What is it called when you have many different investment types and strategies to try and reduce your overall risk of losing money in any one particular type?

History shows that when people invest and stay invested, they're more likely to earn positive returns in the long run. When markets start to fluctuate, it may be tempting to make financial decisions in reaction to changes to your portfolio. But people who base their financial decisions on emotion often end up buying when the market is high and selling when prices are low. These investors ultimately have a harder time reaching their long-term financial goals.

How can you avoid making these common investing mistakes? Consider these investment strategies, which can help you reduce the risks associated with investing and potentially earn more consistent returns over time:

  • Asset allocation
  • Portfolio diversification
  • Dollar-cost averaging

Strategy 1: Asset allocation

Appropriate asset allocation refers to the way you weight the investments in your portfolio to try to meet a specific objective. It's the act of investing in different asset classes, such as:

  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Alternative investments
  • Cash

What is it called when you have many different investment types and strategies to try and reduce your overall risk of losing money in any one particular type?

For example, if your goal is to pursue growth, and you're willing to take on market risk to reach that goal, you may decide to place as much as 80% of your assets in stocks and as little as 20% in bonds. Before you decide how you'll divide the asset classes in your portfolio, make sure you know your investment timeframe and the possible risks and rewards of each asset class.

Different asset classes offer varying levels of potential return and market risk. For example, unlike stocks and corporate bonds, government T-bills offer guaranteed principal and interest — although money market funds that invest in them do not. As with any security, past performance doesn't necessarily indicate future results. And asset allocation does not guarantee a profit.

Strategy 2: Portfolio diversification

Asset allocation and portfolio diversification go hand in hand. 

Portfolio diversification is the process of selecting a variety of investments within each asset class to help minimize investment risk. Diversification across asset classes may also help lessen the impact of major market swings on your portfolio.

What is it called when you have many different investment types and strategies to try and reduce your overall risk of losing money in any one particular type?

How portfolio diversification can reduce investment risk

If you were to invest in the stock of just one company, you'd be taking on greater risk by relying solely on the performance of that company to grow your investment. This is known as "single-security risk" — the risk that your investment will fluctuate widely in value with the price of one holding. 

But if you instead buy stocks in 15 or 20 companies in several different industries, you can reduce the potential for a substantial loss. If the return on one investment is falling, the return on another may be rising, which may help offset the poor performer.

Keep in mind, this doesn’t eliminate risk, and there is no guarantee against investment loss.

Strategy 3: Dollar-cost averaging

Dollar-cost averaging is a disciplined investment strategy that can help smooth out the effects of market fluctuations in your portfolio.

With this approach, you apply a specific dollar amount toward the purchase of stocks, bonds and/or mutual funds on a regular basis. As a result, you purchase more shares when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high. Over time, the average cost of your shares will usually be lower than the average price of those shares. And because this strategy is systematic, it can help you avoid making emotional investment decisions (thus minimizing investment risk).

What is it called when you have many different investment types and strategies to try and reduce your overall risk of losing money in any one particular type?

Have questions? Seek out personalized advice from your advisor 

If you have questions about these strategies, consider reaching out to yYour Ameriprise financial advisor for perspective unique to your financial goals and portfolio. Their personalized advice can help give you the peace of mind to stay the course to your financial goals.

What do you call different types of investments?

Types of Investments.
Mutual Funds and ETFs..
Bank Products..
Saving for Education..

What are some of the different types of investment strategies?

Top 7 Types of Investment Strategies.
#1 – Passive and Active Strategies. The passive strategy involves buying and holding. ... .
#2 – Growth Investing (Short-Term and Long-Term Investments) ... .
#3 – Value Investing. ... .
#4 – Income Investing. ... .
#5 – Dividend Growth Investing. ... .
#6 – Contrarian Investing. ... .
#7 – Indexing..

What are some of the ways to reduce the risks of investing money?

6 ways to reduce investment risk on your portfolio.
Handle asset allocation properly..
Diversify your investment..
Monitor your investments regularly..
Identify your risk tolerance capacity..
Maintain adequate liquidity..
Invest through the rupee-cost averaging method..

What strategies can be used when there are problems with an investment?

Consider these investment strategies, which can help you reduce the risks associated with investing and potentially earn more consistent returns over time: Asset allocation. Portfolio diversification. Dollar-cost averaging..
Alternative investments..