What is the difference between adults who are considered athletes vs nonathletes in terms of physical aging quizlet?

Which meal is lacking in vitamin C?

Roast beef, carrots, noodles, and tea

Hot dog, cabbage, French fries, and milk

Steak, broccoli, baked potato, and coffee

Spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce, garlic bread, and red wine

Those in endurance sports, particularly distance running and cycling, antigravitational sports (jumpers), aesthetic sports, and weight class sports are at greater risk than those in other sports, but any male may develop disordered eating, and, subsequently, an eating disorder.

- It is estimated that 3 percent of adolescent elite male athletes and 8 percent of adult elite male athletes have disordered eating

- Studies of male cyclists and triathletes suggest that body dissatisfaction is high

- One reported practice is binge eating.

- Most male athletes who want to lose weight report that they perform exercise and/or diet or fast to lose weight rather than use laxatives, diuretics, or self-induced vomiting.

Anorexia nervosa
Refusal to maintain minimal normal weight
Distorted body image, fear of fatness
Bulimia nervosa
Recurrent binge eating
Lack of control during binges
Purging behaviors (vomiting, laxatives, diuretics)
Young women at highest risk
Eating disorder versus disordered eating
Worse in certain sports
Appearance sports: diving, figure skating, ballet
Endurance sports: distance running, swimming
Weight-class sports: jockeying, boxing, wrestling
Perfectionists: competitiveness, tight control
Prevalence underestimated by self-reporting
Eating disorders considered addictions
Behavior reinforced by media, parents, coaches
Very difficult to treat
Often accompanied by denial
Life threatening, expensive to treat
Trained clinical specialist needed

Half of cardiovascular deaths• Progressive narrowing of coronary arteries- Fatty plaque formation- Atherosclerosis- Blood supply to myocardium compromised- Myocardial ischemia angina pectoris
Can lead to myocardial infarction (MI).- Heart attack- Irreversible heart muscle cell death due to lack of O2• Atherosclerosis begins early in life- Fatty streaks in infancy, childhood- Fatty streaks in coronary arteries in teens- Fibrous plaques in the 20s- Combination of genetics and lifestyle
Vessel wall affected by CAD pathology- Tunica intima: endothelium- Tunica media: smooth muscle cells, elastin- Tunica adventitia: collagen• Early theory: initial injury to endothelium- Platelets, monocytes adhere to injury (PDGF).- Smooth muscle cells and lipids migrate to intima.- Collection of debris in intima plaque.
Recent theory: monocytes attach between endothelial cells.- Become macrophages.- Ingest oxidized LDL-C.- Become large foam cells, form fatty streaks.• Endothelial cells slough off.- Expose underlying connective tissue.- Allows platelets to attach.- Endothelial injury not always precipitating event.
Endothelial injury or disruption comes from- high blood LDL,- free radicals from cigarette smoke,- hypertension,- high plasma homocysteine, and- infectious microorganisms.• Atherosclerosis now considered to be inflammatory disease.• Rupture and thrombus account for 70% of MI's.
Plaque consists of- smooth muscle, inflammatory cells, lipids;- fibrous cap (thick or thin);- thin caps = more unstable = easier rupture; and- rupture thrombus formation.• Plaques are dynamic (erode, repair, grow).

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Which of the following women is most susceptible to early menopause?

A) Jean, who smokes, doesn't have children, and lives in poverty
B) Ashley, who smokes, has three children, and is middle class
C) Lauren, who doesn't smoke, doesn't have children, and is middle class

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Terms in this set (25)

After birth, which part of the body grows last using the proximodistal growth principle?



Which growth pattern explains why an infant's head at birth is one-third the size of its body?



What are growth norms based on?

chronological age and ethnic background
regional norms
height and weight of parents
length of time breastfeeding or bottle-feeding

chronological age and ethnic backgroun

As compared with the first 2 years of life, growth ______ during early childhood.

speeds up
follows an intermittent pattern
completely stops


What happens if children have growth hormone deficiencies?

They will grow much faster than their peers.
They will show slowed growth throughout childhood and adolescence.
They will show slowed growth until they reach adolescence when the thyroid gland takes over.
They will require a transplant surgery in order to replace the defective thyroid gland

They will show slowed growth throughout childhood and adolescence.

Jeffrey is a toddler who lives in the United States and has regular medical checkups. Anna is a toddler who lives in a nonindustrialized country and does not receive regular medical checkups. Which of the following statements best describes the expected growth of Jeffrey and/or Anna?

Anna will grow just as tall and fast as Jeffrey because growth is mainly due to maturation.
Jeffrey will grow taller and faster than Anna because he lives in a country with good sanitation, nutrition, and access to medical care.
Jeffrey will grow taller and faster than Anna because he is a boy.
Anna will grow taller and faster than Jeffrey because she is a girl.

