What is the best advice a nurse can provide to a pregnant woman in her first trimester quizlet?

"The baby gets food from the amniotic fluid."

The amniotic fluid serves as a protective environment; the fetus depends on the placenta, along with the umbilical blood vessels, for nutrients and oxygen. "The baby is smaller if the mother smokes," "The baby's oxygen is provided by the mother," and "The baby's umbilical cord has two arteries and one vein" are all true statements, and further teaching would not be required.


During the first trimester, the woman's sexual desire may decrease, especially if she has breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, or sleepiness. Libido may be depressed in the first trimester but often increases during the second and third trimesters. During pregnancy the breasts may become enlarged and tender; this tends to interfere with coitus, thereby decreasing the desire to engage in sexual activity. Maternal physiological changes such as breast enlargement, nausea, fatigue, abdominal changes, perineal enlargement, leukorrhea, pelvic vasocongestion, and orgasmic responses may affect sexuality and sexual expression.

Which is the best advice the nurse can provide to a pregnant woman in her first trimester quizlet?

What is the best advice a nurse can provide to a pregnant woman in her first trimester? "Avoid drugs and don't smoke or drink alcohol."

What is the best advice a nurse can give to a pregnant woman in her first trimester?

Work out your pelvic floor by doing Kegel exercises. Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, low-fat forms of protein, and fiber. Drink lots of water. Eat enough calories (about 300 calories more than normal).

What should a nurse be aware of for the initial visit with a patient who is beginning prenatal care quizlet?

With regard to the initial visit with a client who is beginning prenatal care, nurses should be aware that: Nurses should be alert to the appearance of potential parenting problems, such as depression or lack of family support.

What change does a nurse expect in a client's hematologic system during the second trimester of pregnancy?

Which physiologic alteration does the nurse expect in a client's hematologic system during the second trimester of pregnancy? The blood volume increases by approximately 50% during pregnancy. Peak blood volume occurs between 30 and 34 weeks' gestation. The hematocrit decreases as a result of hemodilution.


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