people responsible for securing the company computers and networks against hackers and other intruders

tiny commuters embedded into products to perform specific functions or tasks for that product

mobile phones, small tablets,and other small personal devices that contain built in computing or internet capabilities

fully functioning portable or desktop computers that are designed to be used by a single individual at a time

computers that host data and programs available to a small group of users

powerful computers used to host a large amount of data and programs available to a wide group of users (used in hospitals, large businesses etc

extremely powerful computers used for complex computations and processing

a small personal computer such as a notebook, tablet or netbook that is designed to be carried around easily

fully functioning portable computer that opens to reveal a screen and keyboard aka a laptop computer

typically notebook sized computers that are designed to be used with digital pens or touch input.

a personal computer designed to access a network for processing and data storage instead of performing those tasks locally (aka network computer)

a specialized network computer designed primarily for internet access and or email exchange

creating virtual rather than actual versions of a computing resource such as several separate environments that a located on a single server but act like different servers

Internet Service Provider
a company that provides internet access, usually for a fee

a group of numerous smaller computers connected together to act as a single supercomputer

a collection of computers and other hardware devices that are connected together to share hardware, software and data as well as to communicate electronically with one another.

world wide web
the collection of webpages available through the internet

a document typically containing hyperlinks to other documents located on a web server and available through the world wide web.

a numeric internet address used to uniquely identify a computer on the internet

a text based internet address used to uniquely identify a computer on the internet

a name that uniquely identifies a user on a specific computer network

and internet address consisting of a username and computer domain name that uniquely identifies a person on the internet

graphics or text linked to other web pages

multimedia message service

What is the collection of related Web page called?

website. A collection of web pages which are grouped together and usually connected together in various ways. Often called a "web site" or a "site."

Is a collection of web pages belonging to a particular person or organization?

A website (also written as web site) is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server.

Which of the following databases refers to the set of interconnected multimedia pages on a website?

Multimedia database is the collection of interrelated multimedia data that includes text, graphics (sketches, drawings), images, animations, video, audio etc and have vast amounts of multisource multimedia data.

What do you understand by a Web page?

A web page (or webpage) is a hypertext document on the World Wide Web. Web pages are delivered by a web server to the user and displayed in a web browser. A website consists of many web pages linked together under a common domain name. The name "web page" is a metaphor of paper pages bound together into a book.


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