Jeffrey will grow taller and faster than Anna because he lives in a country with good sanitation, nutrition, and access to medical care.

Which part of the body is responsible for the production of testosterone and estrogen?

the hypothalamus
the adrenal gland
the pituitary gland
the testes in males and the ovaries in females

the testes in males and the ovaries in females

The hormones that drive puberty are regulated by the ______.

prefrontal cortex
ovaries and testes
hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis

hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis

Which of the following is considered a primary sex characteristic?

onset of menstruation
growth of body hair
breast development
deepening of the voice

onset of menstration

At about age 13, boys demonstrate a principal sign of sexual maturation: the first ejaculation, known as ______.

a wet dream
primary ejaculation


What is the key difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics?

Primary sex characteristics are directly related to fertility while secondary sex characteristics indicate physical maturity.
Secondary sex characteristics develop much later than primary sex characteristics.
Primary sex characteristics indicate physical maturity and secondary sex characteristics are directly related to fertility.
Secondary sex characteristics are much less obvious than primary sex characteristics.

Primary sex characteristics are directly related to fertility while secondary sex characteristics indicate physical maturity.

Katya is obese. How might her weight impact her maturation?

Her weight will have no impact on her maturation.
She will experience secondary sex changes later.
Her menarche will be extremely late.
She will mature earlier than her peers with an average BMI.

She will mature earlier than her peers with an average BMI.

Longitudinal research suggests that boys and girls who matured late were more likely to show ______ than their on-time peers in late adolescence and early adulthood.

educational achievements
anxiety and depressed mood
eating disorders
athletic prowness

anxiety and depressed mood

What is the pattern of gradual age-related declines in physical functioning called?

physical maturity
progressive aging
functional aging


Which of the following physical changes of early adulthood peaks around age 30?

muscle development
cardiovascular health
skin elasticity

muscle development

In terms of physical aging, what is the difference between adults who are considered athletes versus nonathletes?

Athletes age faster in early adulthood, but the declines are not as noticeable until they reach middle age.
Athletes experience more subtle and gradual declines in physical abilities from the late 30s to the 60s.
Nonathletes experience more gradual declines because of less damage to ligaments and tendons.
The muscles and motor skills of nonathletes are more susceptible to damage due to infrequent but more strenuous use.

Athletes experience more subtle and gradual declines in physical abilities from the late 30s to the 60s.

What is the most common symptom of perimenopause that women experience?

hot flashes
reduced vaginal lubrication
increase appetite

hot flashes

Which of the following statements about men's reproductive ability is most true?

Men's reproductive ability declines gradually and steadily over the adult years starting around age 30.
Men's reproductive ability declines gradually and steadily over the adult years starting around age 40.
Men experience a sudden drop in reproductive ability around age 60.
Men experience a sudden drop in reproductive ability around age 40

Men's reproductive ability declines gradually and steadily over the adult years starting around age 30.

Which of the following adequately describes the cellular mutation theory of aging?

The rate of aging is influenced by DNA and heredity.
With age, the immune system is less able to differentiate healthy cells from pathology, so the body attacks healthy cells instead of harmful cells.
The body ages as a direct result of use.
Aging results from damage to DNA and chromosomes, leading to an increase in cellular mutations.

Aging results from damage to DNA and chromosomes, leading to an increase in cellular mutations.

What factor is associated with both free radicals and the shortening of telomeres?

excessive exercise
diets low in fat


Which theory best explains the finding that parents' lifespans predict those of their children, and identical twins share more similar lifespans than do fraternal twins?

free radicals
programmed genetics
cellular mutation
aging immune system

programmed genetics

Many U.S. families are categorized as food insecure. What does this mean?

These families have inadequate access to food temporarily.
These families do not have access to a grocery store within a 5-mile radius.
These families lack consistent access to healthy food at some point during the year.
These families are not confident in their ability to make healthy choices.

These families lack consistent access to healthy food at some point during the year.

Which of the following is a risk factor associated with higher rates of obesity in adolescence?

a higher economic status
a decrease in screen time
a decline in family meals
a diet that is low in iron

a decline in family meals

What psychological factor common to older adults contributes to malnutrition?

social inclusion


Martha is 80 years old and suffers from age-related arthritis. She thinks the best way to manage her chronic pain is to rest. What might her doctor tell her?

You are incorrect; if you get sore enough from extreme exercise, you won't notice the arthritic pain.
You are correct; physical exertion will worsen your symptoms.
You are correct; being sedentary will promote your physical health.
You are incorrect; exercise offers physical and mental benefits that slow the negative effects of aging.

You are incorrect; exercise offers physical and mental benefits that slow the negative effects of aging.

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What is the difference between adults who are considered athletes vs nonathletes in terms of physical aging?

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