What is the combination of inter related elements to achieve a common objective?

Presentation on theme: "System Integration & Architecture"— Presentation transcript:

1 System Integration & Architecture
5/8/2018 System Integration & Architecture System Integration & Architecture Nagwovuma Margaret

2 Introduction 5/8/2018 Many systems are built to easy, improve and transform organizations. Some organizations have many departments which run systems which are independent of each other. And systems built sometimes, may not have an abstract view (architecture) which leads to failure of system interoperability. There is need to have architectural view of the system as a priority to help in the design to avoid the likeliness of system failure. System Integration & Architecture

3 Introduction 5/8/2018 Besides after the system has been designed and developed in consideration of the size of the organization, i.e. most especially when the organization is large, need is required to integrate such systems to ensure flexibility, Speed, Cost , Standardization, Data integrity, reliability and robustness. This can help Information Technology (IT), energy, and financial services industry among others to have an easy to use integrated system. System Integration & Architecture

4 What students need to know
5/8/2018 Systems Integration (SI) process, approaches, drivers, tools and techniques required for successful SI, critical success factors, and best practices. The course focuses on how a proposed system will be integrated with other existing or planned systems. It addresses the System Integration problem using architectures as the basis and then addresses the evaluation of the architectures in terms of the capabilities they provide. System Integration & Architecture

5 What students need to learn
5/8/2018 The theory and practice of business process integration, legacy integration, new systems integration, business-to-business integration, integration of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products, interface control and management, testing, integrated program management, integrated Business Continuity Planning (BCP). System Integration & Architecture

6 Aims 5/8/2018 To provide the students an understanding of the technical and business process issues involved in systems integration. System Integration & Architecture

7 Learning outcomes 5/8/2018 On completion of this course, the students will be able to: Identify integration issues upfront in the process of System Integration and should be able to identify the best practices that ensure successful System Integration. Have an understanding of the technical and business process issues involved in systems integration. System Integration & Architecture

8 Teaching and learning pattern
5/8/2018 Teaching this course will be in lecture form. A number of case studies will also be used to illustrate some concepts as mentioned in the indicative content. System Integration & Architecture

9 Indicative content The System of Systems Integration Problem
5/8/2018 The System of Systems Integration Problem Human, Organizational, Societal Cultural, Economic, and Technological aspects; Processes, approaches, drivers, tools and techniques required for successful SI, critical success factors, and best practices in Systems Integration; The Role of Architectures in Systems Integration; Integration in a System of Systems and a Federation 60 of Systems; Model Based Architecture, Design, and Integration; Systems of Systems Interoperability; Evaluation of architectures; Measures of Performance and Effectiveness; System Integration & Architecture

10 Indicative content 5/8/2018 Assessment of System Capabilities; Analysis of Alternatives; Case studies and examples from the Information Technology (IT), energy, and financial services industry to illustrate the concepts discussed. The theory and practice of business process integration, legacy integration, new systems integration, business-to-business integration, integration of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products, interface control and management, testing, integrated program management, integrated Business Continuity Planning (BCP). Specific focus will be given to issues of interface integration and interoperability of systems. System Integration & Architecture

11 Assessment method 5/8/2018 Assessment will be in form of tests and practical assignments (40%) and final written examination (60%) System Integration & Architecture

12 Reference books 5/8/2018 Sage A.P. and Rouse, W.B. Handbook of Systems Engineering and management, John Wiley & Sons, 1999. System Integration & Architecture

13 Key terminologies in this course
5/8/2018 Various key terminologies shall be used throughout this course as follows System Systems thinking System Integration System Architecture Project System Integration & Architecture

14 System 5/8/2018 An array of components designed to accomplish a particular objective according to plan. Many sub-systems many be designed which later on are combined together to form a system which is intended to achieve a specific objective which may be set by the Project manager. System Integration & Architecture

