What is an advantage of creating a document collaboratively in a shared workspace rather than working collaboratively on a document via email?

What is Employee Collaboration?

Employee collaboration occurs when two or more people work together using thinking and sharing ideas to achieve a common goal. It is different from teamwork, since teamwork often involves a physical component to accomplish something.

Modern advancements in technology (which include video conferencing, high-speed internet, file sharing, e-mail, and cloud based programs) make it easier and more convenient than ever for employees to collaborate.

Employee collaboration can now take place face to face or on a collaboration platform in real-time. Sharing ideas virtually has become much more commonplace, as working remotely is no longer a rarity.

To be successful at team collaboration, starting with a network analysis can be helpful:

  • The first step is to identify the specific functions where connectivity seems most relevant.
  • Next, make note of the relationships between the priority areas.
  • To gather this information, consider using time cards, project codes, asking employees to complete a questionnaire, or simply observe how they spend their workday.

The project manager (or the executive in charge) should reassure everyone that they can be themselves when participating in team collaboration.

Use the information collected to create some network maps that illustrate the relationships between employees. This will be the starting point for setting up groups that will make up an effective team. The team members will already know each other and be familiar with each other’s work styles. Keep in mind that you want people who complement each other, not team members who will compete with each other.

  • If everyone on the team is introverted and feels reluctant about sharing their ideas, it doesn’t make for a good discussion — either in person or on a virtual platform.
  • An entire team of extroverts trying to be heard over each other is also not a good mix. You want a variety of personalities and skillsets to participate on the team.

The project manager (or the executive in charge) should reassure everyone that they can be themselves when participating in team collaboration.

Collaboration Examples and Benefits of a Collaborative Team:

1. It encourages problem-solving

It’s less likely that employees will face difficulties solving problems at work if they have a strong collaborative culture within their organization.

Example: A manufacturing company discovers that its regular supplier is unable to fill an order for parts. Working together, several sales representatives, the warehouse manager, and the ordering department were able to find a solution: another supplier able to fill the order quickly and at a price the company was prepared to pay in the circumstances.

Sometimes finding an alternative solution can happen only when you combine the knowledge and relations of multiple stakeholders. Timely and effective problem solving is one of the most important employee collaboration benefits.

2. It allows employees to learn from each other

When employees from different backgrounds and at varying levels of experience are allowed to work together, everyone benefits.

Example: Part of collaborating on a problem may involve brainstorming sessions. Employees can always learn a lot from each other’s perspectives. People with diverse professional experience and knowledge background see the same situation from a different point of view.

3. Employee productivity rates go up

As employees start working together more collaboratively, their overall productivity will likely increase.

Example: Employees who feel as though they are part of a larger group are more likely to have a sense of loyalty and belonging to the group. They will give a better effort so that they “don’t let the group down,” as opposed to someone who does not have a strong sense of loyalty to the company.

4. Overall problem-solving becomes easier

Teams bring together different personalities and levels of experience. This makes solving problems a much easier process.

Example: When a team is working on a task, there may be problems along the way. Even though the team’s dialogue can include a certain level of friction, that friction may be the catalyst for a new way of tackling the problem. This is how new solutions are found.

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5. Team collaboration increases the organization’s potential for change

When employees collaborate effectively, the company has a higher capacity to adapt to changes.

Example: The company has decided to introduce new technology. Some employees in the group are excited, some are indifferent, and some are apprehensive about this development. The ones who are excited can help the ones who are indifferent or apprehensive to embrace the new development by seeing the advantages of the new technology.

The apprehensive employees can be reassured that they will be given sufficient training and support. Any indifferent employees will be given more information about the technology’s features and benefits to help them understand its relevance to their role.

6. Remote teams are more efficient

Working from home or working remotely is becoming commonplace. However, remote workers can also feel detached from their coworkers.

Example: Employees working from home or remote workers may feel that they are working “on their own.” To improve communication between team members and foster a spirit of inclusion, ensure that everyone has access to information, and can communicate with other team members in real-time. Several online collaboration tools can be used for this purpose to keep team members in contact with each other.

