What is a communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a standard methodology in which they can communicate quizlet?

What is an information MIS infrastructure?
A. identifies where and how important information, such as customer records, is maintained and secured
B. includes the hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment that, when combined, provides the underlying foundation to support the organization's goals
C. identifies ways that a company can grow in terms of computing resources while simultaneously becoming less dependent on hardware and energy consumption
D. includes the plans for how a firm will build, deploy, use, and share its data, processes, and MIS assets

What is an agile MIS infrastructure?
A. identifies where and how important information, such as customer records, is maintained and secured
B. includes the hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment that, when combined, provides the underlying foundation to support the organization's goals
C. identifies ways that a company can grow in terms of computing resources while simultaneously becoming less dependent on hardware and energy consumption
D. includes the plans for how a firm will build, deploy, use, and share its data, processes, and MIS assets

Which characteristics support an agile MIS infrastructure?
A. accessibility, availability, maintainability, portability, reliability, scalability, usability
B. backup and recovery plan, disaster recovery plan, business continuity planning
C. grid computing, cloud computing, and virtualization
D. storage, network, and server virtualization

Which characteristics support a sustainable MIS infrastructure?
A. accessibility, availability, maintainability, portability, reliability, scalability, usability
B. backup and recovery plan, disaster recovery plan, business continuity planning
C. grid computing, cloud computing, and virtualization
D. storage, network, and server virtualization

Which characteristics support an information MIS infrastructure?
A. accessibility, availability, maintainability, portability, reliability, scalability, usability
B. backup and recovery plan, disaster recovery plan, business continuity planning
C. grid computing, cloud computing, and virtualization
D. storage, network, and server virtualization

What is a sustainable MIS infrastructure?
A. identifies where and how important information, such as customer records, is maintained and secured
B. includes the hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment that, when combined, provides the underlying foundation to support the organization's goals
C. identifies ways that a company can grow in terms of computing resources while simultaneously becoming less dependent on hardware and energy consumption
D. includes the plans for how a firm will build, deploy, use, and share its data, processes, and MIS assets

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Terms in this set (34)

What is the difference between hardware and software?

Hardware is the physical devices associated with a computer system, where software is the instructions the hardware executes to carry out tasks

Which characteristics support an agile MIS infrastructure?

Accessibility, availability, maintainability, portability, reliability, scalability, usability

What are the three business functions an MIS infrastructure supports?

Supports operations, change, and the environment or sustainability

Maintainability means the system quickly transforms to support environmental changes.


What is a warm site?

A separate facility with computer equipment that requires installation and configuration.

A warm site is a separate facility that does not have any computer equipment but is a place where employees can move after a disaster.


The ________ MIS infrastructure includes the hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment that, when combined, provides the underlying foundation.


Portability describes how well a system can scale up, or adapt to the increased demands of growth.


The optimal disaster recovery plan in terms of cost and time is where on the disaster recovery cost curve?

Where the two cost effects intersect

A network is a communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a standard methodology in which they can communicate.


A backup is an exact copy of a system's information.


Backup and recovery plan, disaster recovery plan, business continuity planning are all elements of a(n) ________ MIS infrastructure.


What is a disaster recovery plan?

A detailed process for recovering information or a system in the event of a catastrophic disaster.

Accessibility, availability, maintainability, portability, reliability, scalability, usability are all elements of a ________ MIS infrastructure.


What is software?

The set of instructions the hardware executes to carry out specific tasks.

What is hardware?

Consists of the physical devices associated with a computer system.

A client is a computer designed to request information from a server.


What has the ability to recover information or systems in the event of catastrophic disasters?

Disaster recovery

Corporate social responsibility is a company's acknowledged responsibility to ________.


Grid computing is a collection of computers, often geographically dispersed, that are coordinated to solve a common problem.


What facilitates the accessibility of business-critical data in a timely, secure, and affordable manner?

Data as a service (DaaS)

What is portability?

Refers to the ability of an application to operate on different devices or software platforms, such as different operating systems.

A cold site is a separate facility that does not have any computer equipment but is a place where employees can move after a disaster.


Incident management is the process responsible for managing how incidents are identified and corrected.


Software is the set of instructions the hardware executes to carry out specific tasks.


What are the ramifications of improper electronic recycling, when analyzing the example of a single desktop computer?

All of the above

Usability is how quickly a third-party or vendor can change a system to ensure it meets user needs and the terms of any contracts including agreed levels of reliability, maintainability or availability.


The ________ MIS infrastructure identifies ways that a company can grow in terms of computing resources while simultaneously becoming less dependent on hardware and energy consumption.


An MIS infrastructure is ________and ________.

Dynamic and continually changing

What is availability?

Refers to the time frames when the system is operational.

The increased demand in technology devices has caused an increase in discarded devices, a phenomenon known as ________.


Which of the following describes how well a system can scale up, or adapt to the increased demands or growth?


What is a network?

A communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a standard methodology in which they can communicate.

What is a Platform as a Service (PaaS)?

Supports the deployment of entire systems including hardware, networking, and applications using pay-per-use revenue model

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What is a communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a standard methodology in which they can communicate?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is a) network. A network is a system of communication that is created by joining two or more two devices. Network has helped in setting up a standard method of communication.

What is a communication system created by linking two or more devices in establishing a standard methodology in which they can communicate quizlet?

MIS infrastructure is a communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a standard methodology for communication. Every company, regardless of size, relies on some form of MIS infrastructure, whether it is a few personal computers networked together or many interconnected around the world.

What is a communication system created by linking?

What is a network? A communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a standard methodology in which they can communicate. A computer designed to request information from a server.

What is a communications system connecting two or more computers?

Network. A communications system connecting two or more computers; the Internet is the largest such network. Email (electronic mail) Messages transmitted over a computer network, most often the Internet.


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