What is the consequence of a steep population increase for government quizlet?

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Terms in this set (165)


The process of deciding who benefits in a society and who does not. (Is a much different process to day than how it was long ago)

How has politics changed with technology?

The internet has yeilded many social media services that include Facebook and Twitter. People have used these sites to promote change and leadership.

What are examples that changed the political views of young Americans?

Watergate Scandal


(n.) the power to produce a desired result; effectiveness

What were the ideologies of Thomas Hobbes under his book the Leviathan?

He expressed the need for an absolute monarch and that citizens needed to "relinquish" or give up their rights to that monarch so the people can enjoy the protection under that monarch.

What were the ideas of John Locke and his book "Two Treaties on Civil Government"?

He rejected the idea of a monarch having an absolute rule based on scriptures. He provided a theoretical basis on eliminating the notion on having the monarch having a "divine" or "god like" power to rule.

What 2 ideologies did Jean-Jaques Rousseau create to support Locke's assertions.

He proposed popular soverignty, which is the idea that the governent is created by the people and depends on the people for the authority to rule. He also proposed the social contract theory, which states that every individual has free will, self determination and the ability to consent to be governed.

Public Goods

Government-provided services that are available to everyone, such as clean air and highways.


The freedom from government interference in the lives of citizens as well as the feedom to pursue happiness.

indirect democracy,

Citizens elect representatives who decide policies on their behalf.

Things that transcend emotion by principles and laws, by ideals of freedom and justice that need constant articulation.


Political Ideologies

An interated system of ideas or beliefs about political values and the role of government.

Who were the first to develop the concept of a democracy?

The Greeks

What is the idea that the right to be governed is by the people for the people.

Popular Soveriegnty

Which governing structure operates with limited powers under the rule of law?



An institution that creates and implements the policy and laws that guide and conduct of a nation and its citizens.an institution that creates and implements the policy and laws that guide and conduct of a nation and its citizens.


Members of a political community, town,city state, or country who through birth or naturalization, enjoy rights privelages and responsibilities attached to membership in a given nation.


The process of becoming a citizens by means other than birth, as in case of immigrants.

What are some key functions performed by a government in the United States and many other national governments?

1.Protect their soverign territory and their citizenry and to provide national defense
2.Preserve order and stability.
3. Establish and maintain a legal system.
4.To provide services.

What public good requires governments to protect soveriegn territory.

National Defense

After September 11, 2001, how did President George W. Bush's and Congress see their ratings.

Both went up.

Natural Rights

Rights posessed by all humans as given by nature.

Dual Sovereignty

A system of government where governing authority is divided between 2 levels of government

Separation of Powers

The division of governing powers amongst 3 separate branches

Checks and Balances

The limitation of power from authorized by the other 2 branches.

T or F: Supreme court does not always agree on the language of the constitution


The Sugar Act

The Sugar Act in 1764 increased taxes on imported goods such as molasses, coffee and textiles.

The Stamp ACt

The Stamp Act in 1765 taxed all legal documents, newspapers, bills of sale, deeds, and even playing cards. This act is what triggered the protests via boycotting goods from Great Brittain.

The Quartering Act

The Quartering Act enacted in 1765 forced colonists to provide shelter, food, and supplies for Brittish soldiers stationed in the colonies.

What was the Boston Massacre?

The response to the Quartering Act was an angry mob of 1,800 colonists. Soldiers attacked the crowd leaving 5 dead and 6 wounded.

The Tea Act

The Tea Act gave the East India Tea Company the rights to monopolize imported to the colonies.

What was the Boston Tea Party?

The sons of liberty responded negatively to the Tea Act and vowed to block ports to Boston and renew boycotts to British goods. In December 16, 1773, more than 100 colonists dressed up as Native Americans and threw the post act imported tea into the Boston harbor.

How was the "First Continental Congress" created?

Massecheusetts and Virginia's colonial assembly's requested a meeting of all delegates except Georgia in Philidelphia to provide a joint statement of concern to the king.

What was the Second Continental congress and what did it cause?

The Second Continental Congress was their last effort to avoid the war with Britain. The congress petitioned King George III to end hostile actions against the colonies. The king refused and sent troops to silence the rebellion.

