What is the process that converts ideas and resources into useful goods and services?


A company's conversion processes involve the activities related to the transformation of resources into goods or services. These resources include the following:

  • Materials, including raw materials inventory
  • Labor, namely, the human resources required for operations
  • Overhead, including fixed assets, indirect materials, indirect labor, and various other expenses necessary to run the operating facility

Exhibit 11-1 highlights the portions of the conversion processes addressed in this chapter, as they relate to the overall accounting system.

A company must have systems in place to capture, record, summarize, and report all of its conversion activities. The major activities within this process include operational planning that supports the company's strategies, optimizing the use of the employees, property, and inventories that are needed in operations, controlling production flows, ensuring product quality, and preparing the related cost accounting and financial accounting records. These are considered routine processes in most companies because of the large number of transactions encountered on a daily basis.

Exhibit 11-1 Conversion Processes within the Overall System

What is the process that converts ideas and resources into useful goods and services?

Although many companies are not considered manufacturing firms—that is, their principal functions are not manufacturing operations—most companies do conduct ...

What is the process that converts ideas and resources into useful goods and services?
Manufacturing and Production, are the two terms related to conversion of raw materials into finished products. But, Have you ever wondered, what makes them different. Manufacturing is the process of transforming raw materials into ready goods, with the help of machinery. On the other hand, production alludes to the processes or methods, that converts inputs like raw material or semi finished goods, to make finished product or services, which may or may not use machinery.

Manufacturing is a process that involves making something that uses raw material as input, whereas Production may or may not include raw material as input. We can also say that manufacturing is production, but production is not merely manufacturing. Take a read of this handout and clear all your doubts, with respect to the difference between manufacturing and production.

Content: Manufacturing Vs Production

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for ComparisonManufacturingProduction
Meaning The process of producing merchandise by using resources like labor, machines, tools, raw materials, chemicals and others is known as a Manufacturing. Production is a process of making something used for consumption by combining various resources.
Concept A process in which raw material is used to generate output. A process of converting inputs into outputs.
Compulsory resources Men and Machine Men
Form of input Tangible Tangible and Intangible
Form of Output Goods only Goods and Services
Creation of Goods that are suitable for use Utility

Definition of Manufacturing

Manufacturing is a process of producing something useful through raw materials with the help of machinery or by hands in factories. The term manufacturing is used in the industrial sector where the input is transformed into the output on a large scale. The input can be in the form of raw material, components, and parts.

The most important feature of manufacturing is the man-machine setup. The product manufactured can either be directly sold to the final consumers or other manufacturing entities to produce other items like equipment, appliances, aircraft, household, etc.

Definition of Production

The activity of transforming both material and non-material inputs into the output that create utility is known as Production. The transformation includes conversion of raw materials into work in progress and works in progress into finished goods ready for sale. Here, the material input includes raw material, components, partly finished goods, etc. and non-material goods include ideas, information, skill, art, talent, etc.

The production of goods and services employs manpower and sometimes machines. The output generated should be used for consumption, or it must possess a value so that it can be sold to the consumer.

In economics, the production of goods and services is done to satisfy human wants. There are five factors of production that are used in the activity; they are land, labor, capital and entrepreneur. The participation and coordination of all these factors can lead to a successful production.

The following are the major differences between manufacturing and production:

  1. When the raw material is used as input to produce goods with the use of machinery is known as a Manufacturing. The process of transforming resources into finished products is known as Production.
  2. Manufacturing consists of the generation of all those goods that are suitable for use or it can be sold out. Conversely, production involves the creation of the utility.
  3. In manufacturing, the use of machinery is a must whereas production can be done with or without the use of machinery.
  4. All types of manufacturing activities are used in production, but production may not necessarily be known as manufacturing.
  5. In manufacturing, the output generated will be tangible in nature, i.e. goods only, but in the case of production it produces both tangible and intangible outputs, i.e. goods as well as services.
  6. Men-machine setup should be there for manufacturing of goods, which is not in the case of production, the only man is sufficient for producing output.


Nowadays the creation of the product is very difficult. Input has to pass from many levels and hands to become the output. Moreover, the coordination of men, money, material and machine is also necessary. In manufacturing, the involvement of machines and raw material should be there. On the other hand, production is just a creation of utility, i.e. anything produced or transformed that adds utility to the consumer is known as production. In this way, it has no relation to raw material and machines.

What is the process that converts ideas and resources into useful goods and services known as?

Humans have traditionally turned raw materials into finished goods for as long as we can remember. This process, which converts raw materials into finished goods, is called manufacturing.

Who transforms resources into goods and services?

11.1 Operations Management in Manufacturing Thus, to compete with other organizations, a company must convert resources (materials, labor, money, information) into goods or services as efficiently as possible. The upper-level manager who directs this transformation process is called an operations manager.

What is the process that converts inputs into outputs that can be sold as goods and services?

As previously stated, production involves converting inputs (natural resources, raw materials, human resources, capital) into outputs(products or services). In a manufacturing company, the inputs, the production process, and the final outputs are usually obvious.

Which type of control helps the organization transform resources such as raw materials into products or services that are then sold in the market?

Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and services and includes all processes that transform raw materials into final products. It involves the active streamlining of a business's supply-side activities to maximize customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.