What is the function of contractions during the second stage of labor quizlet?

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Terms in this set (44)

The nurse measures the frequency of a laboring woman's contractions by noting:

a. how long the patient states the contractions last.
b. the time between the end of one contraction and the beginning of the next.
c. the time between the beginning and the end of one contraction.
d. the time between the beginning of one contraction and the beginning of the next.

d. the time between the beginning of one contraction and the beginning of the next.

2. The relaxation phase between contractions is important because the:a. laboring woman needs to rest.

a. laboring woman needs to rest.
b. uterine muscles fatigue without relaxation.
c. contractions can interfere with fetal oxygenation.
d. infant progresses toward delivery at these times.

c. contractions can interfere with fetal oxygenation.

3. The nurse recognizes the contraction duration and interval that could result in fetal compromise is:

a. duration shorter than 30 seconds, interval longer than 75 seconds.
b. duration shorter than 90 seconds, interval longer than 120 seconds.
c. duration longer than 90 seconds, interval shorter than 60 seconds.
d. duration longer than 60 seconds, interval shorter than 90 seconds.

c. duration longer than 90 seconds, interval shorter than 60 seconds.

4. Vaginal examination reveals the presenting part is the infant's head, which is well flexed on the chest. This presentation is referred to as:

a. vertex.
b. military.
c. brow.
d. face.

a. vertex.

5. When the infant is in a vertex presentation, meconium-stained amniotic fluid indicates:

a. fetal distress.
b. fetal maturity.
c. intact gastrointestinal tract.
d. dehydration in the mother.

a. fetal distress.

6. It is determined that the presenting part of the fetus is the buttocks. At delivery the fetus's hips are flexed and the knees are extended. The nurse would record this presentation as:

a. complete breech.
b. frank breech.
c. double footling.
d. buttocks presentation.

b. frank breech.

7. At a prenatal visit, a primigravida asks the nurse how she will know her labor has started. The nurse instructs the woman that the beginning of true labor is indicated by:

a. contractions that are relieved by walking.
b. discomfort in the abdomen and groin.
c. a decrease in vaginal discharge.
d. regular contractions becoming more frequent and intense.

d. regular contractions becoming more frequent and intense.

8. While discussing labor and delivery during a prenatal visit, a primigravida asks the nurse when she should go to the hospital. The nurse's most informative response would be that the woman should come when she:

a. feels increased fetal movement.
b. has contractions that are 10 minutes apart.
c. thinks her membranes have ruptured.
d. has abdominal or groin discomfort.

c. thinks her membranes have ruptured.

9. The nurse caring for a woman in the first stage of labor reminds the patient that contractions during this stage of labor:

a. get the infant positioned for delivery.
b. push the infant into the vagina.
c. dilate and efface the cervix.
d. get the mother prepared for true labor.

c. dilate and efface the cervix.

10. A woman is 7 cm dilated, and her contractions are 3 minutes apart. When she begins cursing at her birthing coach and the nurse, the nurse assesses the most likely explanation for the woman's change in behavior is that:

a. labor has progressed to the transition phase.
b. she lacked adequate preparation for the labor experience.
c. the woman would benefit from a different form of analgesia.
d. the contractions have increased from mild to moderate intensity.

a. labor has progressed to the transition phase.

11. The nurse explains that the function of contractions during the second stage of labor is to:

a. align the infant into the proper position for delivery.
b. dilate and efface the cervix.
c. push the infant out of the mother's body.
d. separate the placenta from the uterine wall.

c. push the infant out of the mother's body

12. The nurse explains that the third stage of labor ends with:

a. full cervical dilation.
b. expulsion of the placenta and membranes.
c. birth of the infant.
d. engagement of the head.

b. expulsion of the placenta and membranes.

13. During the fourth stage of labor, the nurse encourages the mother to void, because a full bladder may:

a. interfere with cervical dilation.
b. obstruct progress of the infant through the birth canal.
c. obstruct the passage of the placenta.
d. predispose the mother to uterine hemorrhage.

d. predispose the mother to uterine hemorrhage.