What was Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense about?

He argued that war with Britain was not only neccessary but unavoidable.

When was the Declaration of Independence signed and what 3 principles did it highlight?

It was signed on July 4, 1776.
1. All people had "Natural Rights"
2.Governments have power based on the consent of the governed.
3. If the government cannot protect people's natural rights then people had the right to abolish it and create a new government.

What did the Revolutionary War begin and end with?

It began at Lexington and Concord and ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.

What was the result of the Boston Tea Party

A ban on almost all town hall meetings, imposition of martial law, and the closing of boston harbor.

Marbury vs. Madison enacted the need for ________ review



A loose union of independent states.

What power did national government not have under the Articles of Confederation

Imposing taxes and raising revenue

The Federalist Papers

Series of newspaper articles written by John Hay, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton which enumerated arguments in favor of the Constitution and refuted the arguments of the anti-federalists

Who thought the Bill of Rights was Essential?

Thomas Jefferson

Who thought that the Bill of Rights might endager freedoms.

Alexander Hamilton

Supremacy Clause

The Constitution, its treaties, and its laws created by the government are the supreme law of the land.

What were some weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

States established their own economy, State import taxes

Judicial Review

Review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of some other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the decision of a trial court

Connecticut Comprimise

The compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention that established two houses of Congress: the House of Representatives, in which representation is based on a state's share of the population; and the Senate, in which each state has 2 representatives.

Shay's Rebellion

A Series of attacks on courthouses in Massechusetts by a small band of farmers led by Revolutionary War captain Daniel Shays to block foreclosure proceedings.

How many ammendments are there in the constitution?


Who does not get a voice in the federal constitutional ammendment process?

U.S Citizens and The President

The President's powers can be checked by the

role of advice and consent on treaties and appointment

Why is ammending the constitution rarely ammended.

The 2 step ammending process is difficult.

Confederate System

Several independent sovereign governments agree to cooperate on specified policy matters while each sovereign state retains ultimate authority over all governmental matters within its borders.

Necessary and Proper Clause

Clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3) setting forth the implied powers of Congress. It states that Congress, in addition to its express powers, has the right to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out all powers the Constitution vests in the national government

Policies enacted bt the British Crown did not include

Taxation or Trade Policy

Concurrent powers are also called

Inherent powers because they are defining characteristics for all governments.

Who can choose state senators?

State Legislatures

Full Faith and Credit

Constitution's requirement that each state accept the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state

Which case upheld the distribution of federal grants to states as constitutional?

Massechusetts vs. Mellon

What law did the surpreme court in United States vs. Lopez find unconstitutional?

Gun Free School Zones Act

How did states respond to the New Deal Grants?

They welcomed the national grants

Tenth Ammendment

The powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution and not denied to the states go to the states or to the people.

How did the 17th ammendment alter the role of U.S. Senators in the U.S. Federal system?

Decreased state power over the state senate and made senators less accountable to state legislatures.

Indian reservations are subject to what level?

Federal Level

Which level of government maintains ultimate control on a policy requiring intergovernmental collaboration?

The state, federal, or local maintains authority depending on policy area.

Why do states continue to accept federal grant money?

States depend on federal grant money to meet budget obligations.

Which layer retains responsibility for implementing elementary and secondary policies?

The local layer retains responsibilities.

Which is a power delegated to the states?
A) Electing Congressional Representatives
B)Police Power
C)Certifying Mariages
D)Interstate Commerce and Business

A)Electing Congressional Representatives

Both Cooperative and Centralized federalism use what governing tool?

Intergovernmental transfers of Grants-in-Aid

Which governing level has historically carried the largest burden of funding elementary and secondary education?



The constitutionally based principle that allows a national law to supersede state or local laws.

How did the political attitudes of young people change following 9/11?

Young people's trust in and support for the government increased.

What type of government is democracy?

a constitutional form of government

What is a monarchy?

a government ruled by a king or queen

Which of the following is not a value central to the political culture of the United States?
C)economic equality
D)consent of the governed

C)economic equality

What demographic change places an increased burden on the Social Security and Medicare health care systems?

an aging population

Advocates of which political ideology emphasize maintaining the status quo?