15 Systems thinking 5/8/2018 Is a way of understanding an entity in terms of its purpose, as three steps The three major steps followed in systems thinking 1. Identify a containing whole (system), of which the thing to be explained is a part. 2. Explain the behavior or properties of the containing whole. 3. Explain the behavior or properties of the thing to be explained in terms of its role(s)or function(s) within its containing whole (Ackoff, 1981) System Integration & Architecture

16 System Integration 5/8/2018 Is the combination of inter-related elements to achieve a common objective (s). System Integration & Architecture

17 System Architecture 5/8/2018 The architecture of a system defines its high-level structure, exposing its gross organization as a collection of interacting components. Elements needed to model a software architecture include: Components, Connectors, Systems, Properties and Styles. System Integration & Architecture

18 What is a project? 5/8/2018 From the key terms described above, a system developer and architects cannot do anything without first establishing various projects. These projects may be new or existing. So it is inevitable to first understand what a project is, factors that influence the project, who the owners are and many more as discussed below. System Integration & Architecture

19 What Is a Project? 5/8/2018 A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique product or service Attributes of projects unique purpose temporary require resources, often from various areas should have a primary sponsor and/or customer involve uncertainty System Integration & Architecture

20 Where do information Systems Projects Originate (Sources of Projects)?
5/8/2018 New or changed IS development projects come from problems, opportunities, and directives and are always subject to one or more constraints. Problems – may either be current, suspected, or anticipated. Problems are undesirable situations that prevent the business from fully achieving its purpose, goals, and objectives (users discovering real problems with existing IS). An Opportunity – is a chance to improve the business even in the absence of specific problems. This means that the business is hoping to create a system that will help it with increasing its revenue, profit, or services, or decreasing its costs. A Directive – is a new requirement that is imposed by management, government, or some external influence i.e. are mandates that come from either an internal or external source of the business. System Integration & Architecture

21 Projects Cannot Be Run in Isolation
5/8/2018 Projects must operate in a broad organizational environment Project managers need to take a holistic or systems view of a project and understand how it is situated within the larger organization System Integration & Architecture 21 21

22 Stakeholders 5/8/2018 Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities Stakeholders include the project sponsor and project team support staff customers users suppliers opponents to the project System Integration & Architecture

23 Importance of Stakeholders
5/8/2018 Project managers must take time to identify, understand, and manage relationships with all project stakeholders Using the four frames of organizations can help meet stakeholder needs and expectations Senior executives are very important stakeholders System Integration & Architecture

24 Table 2-2. What Helps Projects Succeed?
5/8/2018 According to the Standish Group’s report “CHAOS 2001: A Recipe for Success,” the following items help IT projects succeed, in order of importance: Executive support User involvement Experienced project manager Clear business objectives Minimized scope Standard software infrastructure Firm basic requirements Formal methodology Reliable estimates System Integration & Architecture 24 24

25 Understanding Organizations We can analyze a formal organization using the following 4 (four) frames; 5/8/2018 Structural frame: Focuses on roles and responsibilities, coordination and control. Organizational charts help define this frame. Human resources frame: Focuses on providing harmony between needs of the organization and needs of people. System Integration & Architecture Political frame: Assumes organizations are coalitions composed of varied individuals and interest groups. Conflict and power are key issues. Symbolic frame: Focuses on symbols and meanings related to events. Culture is important. 25 25

26 Many Organizations Focus on the Structural Frame
5/8/2018 Most people understand what organizational charts are Many new managers try to change organizational structure when other changes are needed 3 basic organizational structures Functional- project matrix System Integration & Architecture 26 26

27 Basic Organizational Structures
5/8/2018 Organizational structure depends on the company and/or the project. The structure helps define the roles and responsibilities of the members of the department, work group, or organization. It is generally a system of tasks and reporting policies in place to give members of the group a direction when completing projects. A good organizational structure will allow people and groups to work effectively together while developing hard work ethics and attitudes. The four general types of organizational structure are functional, divisional, matrix and project-based. System Integration & Architecture