14. When the nurse observes the patient bearing down with contractions and crying out, "The baby is coming!" The nurse should:

a. go find the physician.
b. stay with the woman and use the call bell to get help.
c. send the woman's partner to locate a registered nurse.
d. assist with deep breathing to slow the labor process.

b. stay with the woman and use the call bell to get help.

15. The nurse observes on the fetal monitor a pattern of a 15-beat increase in the fetal heart rate that lasts 15 to 20 seconds. The nurse knows that this pattern is indicative of:

a. a well-oxygenated fetus.
b. compression of the umbilical cord.
c. compression of the fetal head.
d. uteroplacental insufficiency.

a. a well-oxygenated fetus.

16. The nurse would coach the laboring woman with a fully dilated cervix to push by saying:

a. "At the beginning of a contraction, hold your breath and push for 10 seconds."
b. "Take a deep breath and push between contractions."
c. "Begin pushing when a contraction starts and continue for the duration of the contraction."
d. "At the beginning of a contraction, take two deep breaths and push with the second exhalation."

d. "At the beginning of a contraction, take two deep breaths and push with the second exhalation."

17. The most important nursing activity during the fourth stage of labor is to:

a. monitor the frequency and intensity of contractions.
b. provide comfort measures.
c. assess for hemorrhage.
d. promote bonding.

c. assess for hemorrhage.

18. One hour postdelivery the nurse notes the new mother has saturated three perineal pads. The nurse should:

a. check the fundus for position and firmness.
b. report to the doctor immediately.
c. change the pads and chart the time.
d. time how long it takes to soak one pad.

a. check the fundus for position and firmness.

19. While caring for a laboring woman, the nurse notices a pattern of variable decelerations in fetal heart rate with uterine contractions. The nurse's initial action is to:

a. stop the oxytocin infusion.
b. increase the intravenous flow rate.
c. reposition the woman to her side.
d. start oxygen via nasal cannula.

c. reposition the woman to her side.

20. To relieve perineal bruising and edema following delivery the nurse should:

a. place an ice pack on the area for 12 hours.
b. place a warm pack on the perineal area for 24 hours.
c. administer aspirin to relieve inflammation.
d. change the perineal pad frequently.

a. place an ice pack on the area for 12 hours.

21. At 1 and 5 minutes of life, a newborn's Apgar score is 9. The nurse understands that a score of 9 indicates this newborn:

a. will require resuscitation.
b. may have physical disabilities.
c. will have above average intelligence.
d. is in stable condition.

d. is in stable condition.

22. The husband of a woman in labor asks, "What does it mean when the baby is at minus 1 station?" After giving an explanation, the nurse determines that teaching was effective when the husband states the fetal head is:

a. above the ischial spines.
b. below the ischial spines.
c. engaged in the mother's pelvis.
d. visible at the perineum.

a. above the ischial spines.

23. The nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis for a woman in the fourth stage of labor. The most appropriate nursing diagnosis is:

a. pain related to increasing frequency and intensity of contractions.
b. fear related to the probable need for cesarean delivery.
c. dysuria related to prolonged labor and decreased intake.
d. risk for injury related to hemorrhage.

d. risk for injury related to hemorrhage.

24. The nurse caring for a patient who is not certain if she is in true labor will attempt to stimulate cervical effacement and intensify contractions in the patient by:

a. offering the patient warm fluids to drink.
b. helping the patient to ambulate in room.
c. seating the patient upright in a straight backed chair.
d. positioning the patient on her right side.

b. helping the patient to ambulate in room.

25. When late decelerations occur, the nurse should:

a. reposition the patient to supine.
b. decrease flow of intravenous (IV) fluids.
c. increase oxygen to 10 L/minute.
d. prepare to increase oxytocin drip.

c. increase oxygen to 10 L/minute.

26. The nurse takes into consideration that the primary concern in the initial care of the newborn is maintaining:

a. fluid intake.
b. feeding schedule.
c. thermoregulation.
d. parental bonding.

c. thermoregulation.