The Greek words demos and kratis together mean?

the people rule.

In a constitutional system,

There are lawful restrictions on a government's power.

Who formulated the idea that individuals have inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property?

John Locke

Who benefits from a politically active populace?

the entire nation

How did 9/11 change young people's view of government and society?

Voter turnout increased.
Trust in government increased.
Volunteerism increased.

Which of the following is true of the effect of technology on U.S. politics in recent times?

Governments rely on computers to conduct elections and provide services to residents.

Political scientist Michael DelliCarpini has defined _____ asindividual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern.

civic engagement

Which of the following is not necessarily a function of government in a democracy?

to regulate the economy

The construction of roads, schools, and hospitals, the building of armies, and the provision of equal access to clean water are services usually provided by

local, state, and national governments.

Nikita became a U.S. citizen after she married Ryan, a citizen of America by birth. The means adopted by Nikita to become a U.S. citizen is referred to as


The Dare program uses local police officers to teach kids in public schools to avoid drugs is an example of.

Socializing new generations

A state excise tax on cigarettes bought $1.5 billion to Texas in 2008 is an example of.

Raising and spending money

In summer of 2009, federal and state authorities combined forces to combat a series of massive wildfires in California is an example of.

Protect its sovereign territory

Federal medicaid programs offers free healthcare to the neediest people in society is an example of.

Provide services

In 2005, The United States supreme court decided that states can't execute minors for capital crimes is an example of.

Establishing and maintaining a legal system

Which type of government controls every aspect of its citizens' lives?

a totalitarian government

A government ruled by a military junta is a(n)


Why is China an authoritarian, and not a totalitarian, regime?

Its strong rulers are checked by other forces within society.


A government ruled by a few powerful people


A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them


A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)


A government ruled by a king or queen


A political system in which the government has total control over the lives of individual citizens.

Divine Rights of Kings

A theory that assumed that God appointed all monarchs to rule on his behalf. Therefore, any policy, decree, plan, or approach adopted by royalty could not be questioned or disobeyed.

The authors of the Declaration of Independence viewed life, liberty, and property as

natural rights.

What form of government did the Founders establish in the United States?

a representative democracy

A social contract is an agreement between

a people and their leaders.

Who proposed that a government depends on the people for the authority to rule?


Social Contract

An agreement between people and their leaders in which the people agree to give up some liberties so that their other liberties are protected.

Natural Law

The assertion that standards that govern human behavior are deprived from the nature of humans themselves and can be universally applied

Popular Sovereignty

The theory that government is created by the people and depends on the people for the authority to rule.

Direct Democracy

A structure of government in which citizens discuss and decide policy through majority rule

Indirect Democracy

Sometimes called representative democracy, a system in which citizens elect representatives who decide policies on behalf of their constituents.

Social Contract Theory

The idea that individuals posses free will, and every individual is equally endowed with the God given right of self determination.

First developed the concept of democracy in several 1,500 poleis or city states.

Ancient Greeks

Articulated the concept that kings drew their right to govern directly from heaven and could rule without regard to the will of their subjects

Jaques-Benigne Bossuet

Ignited the Protestant Reformation, which argued that people could challenge institutions that seemed all powerful.

Martin Luther

Drew up the Mayflower Compact, an early example of an agreement between people and their leader.


Believed the concepts of natural law and could be universally applied, laying the foundations for the political philosophy of the enlightenment.

Isaac Newton

Believed that the social contract was a way for the weak to gain protection from the strong, who naturally preyed on them.

Thomas Hobbes

First argued that government has an obligation to respect and protect natural right to life liberty and property.

John Locke

Argued that government relies on popular sovereignty, the will of the people, to rule legitimately.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Governments in Europe and the United States are

grouped in the highest category of democracies.

Liberty, the most essential quality of American democracy, provides citizens the freedom to

pursue happiness.

United Nambovia has an economic system in which the means of producing wealth can be privately owned without much government intervention. The prices of goods and services are not fixed by the government; instead they are determined by the forces of market such as demand and supply. What is this economic system called?