28 Basic Organizational Structures
5/8/2018 Functional Structure - People who do similar tasks, have similar skills and/or jobs in an organization are grouped into a functional structure. The advantages of this kind of structure include quick decision making because the group members are able to communicate easily with each other. People in functional structures can learn from each other easier because they already possess similar skill sets and interests. Divisional Structure - In a divisional structure, the company will coordinate inter-group relationships to create a work team that can readily meet the needs of a certain customer or group of customers. The division of labor in this kind of structure will ensure greater output of varieties of similar products. An example of a divisional structure is geographical, where divisions are set up in regions to work with each other to produce similar products that meet the needs of the individual regions. System Integration & Architecture

29 Basic Organizational Structures
5/8/2018 Matrix Structure - Matrix structures are more complex in that they group people in two different ways: by the function they perform and by the product team they are working with. In a matrix structure the team members are given more autonomy and expected to take more responsibility for their work. This increases the productivity of the team, fosters greater innovation and creativity, and allows managers to cooperatively solve decision-making problems through group interaction. Project Organization Structure - In a project-organizational structure, the teams are put together based on the number of members needed to produce the product or complete the project. The number of significantly different kinds of tasks are taken into account when structuring a project in this manner, assuring that the right members are chosen to participate in the project. System Integration & Architecture

30 Basic Organizational Structures
5/8/2018 System Integration & Architecture 30 30

31 Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle
5/8/2018 A project life cycle is a collection of project phases Project phases vary by project or industry, but some general phases include concept development implementation support System Integration & Architecture 31 31

32 Phases of the Project Life Cycle
5/8/2018 System Integration & Architecture 32 32

33 Product Life Cycles Products also have life cycles
5/8/2018 Products also have life cycles The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework for describing the phases involved in developing and maintaining information systems Systems development projects can follow Predictive models: The scope of the project can be clearly articulated and the schedule and cost can be predicted. Adaptive models: Projects are mission driven and component based, using time-based cycles to meet target dates. System Integration & Architecture 33 33

34 Predictive Life Cycle Models
5/8/2018 The waterfall model has well-defined, linear stages of systems development and support. The spiral model shows that software is developed using an iterative or spiral approach rather than a linear approach. The incremental release model provides for progressive development of operational software. The prototyping model is used for developing prototypes to clarify user requirements. The RAD model is used to produce systems quickly without sacrificing quality. System Integration & Architecture 34

35 Adaptive Life Cycle Models
5/8/2018 Extreme Programming (XP): Developers program in pairs and must write the tests for their own code. XP teams include developers, managers, and users. Scrum: Repetitions of iterative development are referred to as sprints, which normally last thirty days. Teams often meet every day for a short meeting, called a scrum, to decide what to accomplish that day. Works best for object-oriented technology projects and requires strong leadership to coordinate the work System Integration & Architecture 35 35

36 Distinguishing Project Life Cycles and Product Life Cycles
5/8/2018 The project life cycle applies to all projects, regardless of the products being produced Product life cycle models vary considerably based on the nature of the product Most large IT systems are developed as a series of projects Project management is done in all of the product life cycle phases System Integration & Architecture 36 36

37 Why Have Project Phases and Management Reviews?
5/8/2018 A project should successfully pass through each of the project phases in order to continue on to the next Management reviews (also called phase exits or kill points) should occur after each phase to evaluate the project’s progress, likely success, and continued compatibility with organizational goals System Integration & Architecture 37 37

38 System Development Life Cycle (Kendall & Kendall terminology)
5/8/2018 System Integration & Architecture

39 5/8/2018 Topic 1 Requirements System Integration & Architecture

40 Requirements 5/8/2018 A system cannot be analyzed, designed, implemented and evaluated unless the problem is understood and requirements elicited. Requirements are fundamental basis of all the system development processes. System architects will always base of the requirements elicited by the system analyst to design an architectural view of the system. Besides much as the system is designed and there is need for integration say business process integration, legacy integration, new systems integration, business-to-business integration, integration of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products, interface control and management, testing, integrated program management, integrated Business Continuity Planning (BCP), requirement is the basis. System Integration & Architecture

