What is known as Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act quizlet?

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Terms in this set (69)

in the recent years, what has educational reform in US focus on ?

increasing the accountability of schools to meet this aim: prepare students for adult roles associated with work + community life.

T or F
OTs working in today's school systems have the opportunity to support students WITH and WITHOUT disabilities to maximize their performance and participation in the student role and across educational environments.


what is federal policy shaped by?

trends in health and education practice

___ directly influences services for children

federal policy

in what year did federal legislation establish the rights of children related to education and general well being ?

However, it was not until ___ when the EHA was introduced. This policy specifically addressed the needs of children with disabilities.



who was the 1975 EHA championed by?

this legislation was championed by parent advocacy groups who were seeking opportunities for their children to participate FULLY in everyday routine activities.

The introduction of EHA occurred at a time when it was est that more than ____ children with disabilities were excluded from school, and many more were institutionalized.

1 million

what took place with the EHA legislation?

the early work of OTs with children occurred primarily in medical (rather than educational settings), so the EHA provided a RAPID SHIFT to practicing in SCHOOLS

what is the current iteration of EHA?


most children receiving OT services in schoools as recently as 2000s did so under ___


when was IDEA most recently reauthorized

in 2004 (sometimes referred to as the Individuals with Disabilities Education IMPROVEMENT Act)

what does IDEA require?

-that states + public educational agencies provide:
FAPE (free and appropriate education) to children with disabilities in the LRE (least restrictive environment)

-also guarantees parents + children with special needs certain rights based on a set of procedural safeguards that dictate the policies and procedures that educational teams need to follow to comply w/ the law.

IDEA maintains that children with special needs are ensured both: FAPE + LRE.

part B of IDEA specifies that an ___must be designed to include special education and related services for all students from 3-21 years if it is determined by the educational team that the student requires such services to benefit from his/her public education.

IEP (individualized education program)

how many additional assurances directing the education of children with disabilities were adopted with the original 1975 EHA law?


according to part B of IDEA, OT is considered a ___

related service

what is a related service?

"such developmental, corrective, and other supportive services as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education"

when is a student eligible for special education under IDEA?

if he/she has a disability as defined by 1 or more of the disability categories of IDEA.

what are the disability categories of IDEA?

intellectual disab
hearing imp (including deafness)
speeh or language imp
visual imp (including blindness)
serious emotional distrubance
orthopedic imp
another health imp
specific learning disability
or multiple disabilities


SEA= state education agency
LEA= local education agency

what does the term "child with disability" for children aged 3-9 years at discretion of SEA and LEA include?

a child who demonstrated developmental delays as defined by the state and as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures in one/more of following areas:
physical development
cognitive dev
communication dev
social or emotional dev
adaptive dev
needs special education and related services

what are the 6 principles of IDEA?

1) FAPE- supported by public funds

2) LRE- children with disab are most appropriately educated with their NON- disabled peers.

3) Appropriate evaluation-

4) Individualized education program- a document that includes an ANNUAL plan is developed, written, and revised for each child with disabilities.

5) Parent and student participation in decision- making.

6) Procedural safeguards

FAPE means that special education and related services must do the following:

1) meet the standards of SEA (state education agency)

2) be provided at public expense

3) be under public supervision and direction

4) include an appropriate education at all levels (preschool, elementary, and secondary levels)

5) be provided in accordance with the child's IEP.

Free means=

Appropriate means=

that parents will not incur any costs assoc with these services, beyond typcal incidental fees that are charged to all students

a term that is less objectively defined and means that children must receive the educational supports and services that adequately meet their unique needs. It does not however guarantee that children will receive the most advanced or innovative educaitonal methods or have access to state of the art technology and materials to meet their needs.

what legally documents the
-child's educational needs
-individualized set of supports and services determined to be appropriate by the special education team to allow the student to benefit from his/her education and participate in school

IEP (individualized education program)

how is the IEP developed?

based on the contributions of the special education team, including the OT, informed by comprehensive, multidisciplinary assessment.

LRE mandate requires?

that students with disabilities receive their educational program with children who are NOT disabled to the maximum extent appropriate.

(the IEP team first considers general education as potentially meeting the student's needs BEFORE moving on to a more restrictive setting)

IDEA states that removal of children with disabilities occur only when?

the nature or severity of the disability of a child is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

all decisions regarding placement must be made on:

individual basis
documented in the IEP
and reviewed annually

placement decisions should NOT be based on the availability of
__ or __.

availability of space or resources

what is the LAST option?

removing a child from general education without the option for inclusion in at least some special classes (music class, physical education, art) or nonacademic activities (lunch, recess)

1986 amendments allowed states to provide preschool and early intervention services for children with disabilities form birth - 5 years.

To reflect current language, the law's name was changed to ____ in ___.

IDEA in 1990

what did the amendment in 1990 authorize?

additional services and in 1991 amendments included--> assistive technology services and devices and transition planning

the reauthorization in 1997 was significant in placing greater emphasis on?

delivering related services to children with disabilities within the context of the student's general education curriculum.