27. While caring for an Arab woman in labor, the nurse should provide cultural sensitivity through which intervention(s)? Select all that apply.

a. Provide for extreme modesty.
b. Assign a male caregiver.
c. Arrange for the husband/partner to participate in labor.
d. Provide adequate pain control.
e. Respect protective amulets.

a. Provide for extreme modesty
d. Provide adequate pain control.
e. Respect protective amulets.

28. What are the advantages of a free-standing birth center? Select all that apply.

a. Home-like setting
b. Designed for high-risk pregnancies
c. Lower costs
d. Attended by certified obstetricians
e. Immediate emergency access

a. Home-like setting
c. Lower costs

29. What do late decelerations indicate? Select all that apply.

a. A nonreassuring pattern
b. Uteroplacental insufficiency
c. Fetal heart depression
d. Cord compression
e. Head compression

a. A nonreassuring pattern
b. Uteroplacental insufficiency
c. Fetal heart depression

The nurse measures the frequency of a laboring woman's contractions by noting:

how long the patient states the contractions last.

the time between the end of one contraction and the beginning of the next

the time between the beginning and the end of one contraction

the time between the beginning of one contraction and the beginning of the next

the time between the beginning of one contraction and the beginning of the next

At a prenatal visit, a primigravida asks the nurse how she will know her labor has started. The nurse instructs the woman that the beginning of true labor is indicated by:

contractions that are relieved by walking

discomfort in the abdomen and groin

regular contractions becoming more frequent and intense

a decrease in vaginal discharge

regular contractions becoming more frequent and intense

The nurse explains that the function of contractions during the second stage of labor is to:

align the infant into the proper position for delivery

dilate and efface the cervix

push the infant out of the mother's body

separate the placenta from the uterine wall

push the infant out of the mother's body

The nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis for a woman in the fourth stage of labor. The most appropriate nursing diagnosis is:
pain related to increasing frequency and intensity of contractions

fear related to the probable need for cesarean delivery

dysuria related to prolonged labor and decreased intake

risk for injury related to hemorrhage

risk for injury related to hemorrhage

A woman in the transition phase of labor requests a narcotic analgesic medication for pain relief. The nurse explains that giving a narcotic analgesic medication at this stage of labor will:
cause medication given at later stages to be ineffective

have no complications for the mother or infant

result in respiratory depression to the newborn

speed up labor and increase pain

result in respiratory depression to the newborn

The nurse assessing the fundus of the uterus immediately after delivery would expect to find the uterus:

relaxed with its upper border level with the umbilicus

well-contracted with its upper border at or just below the umbilicus.

well-contracted with its upper border three or four fingerbreadths above the umbilicus.

relaxed with its upper border two or three fingerbreadths below the umbilicus

well-contracted with its upper border at or just below the umbilicus.

The hormone responsible for milk "let-down" or ejection from the breasts is






The nurse assisting with deliveries is aware that which of the following clients is most at risk for having a difficult delivery and possibly cesarean section.
a) A woman whose baby has engaged prior to labor

b) A woman whose baby is in the footling breech position

c) A woman whose baby has a cephalic presentation

d) A woman whose baby is in a longitudinal lie

b) A woman whose baby is in the footling breech position

A primigravida who is 2 weeks away from her delivery date tells the obstetrical nurse that she feels like "the baby has dropped." What would be the nurse's best response to this client?

a) "This is a normal feeling called lightening signaling that labor has begun."

b) "This feeling may be a sign that there is a complication with your pregnancy."

c) "This is a normal feeling at this stage and it is called 'Braxton-Hicks' contractions."

d) "This feeling is called lightening and means that the fetus has settled into the pelvis."

d) "This feeling is called lightening and means that the fetus has settled into the pelvis."

A pregnant client in her 38th week of gestation complains of abdominal pains and suspects she is in labor. Which of the following findings are characteristic of true labor contractions:

) Contractions help create effacement and dilation of the cervix.
b) Contractions are short and irregular.
c) Contractions are generally felt low in the abdomen.
d) Contractions are relieved by change of position or activity.