41 Sub Topics Requirements elicitation, documentation, and maintenance
5/8/2018 Requirements elicitation, documentation, and maintenance Modeling tools and methodologies Using Unified Modeling Language Testing System Integration & Architecture

42 Core learning outcomes:
5/8/2018 Compare and contrast the various requirements modeling techniques. Distinguish between non-functional and functional requirements. Identify and classify the roles played by external users of a system. Explain and give examples of use cases. Explain the structure of a detailed use case. Detail a use case based on relating functional requirements. Describe the types of event flows in a use case and under which conditions they occur. Explain how requirements gathering fits into a system development lifecycle. Explain how use cases drive testing throughout the system lifecycle. System Integration & Architecture

43 What are requirements? 5/8/2018 Requirements are statements that identify the essential needs of a system in order for it to have value and utility. System Integration & Architecture

44 Characteristics of Good Req’ts
5/8/2018 1. Describes What, Not How. 2. Atomic. i.e., it should have a single purpose 3. Unique. 4. Documented and Accessible. 5. Identifies Its Owner. 6. Approved. After a requirement has been revised, reviewed, and rewritten, it must be approved by its owner. 7. Traceable. A good requirement is traceable; it should be possible to trace each requirement back to its source. 8. Necessary. System Integration & Architecture

45 Characteristics of Good Req’ts cont….
5/8/2018 9. Complete. 10. Unambiguous 11. Quantitative and testable 12. Identifies applicable states 14. States Assumptions. All assumptions should be stated. 15. Use of Shall, Should, and Will. A mandatory requirement should be expressed using the word shall (e.g., "The system shall conform to all state laws 16. Avoids Certain Words. The words optimize, maximize, and minimize should not be used in stating requirements, because we could never prove that we had achieved them. System Integration & Architecture

46 Requirements Life cycle
5/8/2018 The User Elicitation Phase Organisation Phase Analysis Phase Prototype Phase Transform to spec Raw Req’ts Organised Req’ts Analysed Req’ts Complete user Req’ts SPECS System Integration & Architecture

47 Requirement Life Cycle .. Cont..
5/8/2018 Elicitation Phase The starting point of the requirements engineering process is an elicitation process that involves a number of people to ensure consideration of a broad scope of potential ideas and candidate problems Organisation Phase In this step there is no transformation of the requirements, but simple classification and categorization. For example, requirements may be grouped into functional vs. nonfunctional requirements. Analysis Phase This represents a transformation. System Integration & Architecture

48 Requirement Life Cycle .. Cont..
5/8/2018 Prototype Phase In this way poorly understood requirements may be tested and perhaps strengthened, corrected, or refined. This activity is often done as a proof of concept and serves to induce feedback from both the stakeholders and engineers. Requirements documentation and specification This represents the requirements as the finished product of the stakeholder requirements team. The requirements are compiled into a requirements list or into some equivalent document format. These collected requirements are then transformed into a specification. System Integration & Architecture

49 Requirements elicitation, documentation, and maintenance
5/8/2018 System Integration & Architecture

50 Requirements elicitation
5/8/2018 Requirements determination addresses the gathering and documenting of the true and real requirements for the Information System being developed. Requirements is the wants and /or needs of the user within a problem domain. elicit System Integration & Architecture

51 Requirements determination questions
5/8/2018 Requirements determination questions Who does it? What is done? Where is it done? When is it done How is it done Why is it done? System Integration & Architecture

52 Systems Requirements 5/8/2018 Characteristics or features that must be included to satisfy business requirements Outputs Inputs Processes Timing Controls Volumes. sizes, and frequencies Data/Information collected can be about; people, organisation, work and work environment. System Integration & Architecture

53 Fact – Finding Methods 5/8/2018 Sampling (of existing documentation, forms, and databases). Research and site visits. (Participation) Observation of the work environment. Questionnaires. Interviews. Prototyping. JAD/Joint requirements planning (JRP). System Integration & Architecture