In a democracy, the principle of majority rule implies that

policies with 50 percent plus one vote are enacted.

The intimate relationship between individualism and community life is reflected in the _____ of the U.S. Constitution, which ensures individuals' freedom to form or join any type of organization, political party, or club without penalty.

First Amendment

Political Culture

Commonly shared attitudes, beliefs, and core values about how government should operate.


The most essential quality of American democracy; it its both the freedom from governmental interference in citizens lives and the freedom to pursue happiness.


An economic system in which the means of producing wealth are privately owned and operated to produce profits.

Consent of the Governed

The idea that, in a democracy, the government's power derives from the consent of the people.

Majority Rule

The idea that in a democracy, only policies with 50% plus one vote are enacted and only candidates that win 50% plus one vote are elected.

How many years does Jefferson think would still be insufficient to raise Europe's citizens to the level Americans have already obtained?

1,000 years

Which country does Jefferson believe has "the finest climate under heaven"?


What does Jefferson consider the only "sure foundation" for the "preservation of freedom and happiness"?

the spread of knowledge

What piece of American legislation does Jefferson say is "extremely applauded" in Europe?

Freedom of religion

What event does Jefferson fear will decide the fate of England?

the completion of the harbor at Cherbourg

Which political ideology advocates economic equality?


Advocates of which of the following political ideologies would support increasing the economic "safety net"?

socialists and liberals

A one-dimensional ideological continuum to represent socialism and libertarianism is insufficient because it

fails to reflect the complexity of many individuals' views.

Political Ideology

Integrated system of ideas or beliefs about political values in general and the role of government in particular.


An ideology that advocates change in the social, political and economic realms to better protect the well being of individuals and to produce equality within society.


An ideology that emphasizes preserving tradition and relying on community and family as mechanisms of continuity in society.


An ideology that advocates economic equality, theoretically achieved by having the government or workers own the means of production. (business or industry).


An ideology whose advocates believe that government should take a "hands off" approach in most matters.

Over the past 20 years, what shift has taken place in the U.S. population?

More people are living in the West and the South.

What is the consequence of a steep population increase for governments?

a need for the government to provide more services

The older population in the United States is concentrated in the Midwest and Plains states because of the

high levels of out-migration from these areas by younger Americans.

Which of the following is a current trend with the U.S. population?

The population of the United States is more racially and ethnically diverse.

Which of the following is true of the changing households in the United States?

The proportion of the population living in non-family households has slightly increased.

Which are the only two states with an unauthorized immigrant population over 1 million?

Texas and California

Why might Alaska and Hawaii have such small unauthorized immigrant populations?

They are both geographically remote.

Which of the following is a benefit President Obama cites in supporting immigration reform?

A) It will age the population.
B) It will ensure the election of Democratic presidents.
C) It will keep the workforce young.
D) It will keep Social Security solvent.

C) It will keep the workforce young.

What does President Obama say could be the result of sending those educated in the United States back to their home countries?

new industries for U.S. competitors

How many undocumented immigrants does President Obama say are in the United States?

11 million

Which of the following U.S. companies was not started by an immigrant?


What does the timing of President Obama's speech suggest about the importance of immigration reform to him?

It's very important.

President Obama's principles for immigration reform include all of the following except.

A) improved border security.

B) immigration quotas.

C) a pathway to citizenship.

D) updating the immigration system.

B) immigration quotas.

What are two democratic principles central to the U.S. Constitution?

popular sovereignty and natural rights

Why does the entire nation benefit from a politically active populace?

The government can more effectively represent the views of all people.

What distinguishes monarchies and oligarchies from democracies?

who participates in governing

Why do changes in the ethnic and racial composition of a population impact who governs?

Different demographic groups have different political values.

What is one key issue over which modern liberals and conservatives differ?

the role of the government

A totalitarian government

admits to no limits on its power.

In an oligarchy,

control rests with a small group, such as military officers or a few wealthy families.

Why are many of the services that governments provide called public goods?

The value and the benefits of these goods are extended to everyone.

United Calvia is a nation that has a capitalistic economy. Which of the following is mostly likely to be true of United Calvia?

The marketplace will determine the regulation of production and distribution of goods and services in United Calvia.

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