7. Employee wellness and engagement improve

Employees perform at their best when they feel as though their contributions are valued and appreciated. Employee engagement is a key to improving collaboration in the digital workplace.

Example: When employees feel as though they don’t matter to their employer, they become more stressed out about their work. This can lead to lower levels of overall well-being and higher absenteeism. When employees are working as a team, they can see how their efforts are contributing to the overall success of the organization which also brings them higher job satisfaction. In addition, collaboration can help reduce absenteeism and employee disengagement rates.

8. Positive workplace atmosphere is created

Working together allows colleagues to get to know each other better and build strong social connections.

Example: Rather than creating a work environment where employees feel like they are in a constant competition with each other, team collaboration allows each person to be appreciated on their merits. This creates a more positive and relaxed work atmosphere. Employees feel confident that they are among colleagues and not rivals when they enter the office.

What is an advantage of creating a document collaboratively in a shared workspace rather than working collaboratively on a document via email?

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9. Vertical hierarchy is eliminated

Previously, an employee may have been hesitant to approach someone in the organization with an idea because of their job title. The vertical hierarchy may have led to senior managers becoming out of reach for employees that want to ask them questions or express concern.

When teamwork is implemented, the vertical hierarchy is no longer a barrier for sharing or listening to ideas from across the table. Everyone has an opportunity to share their thoughts.

10. Meetings become more efficient

Collaborative workspaces are meant for connecting with team members effortlessly, at any time and location. Employees can start or join a video call from anywhere, which means that they are no longer restricted by physical constraints. This makes them more efficient, as they don’t have to wait for a face-to-face meeting opportunity to do their work. .

Example: Any remote employee can set up a functional meeting from their location using various communication tools from their digital workplace. Available team members can join in oryou can record the meeting for team members who are not available, as opposed to having to detail everything in a document or an e-mail to non-attendees at a face-to-face meeting.

11. Lower travel costs for the company

Allowing employees to work collaboratively doesn’t necessarily implies additional travel expenses. Nowadays, international, local or remote employees can simply connect with other offices via online communication platforms.

Example: Remote employees can stay in touch with their office counterparts through real-time software for meetings and communications. It allows them to collaborate with the rest of the team while restricting travel costs to the most important in-office meetings.

12. It helps the company attract top talent

Job seekers, especially Millennials, base their choice of work on factors like the office environment, positive work atmosphere and many other elements that will show how they will be spending their workdays.

Example: People in this age group are especially interested in working for dynamic companies that encourage teamwork. By introducing this type of work style, you are creating a prime environment for attracting top talent. Once recruited, they are more likely to stay longer.

13. Collaboration in the workplace helps participants achieve more

This is a strategy where the whole (the collective contributions of all participants) is greater than the sum of all of its parts (each person’s contribution).

Example: As employees gain experience in problem-solving, they gain the confidence to take on larger projects. They may decide to devote their time and energy toward a community or charitable cause. As a group, their volunteering and/or fundraising efforts can carry more weight than any one person’s contributions.

What is an advantage of creating a document collaboratively in a shared workspace rather than working collaboratively on a document via email?

14. Creates a stronger sense of employee loyalty to your company

Employees who feel they are appreciated by their employer and that they are contributing are less likely to move on.

Example: When people complain about their job, it isn’t usually about the pay or the benefits, it’s about not feeling respected at work. They may complain about their boss or their co-workers not treating them as if they matter, and that is the main reason why they want to find another job. When teams are working together and employees feel their contribution makes a difference, employees feel more loyal to the company and are less likely to move on.

15. Profitability for the company increases

The benefits of team collaboration don’t rest entirely with the employees. All of these positive strategies also benefit the company as well.

Example: Employees working collaboratively create a more positive workplace. The employees support each other and technological change well. This, in turn, makes for a company that is operating on all cylinders and generating higher profits.

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