(as a result, there has been a gradual shift in service delivery from traditional pull out approaches to the integration of OT services into the student's classroom and other relevant school environments like the playground, lunchrm, and restroom).

also focused on student outcomes by requiring students with disabilities to be included in state and district wide assessments.

what are the primary goals of IDEA 2004?

-increase the focus of education on results, prevention of problems thru early intervening services, and improvement of student's acadmeic achievement, fxal outcomes, and post-secondary success.

a child with a disability who is NOT eligible for special education under IDEA may be eligible for services under?

Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973

what 2 things complement IDEA to ensure nondiscrimination against children with disabilities in public schools?

Sect 504 of Reh Act of 1973
Title II of ADA

a) requires schools receiving federal funds to provide access to public education to student with documented disabilities.

b) ensures that the educational program is accessible to individuals with disabilities and may include providing specific accommodations.

a) section 504

b) ADA

a) what is the definition of disability under Section 504 and ADA?

b) what is the definition of disability under IDEA?

a) includes any student with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one/or more major life activities, who has record of such impairment or is regarded as having such an impairment.


*b/c the definition for Sect 504 and ADA is more broader than the IDEA'S def of disability, students who do not meet criteria for services under IDEA may be eligible for accommodations and other supports under Sect 504.

under section 504, OT can be provided __ or in ___ with other education services and may be provided directly to students or as program supports to teachers working with the student.

alone or in combination

where is student eligibility for section 504 services documented?

in guidelines developed by each SEA and LEA

ESEA stands for

elementary and secondary education act

ESEA of 1965 was a consequence of

war on poverty

ESEA of 1965 was designed to ?

ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to participate in and receive a good education at school.

-considered a key component in education reform movement

-covers ALL public schools in ALL states

in 2002, what was the ESEA amended and reauthorized as?

NCLB (no child left behind)

under NCLB:

general education law that emphasized increased accountability for educational outcomes on the part of school districts

-states worked to close the acievement gap by establishing high achievement standards for all sutdents, esp those who were disadvantaged b/c of poverty or disability.

NCLB included provision that required educators to be :

highly qualified, monitor adequate yearly progresss (AYP), and allow students form low performing schools to transfer to obtain tutoring services thru a waiver system.

in 2015, Congress authorized what to replace the NCLB

ESSA (Every student succeeds act)



ESSA continues to emphasize what


and allows local education agencies to est their own accountability goals and monitoring systems, which may be less reliant on standardized assessments as a single measure of performance or improvement than was required under NCLB.

what does ESSA name OTs?

specialized instructional support personnel (SISP)

as SISP, OTs are expected to:

engage in consultation with OTHER personnel to support the academic achievement of students, participate in schoolwide systems of support (MULTIERED systems of support), and to provide professional development training.

what requires that ALL schools adopt academic standards?

(42 states, 4 territories, and Dist of Columbia have voluntarily adopted the CCS)

who was the development of the CCS guided by?

the state govternors and state education commissioners

CCS led by what 2 professional orgs?

National Governors Association (NGA)

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)

what represents a set of CLEARLY defined goalsa nd expectations for children in grades K-12 in math and english language arts/literacy?


what is the FOCUS of the CCS?

to promote COLLEGE and CAREER READINESS thru the development of higher order thinking skills.

CCS are to be used by teachers as a ___and do NOT prescribe a specific method or form of instruction.

content guide

although the CCS are also used to guide the education of stud with disab, they do NOT replace the


what 3 things regulate many aspects of general and special education in US public schools?


students enrolled in private schools that do not receive federal funding are NOT guaranteed a ___


provision of OT services in schools is guided by what model?

educational model (versus a more traditional clinical model)

in educational model, all goals, related services, and supports are focused on what?

the child's participation, performance, and function in the student role

the reauthorizaton of IDEA in 1997 ended a long period of what?

duirng which special education and general educaiton were viewed as separate programs serving separate populations.

what did IDEA 1997 place greater emphasis on?

on the inclusion of students with disabiltiies in genral education by embedding special educaiton and related services in the classroom and extra-curricular activities when possibles.

IDEA 2004 and ESSA have futher aligned special education practices providing school personnel and OTs with?

increased opportunities to expand their role in schools, particularly in the area of hlth promo and prevention.

b/c of IDEA reauthorizations, school based practice has advanced 2 new groups of students more fully:

1) those in general education without disabilities

2) those with disabilities who are greater than 18 years and receiving transition services.

ESSA's emphasis is on:

providing school-wide systems of support and adoption of MULTITIERED models of service delivery.

prior to the adoption of multitiered models of service delivery, chiildren experienced:

frustration and failure before becoming eligible for special education and related services.

multitiered models of support are ___ rather than ___by using evidence based interventions and meet the needs of ALL students by providing early identification and intervening services.

PROACTIVE rather than reactive

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What is the American with disabilities Act quizlet?

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A federal civil rights law designed to prevent discrimination and enable individuals with disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of society.

What is a disability quizlet?

What is a disability? A disability refers to personal limitations that are of substantial disadvantage to the individual when attempting to function in society. A disability should be considered within the. context of the individual's environmental and personal factors, and the need for individualized supports.

What is the purpose of the ADA quizlet?

The purpose of the ADA is protect the civil rights of individuals with disabilities.

What does the acronym ADA stand for quizlet?

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


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