What is primarily responsible for carrying fluids with nutrients and waste on a random basis throughout the body?

Chapter 14: Fluids and ElectrolytesMULTIPLE CHOICE1.The nurse assesses that the patient’s urine has become much more concentrated, which res-ults from the effect of:1.adrenaline.2.aldosterone.3.antidiuretic hormone (ADH).4.insulin.ANS:2Aldosterone acts on the kidney tubules, affecting water retention and its attendant urine con-centration.

2.When the water absorption in the renal tubules becomes greater than normal, the nurse anti-cipates that the urine will become:

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3.The nurse explains that when oxygen is directed out of the arteries and into the capillaries,this process is:

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What is primarily responsible for carrying fluids with nutrients and wastes on a random basis throughout the body quizlet?

What is primarily responsible for carrying fluids with nutrients and wastes on a random basis throughout the body? The blood and lymph are the main media for transporting nutrients and wastes in the body.

In which compartment of the body is the majority of water stored?

The body's fluid separates into two main compartments: Intracellular fluid volume (ICFV) and extracellular fluid volume (ECFV). Of the 42L of water found in the body, two-thirds of it is within the intracellular fluid (ICF) space, which equates to 28L.

What is fluid balance in nursing?

Fluid balance is a term used to describe the balance of input and output of fluids in the body, to allow metabolic processes to function properly.

What is intravascular fluid?

Intravascular fluid is whole blood volume and also includes red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Intravascular fluid is the most important component of the body's overall fluid balance.