What is defined as specific avenues that threat agents can exploit to attack an information asset quizlet?

Are specific avenues that threat agents can exploit to attack an information asset?

Vulnerabilities are specific avenues that threat agents can exploit to attack an information asset. At the end of the risk identification process, a list of assets and their vulnerabilities has been developed.

Why is threat identification so important in the process of risk management?

The threat identification process examines IT vulnerabilities and determines their capacity to compromise your system. It's a key element of your organization's risk management program. Identifying threats allows your organization to take preemptive actions.

What is risk management Why is the identification of risks and vulnerabilities to assets so important in risk management quizlet?

It is a process that identifies risk, assesses it's relative magnitude and takes steps to reduce it to an acceptable level. It is important because in order to protect information assets efficiently and effectively, an organization needs to be able to identify potential vulnerabilities and risks.

Is an evaluation of the threats to information assets including a determination of their potential to endanger the organization?

An evaluation of the threats to information assets, including a determination of their potential to endanger the organization, is known as exploit assessment.