54 Types of Requirements 5/8/2018 User Requirements: these are statements in Natural language plus diagrams of services the system provides, together with its operational constraints. These can be categorised into 2; functional requirements and non-functional requirements Functional requirements Describe what the system should do Non-functional requirements Consists of Constraints that must be adhered to during development (design and implementation) Remember ‘Constraints.’ System requirements What we agree to provide Describes system services Contract between Client and contractor System Integration & Architecture

55 Functional requirements
5/8/2018 What inputs the system should accept What outputs the system should produce What data the system should store that other systems might use What computations the system should perform The timing and synchronization of the above System Integration & Architecture

56 Non-functional requirements
5/8/2018 Non-functional requirements are global constraints on a computer system e.g. development costs, operational costs, performance, reliability, The challenge of Non-functional requirements: Hard to model Usually stated informally, and so are: often contradictory, difficult to enforce during development difficult to evaluate for the customer prior to delivery System Integration & Architecture

57 Non-functional requirements
5/8/2018 Define system properties and constraints e.g. reliability, response time and storage requirements. Constraints are I/O device capability, system representations. Process requirements may also be specified mandating a particular programming language or development method Non-functional requirements may be more critical than functional requirements. If these are not met, the system is useless. System Integration & Architecture

58 Examples of NFR Interface requirements Performance requirements
5/8/2018 Interface requirements how will the new system interface with its environment? User interfaces and “user-friendliness” Interfaces with other systems Performance requirements Time - response time Throughput - transactions per second System Integration & Architecture

59 Examples of NFR Security Operating requirements
5/8/2018 Security permissible information flows Or who can do what Survivability – e.g. system will need to survive fire natural catastrophes, etc Operating requirements physical constraints (size, weight), personnel availability & skill level accessibility for maintenance environmental conditions System Integration & Architecture

60 Examples of NFR Lifecycle requirements limits on development
5/8/2018 Lifecycle requirements Maintainability, Enhanciability, Portability, expected market or product lifespan limits on development E.g. development time limitations, resource availability and methodological standards. Economic requirements e.g. restrictions on immediate and/or long-term costs. System Integration & Architecture

61 Requirements Documentation
5/8/2018 There are basically two types of documents realised from the requirements elicitation phase. These include; User Requirements Specification Document System requirements specification Document System Integration & Architecture

62 User Requirements Specification –URS/URD
5/8/2018 The URS document outlines precisely what the User (or customer) is expecting from this system. User Requirement Specification may incorporate the functional requirements of the system or may be in a separate document labelled the Functional Requirements Specification - the FRS. The URD has the following information: Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements System Integration & Architecture

63 System Requirements Specification Document
5/8/2018 A detailed description of the system services. What do we agree to provide? A structured document setting out detailed descriptions of the system services. Written as a contract between client and contractor. System Integration & Architecture

5/8/2018 Affinity diagrams Force-field analysis Ishikawa fishbone (cause-and-effect) diagrams Pareto diagrams Pugh charts Quality function deployment (QFD) System Integration & Architecture

65 Comparison of the tools
5/8/2018 System Integration & Architecture

What is the combination of interrelated elements to achieve a common objective?

1. a group or combination of interrelated, interdependent, or interacting elements forming a collective entity; a methodical or coordinated assemblage of parts, facts, concepts, etc: a system of currency; the Copernican system.

What is the scope of the project can be clearly articulated and the schedule and cost can be predicted?

ITPM-02 Project Management and IT - Vocabulary.

Which of the following refers to an array of components designed to accomplish a particular objective?

A system is an array of components designed to accomplish a particular objective according to plan” (Johnson, Kast, and Rosenzweig 1963). “A system is defined as a set of concepts and/or elements used to satisfy a need or requirement" (Miles 1973).

What is the integration process?

The Integration process provides a framework to systematically assemble lower-level system elements into successively higher-level system elements, iterative with verification until the system itself emerges.