What is a valid reason for ethical behavior to be a necessary condition for high performance?

For empowerment to succeed, managers should:

help their teams ensure that communication flows in both directions

The HR department at AYM Resources is having a tough time documenting its strategies. In addition, irregularities were uncovered when reviewing the training expenses for a new group of employees. As a solution to these issues, the general manager proposes that all policies, decisions, expenses, and other plans be documented thoroughly with the help of computers that would store pertinent data and organizational information. In this scenario, the general manager proposes using ________.

transaction processing

Which of the following is a valid reason for ethical behavior to be a necessary condition for high performance?

It contributes to good long-term relationships with employees, customers, and the public.

Which of the following is a customer satisfaction measure that indicates the success of the compensation system designed by the HR department of an organization?

Competitiveness in local labor market

Which of the following best defines decision support systems?

It refers to computer software systems that allow managers to see how outcomes vary when assumptions or data are altered.

An HRM audit is a formal review of the outcomes of HRM functions.


In the context of e-HRM, online appraisal or talent management systems provide data that can help managers spot high performers to reward or types of skills where additional training is a priority.


A learning culture creates the conditions in which managers:

encourage experimentation

Which of the following is true of an information system?

Managers must decide who has access to what type of information and its availability.

At a high-performance organization, recruitment and selection aim at obtaining the kinds of employees who can thrive in this type of setting. These employees are ________.

enthusiastic about knowledge sharing

________ are computer systems that incorporate the decision rules used by people who are considered to have proficiency in a certain area.

Expert systems

Cell-O World Inc. has increased doubled its profits since last year just by reducing employee absenteeism. Increased productivity is the reason for the surge in the company's profits. The employees have also improved customer satisfaction due to their increased productivity. In this scenario, which of the following aspects of a high-performance work system is contributing to the high productivity and efficiency?


Which of the following is an HRM practice that helps organizations achieve high performance?

Performance management system measures customer satisfaction and quality.

Alamos Inc. has extensively made use of the technology called cloud computing for several functions of its HR department. This technology has helped manage department functions, store necessary data, and also has given employees access to the required databases to resolve customer queries and complaints. Which of the following, if true, would disrupt the services provided by this arrangement?

Internet access in the facility is intermittent for three hours every day.

Which of the following is a way in which the HR department meets the needs of strategic planners?

aid in performance management.

Zoom Motors pays a lot of attention to improving employee skills on the job. Its training centers and mentors are open to one-on-one sessions, group discussions, and workshops. The organization boasts a world-class resource center that offers the latest editions of many books and journals related to the automotive industry. All employees have free access to the knowledge pool in the organization and are welcome to initiate discussions on topics of interest. In this scenario, Zoom Motors has created a ________.

learning organization

maridings Inc an apparel manufacturer, employed a large scale recruitment drive to hire some of the country's best fashion designers. The companies hr team was responsible for measuring the success of this recruitment drive to quantify its returns. The process is referred to as?

HR analytics

People experience occupational intimacy when they love their work, when they and their coworkers care about one another, and when they find their work meaningful.


One way to measure HRM effectiveness is to measure a program's success in terms of whether it achieved its objectives and whether it delivered value in an economic sense.


Which of the following elements in high performance work system contributes to high performance by encouraging people to strive for objectives that support the organizations overall goals and includes the performance measure by which employees are judged?

reward systems

Which of the following practices is most likely to enhance occupational intimacy?

Establishing policies that show concern for employees' needs

A formal review of the outcomes of HRM functions, based on identifying key HRM functions and measures of business performance, is referred to as a(n) ________.

HRM audit

The primary focus of an HRM audit is based on:

reviewing the various outcomes of HRM functions.

Job design aimed at empowerment:

includes access to resources.

High-performance work systems are characterized by high employee turnover.


Gibson United is a new firm located in Chicago. The firm has to hire qualified individuals, compartmentalize them into different departments, and hire a set of managers who will be able to instruct, monitor, and guide these employees to ensure smooth functioning of the organization. In this scenario, Gibson United is engaging in creating a(n) ________.

organizational structure

Which of the following in an organization usually makes most of the decisions about organizational structure?

Top management

One way performance management systems can support organizational goals is by:

linking performance measures to meeting internal and external customers' needs.

Which of the following is a measure of customer satisfaction that indicates the success of the staffing efforts of an HR department?

Treatment of applicants

Transaction processing includes the activities required to meet government reporting requirements.


ITI Inc., a software company, is currently looking for employees to fill vacant positions. It is looking for prospective candidates who are enthusiastic about work and willing to share their knowledge with their colleagues on various topics related to their field. The HR department is responsible for finding the right type of candidate to fit the roles in the organization. In this scenario, the HR department at ITI Inc. is engaged in ________.

recruitment and selection

A condition underpinning any high-performance organization is that employees be fully engaged with their work.


The usual way to measure customer satisfaction in the course of an HRM audit is to conduct experiments in controlled environments.


Which of the following processes involves ensuring that HR policies, practices, and programs support or are congruent with an organization's overall culture or brand, including its products and services?

Brand alignment

Which of the following is a condition that contributes to high performance?

Work design gives employees the opportunity to utilize a variety of skills.

What is the perception about training in a learning organization?

It is viewed as an investment in the organization's human resources.

Which of the following is a business indicator of the success of the employee appraisal and development programs implemented by the HR department of an organization?

Distribution of performance appraisal ratings

Identify the correct statement regarding e-HRM.

