What is an indirect reward given to an employee or group of employees because they are members of the organization?

► MCQ Exam ON : CompensatiStrategies and Practices

The indirect rewards given to employees of organization for being the member of organization are called

1)   productivity compensation
2) effectivity compensation
3)   benefits
4)   philosophical compensation
5)   NULL

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Is an indirect reward given to an employee or group of employees for organizational membership?

MGT 289 - Lesson 10 Key Terms.

What are the indirect compensation?

Indirect compensation is a type of payment to an employee that doesn't involve directly paying a wage or salary. Examples of an indirect compensation arrangement include offering your employees health insurance, life insurance, or employee stipends (also called fringe benefits).

What are direct and indirect rewards?

Direct compensation involves monetary payments to employees for time worked or results obtained. Indirect compensation involves expenditures made by an employer on behalf of all employees and is typically referred to as "fringe benefits." Intangible compensation involves non-monetary rewards such as....

What is an indirect benefit?

What Is an Indirect Benefit? An indirect benefit is a return that cannot be directly observed but is nonetheless realized - as opposed to direct benefits like reduced headcount or increased sales that are more easily quantified.