What is the ability to overcome circumstances that place a child at high risk for psychological or physical damage?

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Is the ability to overcome circumstances that place a child at high risk for psychological or physical damage?

_____ is the ability to overcome circumstances that place a child at high risk for psychological or physical damage. Resilience. A clear preference for the use of one hand over the other.

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Childhood Illnesses: 10 Most Common Conditions in Children.
Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis).
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD).
Febrile Seizures..
Chickenpox ​​ ​.
Allergic Rhinitis (Allergies).

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Why does providing free breakfast and lunch to low-income children in preschool make sense? Their developing brains and bodies require good nutrition.

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How does the brain weight of an average 5-year-old child compare to the brain weight of an adult? The child's brain weight is about 90 percent of the adult's brain weight.