What is the minimum number of calories kcal to be expended per week in exercise that results in evidence based health fitness benefits?

Which component below may be placed variably in the ordering sequence of the exercise training session?

For the purpose of enhancing CRF, an Ex Rx consisting solely of 150 min · wk−1 of moderate intensity exercise

may not be sufficient for a large proportion of the population

Which is most true for preferred methods of prescribing exercise intensity?

Intensity should typically be presented as a range

What is the minimum number of calories (kcal) to be expended per week in exercise/PA that results in evidence-based health/fitness benefits?

When progressing an exercise prescription, any of the components of the FITT principle may be manipulated. What is recommended as the component to be manipulated in the initial phase (first 4–6 wk) of an exercise program for an average adult?

Which of the following is not a valid principle to consider for prescription of muscular fitness training?

There should be at least 24 h separating exercise training sessions for the same muscle group.

Older adults can realize a greater benefit of flexibility by holding a stretch for

Which principle of training states exercise below a minimum intensity, or threshold, will not challenge the body sufficiently to result in physiologic changes?

Using the percentage of heart rate reserve method to prescribe exercise intensity, which of the following is the correct heart rate intensity of 50% given the test data below?

HRrest: 70 beats · min−1

HRmax: 180 beats · min−1

True or False? When prescribing exercise intensity based on percentage of the age-predicted maximal heart rate, the most accurate formula is (220 − age).

True or False? Resistance training composed exclusively of eccentric contractions is highly recommended to improve power.

Exercise volume is a function of

frequency, intensity, and duration.

With respect to pedometer step counts, approximately how many steps per day should be taken at a rate of at least 100 steps · min−1 or moderate intensity?

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation involves

an isometric contraction followed by a static stretching of same muscle group.

An individual runs for an hour, 5 times per week at 10 METs. What is the volume of exercise?

A well-crafted Ex Rx should aim

to increase at least one component of health or fitness.

Which statement is most true about cool-downs?

Evidence indicates cool-downs have limited impact on improving psychobiological markers.

Aerobic exercise performed only once or twice per week at moderate-to-vigorous intensity can bring substantial health benefits. T or F

What type of exercise consists of intermittent periods of higher intensity exercise followed by periods of light to moderate intensity exercise?

Exercise characterized by an all-out, supramaximal effort equal to or greater than 100% peak oxygen update is also referred to as

sprint interval training (SIT).

Emerging evidence suggests that PA accumulated in bouts that are less than 10 min are associated with favorable health-related outcomes. T or F

Which exercise mode type is recommended for all adults regardless of skill level, current PA participation level, current fitness level, etc.?

A minimum weekly exercise energy expenditure of ________ MET-min · wk−1 is consistently associated with lower rates of CVD and premature mortality.

According to ACSM, which is not considered a component of “muscular fitness”?

When weekly resistance training volume is equivalent, no appreciable dif­ference in muscular hypertrophy or strength is observed between low (1 d · wk−1), medium (2 d · wk−1), or high-frequency training (>3 d · wk−1).

In resistance training, the magnitude of loading (i.e., amount of weight lifted) refers to

When training for muscle hypertrophy, improvements tend to occur

with almost any load, as long as sets are done to volitional failure.

Which is most true about muscle power?

With aging, muscle power decreases at a greater rate than muscle strength.

Resistance training regimens can be composed of

single-joint exercises.

core exercises.

multijoint exercises.

For developing muscular strength and hypertrophy, a “high” weekly volume of sets for any one muscle group is define as

Research shows that unilateral stretching of the quadriceps will improve ROM of the contralateral quadriceps.

Performing stretching exercises for the purpose of improving exercise performance or reduc­ing muscle soreness is strongly recommended.

For young, healthy adults, stretches held for more than 60 s have a deleterious effect on exercise performance.

For the purpose of improving ROM as part of a general fitness program, which of the following is most true?

Any type of stretching is best.

What is the minimum number of calories per week that should be expended in physical activity group of answer choices?

ACSM also recommends that for realistic weight loss a person should strive to (1) burn 300—400 calories per workout session, (2) exercise a minimum of three days per week (preferably daily), and (3) create a daily calorie deficit of approximately 500–1000 calories through regular physical activity and calorie ...

What volume in kcal of exercise is needed to improve health and fitness?

Many health professionals recommend a minimum level of energy expenditure (volume of physical activity) of about 1000 kcal (4200 kJ) per week, acknowledging the additive benefits of higher levels of energy expenditure. Expending 1000 kcal (4200 kJ) per week is equivalent to 1 hour of moderate walking 5 days a week.

What are the minimum physical activity PA guidelines for healthy adults per week?

For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) to 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of ...

What are the health benefits of exercise and physical activity?

If you are regularly physically active, you may:.
reduce your risk of a heart attack..
manage your weight better..
have a lower blood cholesterol level..
lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers..
have lower blood pressure..
have stronger bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of developing osteoporosis..