What is the key purpose of the balance sheet approach to compensating expatriate managers quizlet?

Host-country nationals cost less to place, are preferred by the local governments, know the language, and have an excellent knowledge of and feel for the local/national environment. However, host-country nationals must have the managerial ability and technical skills the MNC needs.

Home-country nationals, known as expatriates, are already known quantities within the MNC. The MNC expects to have greater control over them, since they have provided the expatriates with work experiences. Offering mobility and international experience is often desirable to the MNC and the manager. However, the cost of relocation is extremely high, expatriates or their families may not adjust well, and many expatriates fear they will be passed over for promotions when they return.

Third-country nationals, who are from one country, are working for an MNC located in a second, and are now assigned to yet a third country, bring a very broad experience and background to foreign assignments. They have an international outlook and are multilingual. However, their cost of relocation might be as high as an expatriate's. Further, unless operating within their own "zone," they may not bring with them any of the advantages a host-country national would offer.

What is the key purpose of the balance sheet approach to compensating expatriate managers?

The balance sheet approach to expatriate compensation is used to ensure employees are able to maintain their home purchasing power while on a temporary international assignment.

What is a characteristic of the balance sheet approach used for expatriate compensation quizlet?

The most common approach to expatriate pay is the balance sheet approach, which aims to develop a salary structure that equalizes purchasing power across countries so expatriates have the same standard of living in their foreign assignment as they had at home.

When a multinational corporation MNE sends employees from its home country these employees are referred to as?

These individuals are called expatriates. One advantage of this type of strategy is easier application of business objectives, although an expatriate may not be culturally versed or well accepted by the host-country employees.

What is an important reason why employers need to communicate the extent and value of the benefits they provide?

Which of the following is a key reason why employers need to communicate the extent and value of the benefits they provide? Employees generally underestimate the value of the benefits offered.


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