What is the primary difference between performance appraisals and performance management quizlet?

Clarify the objectives, expectations, feedback, job description, and information.

In terms of time, money, working environment and people.

What is a reward? what is punished? will there be any financial/social rewards?

Knowledge and Skills
Technical/managerial/organisational knowledge and skills

Individual Capacity
Do they fit with the job? in terms of; physical, emotional, intellectual and behavioural.

What makes work matter? values and belief, personal growth and career goals.

What is the primary difference between performance appraisals and performance management?

Performance appraisal evaluates the actual performance of the employee, but it does not focus on the employee's performance productivity. Performance management looks at an employee's performance keeping in mind the present and the future.

What is the difference between performance management and performance appraisal quizlet?

Performance management considers strategic business considerations that are driven by Line Managers who give on going feedback so employee's can improve their performance. Where as performance appraisal happens once a year and assesses an employee's strengths and development areas, this process is often driven by HR.

What is the difference between performance management and performance management system?

The complete process of managing the human resources of the organization is known as Performance Management. Performance Appraisal is a system while Performance Management is a process. Performance appraisal is inflexible, but performance management is flexible.

What is the difference between performance appraisal and performance evaluation?

A performance appraisal (also called a performance evaluation) is one small step in a performance management system. An appraisal refers to the process of evaluating an employee's past work and accomplishments with the purpose of rating their performance.