Most administrative and information-gathering HRM activities can be part of e-HRM.


A major drawback of e-HRM is that employees cannot help themselves to the information they need when they need it.


E-HRM has adversely affected employee manageability.


The number of organizations actively engaged in e-HRM is steadily decreasing.


E-HRM is less economical than traditional HR systems.

A) Most administrative and information-gathering HRM activities can be part of e-HRM.

For an organization's human resource division, "customers" are the organization's top management.


A standard feature of a modern Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) is the use of relational databases, which store data in separate files that can be linked by common elements.


A written code of ethics is usually ineffective if it is developed with input from employees about situations they encounter.


Which of the following is a measure of customer satisfaction that indicates the success of the benefits programs implemented by the HR department of an organization?

Promptness in handling claims

Which of the following statements is true about the outcomes of high-performance work systems?

The outcomes of each employee contribute to a system's overall high performance.

A standard feature of a modern HRIS (Human Resource Information Systems) is the use of ________, which store data in separate files that can be linked by common elements.

relational databases

Which of the following statements is true of expert systems?

They aid in reducing errors that result from fatigue.

To improve the performance of employees at RowYourBoat Inc., the company provides recognition and monetary benefits to those employees whose performance exceeds expectations. This strategy can motivate some employees to perform better. This is an example of a(n) ________ strategy.


A media company gives its employees monetary bonuses at the end of the company's fiscal year based on employees' contribution to the firm's financial success. This is a method of:

linking compensation to performance measures.

In general, HR departments should be able to improve their performance through some combination of greater efficiency and greater effectiveness. In this context, greater effectiveness means that:

what the HR department does has a more beneficial effect on employees' and the organization's performance.

New technology usually involves ________—that is, using equipment and information processing to perform activities that had been performed by people.


In the context of an organization's human resource division, which of the following statements is true of customers?

They refer to the organization as a whole and its other divisions.

Which of the following is a business indicator of the success of the compensation system designed by the HR department of an organization?

Ratio of average salary offers to average salary in community

An expert system can increase efficiency by enabling more highly skilled employees to do work that otherwise would require many less-skilled employees.


Which of the following elements of a high-performance work system determines how the details of the organization's necessary activities will be grouped, whether into jobs or team responsibilities?

Task design

To set up a performance management system that supports the organization's goals, managers need to understand the process of employee performance.


The senior management of a firm is undecided about the number of employees needed for its new project. Management uses a network of computer software systems that enables it to know the various possible outcomes required for the formation of the new project team. The type of system most likely to have been used in this case is a(n) ________.

decision support system

Which of the following refers to the computations and calculations involved in reviewing and documenting HRM decisions and practices?

Transaction processing

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes e-HRM?

It poses new challenges to employees and new issues for HR managers to address.

Which of the following is a customer satisfaction measure of the overall effectiveness of HR activities?

Working relationship between organizations and HRM department

Each employee's and each group's ongoing efforts to gather information and apply the information to their decisions in a learning organization is referred to as:

continuous learning.

James works at a publishing house. He is fond of his work and is a passionate team member. His colleagues show concern for him and his work, and he experiences a positive feeling about his work. In the context of job satisfaction, this feeling experienced by Vincent is known as ________.

occupational intimacy

Identify the correct statement regarding e-HRM.

Most administrative and information-gathering HRM activities can be part of e-HRM.


A major drawback of e-HRM is that employees cannot help themselves to the information they need when they need it.


E-HRM has adversely affected employee manageability.


The number of organizations actively engaged in e-HRM is steadily decreasing.


E-HRM is less economical than traditional HR systems.

A) Most administrative and information-gathering HRM activities can be part of e-HRM.

For an organization's human resource division, "customers" are the organization's top management.


A standard feature of a modern Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) is the use of relational databases, which store data in separate files that can be linked by common elements.


Identify the correct statement regarding e-HRM.

Most administrative and information-gathering HRM activities can be part of e-HRM.


A major drawback of e-HRM is that employees cannot help themselves to the information they need when they need it.


E-HRM has adversely affected employee manageability.


The number of organizations actively engaged in e-HRM is steadily decreasing.


E-HRM is less economical than traditional HR systems.

) Most administrative and information-gathering HRM activities can be part of e-HRM.

Identify the correct statement regarding e-HRM.

Most administrative and information-gathering HRM activities can be part of e-HRM.


A major drawback of e-HRM is that employees cannot help themselves to the information they need when they need it.


E-HRM has adversely affected employee manageability.


The number of organizations actively engaged in e-HRM is steadily decreasing.


E-HRM is less economical than traditional HR systems.


Identify the correct statement regarding e-HRM.


What is a valid reason for ethical behavior to be a necessary condition for high performance quizlet?

Which of the following is a valid reason for ethical behavior to be a necessary condition for high performance? It contributes to good long-term relationships with employees, customers, and the public.

Which condition contributes to high performance?

efficiency. Which condition contributes to high performance? Work design gives employees the opportunity to utilize a variety of skills. authorizing the team to make decisions traditionally made by managers.

What is a condition that underlies the formation of a high performance work system?

Which of the following is a condition that underlies the formation of a high performance work system? Ongoing training is emphasized and rewarded. **Certain conditions underlie the formation of a high-performance work system. This includes ongoing training being emphasized and rewarded.

What is one reason for creating high performance work systems quizlet?

Greater efficiency - HR uses fewer and less-costly resources to perform its functions. Greater effectiveness - what HR does has a more beneficial effect on employees and the organization's performance.