What is the process of attracting training Developing and maintaining and excellent workforce?

__________refer(s) to forces within the individual that account for the level, direction,and persistence of effort expended at work.

a.Work desire


c.Job preferences

d.Job expectations

e.Career aspiration

__________ is the process of attracting, developing and maintaining a talented and energetic workforce to support organisational mission, objectives and strategies.

a.Strategic workforce management

.Human resource strategising

c.Human resource management

d.Human mission matching

e.Organisational workforce development

__________represent the interests of employees in an industry, occupation ororganisation.


b.Industrial relations

c.Business associations


e.Both B and C above

The provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009

a.abolished Australian workplace agreements.

b.established minimum conditions for all workplace agreements.

c.substantially restored the capacity of employees to pursue unfair dismissalclaims.

d.All of the above.

e.None of the above.

Themajor responsibilities of the human resource management process include

a.attracting, developing and maintaining a talented and energetic workforce.

b.managing a talented and energetic workforce.

c.evaluating a talented and energetic workforce.

d.developing social responsibility programs for a talented and energeticworkforce.

e.matching people with customers to promote a healthy economy.

Theresponsibility of __________ involves human resource planning, recruitment andselection.

a.developing a quality workforce

b.attracting a quality workforce

c.planning for a quality workforce

d.staffing a quality workforce

e.maintaining a quality workforce

Theresponsibility of __________ involves employee orientation, training anddevelopment, and career planning and development.

a.developing a quality workforce

b.attracting a quality workforce

c.planning for a quality workforce

d.staffing a quality workforce

e.maintaining a quality workforce

__________applies the HRM process to ensure the effective accomplishment oforganisational mission and strategies.

a.Management by objectives

b.Strategic management

c.Strategic human resource management

d.Human portfolio analysis

e.Strategic organisational design

__________is the process of analysing staffing needs and planning how to satisfy theseneeds in a way that best serves the organisational mission, objectives andstrategies.

a.Management by objectives

b.Strategic management

c.Human resource planning

d.Identifying job factors for all positions

e.Placing new employees on the organisation chart

Ajob analysis provides useful information that can be used to develop __________and _________.

a.job specifications paired comparisons

b.reliability performance appraisals

c.work-life balance career plateauing

d.job descriptions job specifications

e.job descriptions job interviews

__________is a set of activities designed to attract a qualified pool of job applicantsto an organisation.



c.Human resource planning

d.Affirmation action

e.Job promotion

Anyselection device should

a.be valid but not necessarily reliable.

b.be reliable but not necessarily valid.

c.be both reliable and valid.

d.be used only by highly trained professionals.

e.give prospective employees reasons to question the hiring process.

Aselection device is said to be reliable when it

a.measures exactly what it intends to, relative to the job specification.

b.can be passed by at least 75 per cent of all applicants.

c.is administered by a qualified personnel specialist.

d.yields the same results over time.

e.is sanctioned by the EEOC.

Whichof the following statements accurately describes the job application form?

a.It summarises the candidate's qualifications and personal history.

b.It declares the individual a formal candidate for the job vacancy.

c.It should only request job-relevant information about the applicant's potentialfor job success.

d.All of the above

e.None of the above

__________is an employment test that evaluates a person's potential by observing his orher performance in exercises that simulate daily work activities.

a. Modelling

b. Mentoring

c. Orientation


e.Attending an assessment centre

Theprocess of influencing the expectations, behaviour and attitudes of newemployees in a manner considered desirable by the organisation is called

a. socialisation.

b. orientation.

c. modelling.



Aset of activities that provides learning opportunities through which peopleacquire and improve job-related skills is called



c.job analysis.

d.job specification.


Theact of sharing experiences and insights between a senior person and a new orearly-career employee is known as




d.executive orientation.

e.executive socialisation.

Trainingspecifically targeted to improve a person's knowledge and skills in managementand leadership is referred to as

a.management development.

b.executive modelling.

c.executive apprenticeship.

d.executive coaching.

e.management orientation/socialisation.

__________is the process of formally assessing someone's work accomplishments andproviding feedback.

a.Discipline management

b.Management by objectives

c.An informal review

d.Performance appraisal

e.A compensation review

What is the process of attracting developing and maintaining a high quality workforce?

After selecting them, human resource management focuses on their development, including the development of skills required to accomplish the job. This system also aims to maintain the workforce and their quality level so that organizational quality always touches the top.

Is the process of attracting developing and maintaining a talented and energetic workforce to support Organisational mission objectives and strategies?

HRM The process of human resource management (HRM) involves attracting, developing and maintaining a talented and energetic workforce to support the organisation's mission, objectives and strategies.

Which process is intended to increase the skills of workforce?

Instead, companies must upskill their existing employees or members of their communities. This means expanding people's capabilities and employability, often using adult learning and training tools, to fulfill the talent needs of a rapidly changing economy. Upskilling is part of the answer.

What is developing a quality workforce?

Workforce Quality means that employees are motivated to improve their skills and creativity to achieve better results while accountable for their performance. Workforce quality is also measured with the sub-variables of commitments, qualifications, expertise, achievement orientation, and accountability.