Contractions help create effacement and dilation of the cervix.

A client in the first stage of labor has an episode of bright-red bleeding. What is the best action for the nurse to take?

) Report any bleeding at once.

b) Perform an ultrasound examination, as ordered.

c) Inject vitamin K, as ordered, to stop bleeding.

d) Perform a vaginal examination per protocol.

Report any bleeding at once.

The nurse caring for a postpartum client explains the occurrence of lochia following delivery. Which of the following statements accurately describe a characteristic of this process?
a) "Lochia alba, which is yellow or white, starts on about day 15.

b) "Lochia serosa, which is pink or brown tinged, starts after the bleeding diminishes."

c) "Lochia ruba, which is mostly red and bloody, is seen for the first week."

d) "Lochia alba has a pungent, foul odor."

b) "Lochia serosa, which is pink or brown tinged, starts after the bleeding diminishes."

A 27 year old female gave birth via emergency caesarian delivery to a 38 week gestation 8 pound baby boy. Originally this mother had planned to breast feed, but since she had to have an emergency caesarian, she has opted to bottle feed instead.The new mother is complaining of breast soreness and enlargement. On assessment the nurse notes that the mothers breast are hot to touch, hard, shiny and red. Her pain scale rating is an 8 out of 10. She also complains of a headache and has a slightly elevated tempature of 98.9 F.

The nurses first action would to be:

address the pain and administer 1.5mg of Morphine PRN for pain per MD order

address the pain and tell the new mother to take a hot shower to relieve the pain in her breasts

To drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration and to flush the infection from her system

address the pain and administer acetaminophen as ordered PRN

address the pain and administer acetaminophen as ordered PRN

The nurse knows that she should include what teaching to the patient listed in the previous question?

Instruct the mother to wear a supportive bra at all times, reduce stimulation to the breast and she may apply cold packs to her breast several times through out the day.

Instruct the mother to express her milk to relieve the pressure in her breasts and to apply warm soaks to her breast several times during the day.

Instruct the mother to feed the baby often to assist in milk supply.

Instruct the mother how to use a breast pump and be avaialbe for any questions the mother may have.

Instruct the mother to wear a supportive bra at all times, reduce stimulation to the breast and she may apply cold packs to her breast several times through out the day.

At the beginning of the nurses shift, the nurse begins the assessment of a newly delivered patient. After asking the patient to urinate and lie flat, the nurse notes upon assessment the fundus is contracted and at the level of the umbilicus.
The nurse continues with her assessment and...

contacts the physician because the fundus is to remain soft and boggy at all times otherwise the patient could hemorrhage

massages the fundus every 2-4 hours for the remainder of the shift because without doing this the patient may hemorrhage.

does not massage the fundus because the nurse knows that massaging an already contracted fundus can cause it to invert and result in an emergency situation.

checks for Homan's sign and continues the head to toe assessment, the Homan's sign is much more important than the fundus at this point

does not massage the fundus because the nurse knows that massaging an already contracted fundus can cause it to invert and result in an emergency situation.

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What is the function of contractions during the second stage of labor?

The second stage of labor begins when the cervix is completely dilated (open), and ends with the birth of your baby. Contractions push the baby down the birth canal, and you may feel intense pressure, similar to an urge to have a bowel movement.

Which nursing action is performed during the second stage of labor quizlet?

During the second stage of labor the client is encouraged to push, not pant, with each contraction. Catheterization may be indicated earlier in labor so uterine contractions are not impeded; voiding will occur spontaneously as the client pushes.)

What happens during Stage 2 of a normal delivery quizlet?

Stage 2: Delivery - The mother pushes, and the baby crowns and then exits the birth canal and enters the world. Stage 3: Expelling of Placenta & Umbilical Cord - Contractions continue as the placenta and umbilical cord are expelled.

Which nursing action is performed during the second stage of labor?

The second stage of labor may take from 15 to 30 minutes to several hours. Your primary nurse will help you with breathing and pushing techniques. You will be encouraged to push with your contractions, holding your breath as you do so.