What is the promotional objective of the introduction stage of the product life cycle quizlet?

What is the promotional objective of the decline stage of the product life cycle?
a. persuade

b. compare

c. inform

d. remind

e. phase out



Which element of the promotional mix has the inherent weaknesses related to the difficulty in getting media cooperation?
a. public relations

b. sales promotion

c. direct marketing

d. personal selling

e. advertising


Central to integrated marketing communications (IMC) is
a. explaining the technical sophistication of a product.

b. the promotion of a product category as a means of building awareness.

c. gaining direct and immediate feedback.

d. explaining the degree of support available after the sale.

e. a consistent message across all audiences.


The promotional mix consists of communication tools that include advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, and
a. personal selling.

b. target marketing.

c. online marketing.

d. social media.

e. multicultural marketing.


After reading the daily newspaper, the restaurant owner of Zefferelli's Tower of Pizza said, "I see that the owner of Fellini's House of Noodles ran a quarter-page ad in today's paper. We'll have to match his efforts by running our own ad the day after tomorrow." Based on this statement, what promotional budgeting technique is the Zefferelli's restaurant owner most likely using?

a. comparative budgeting

b. percentage of sales budgeting

c. competitive parity budgeting

d. objective and task budgeting

e. all you can afford budgeting


Some well-known message problems have occurred when U.S. companies have taken their messages to cultures with different ________, resulting in misinterpretations.
a. cultural values

b. feedback loops

c. channels of communication

d. lifestyles

e. fields of experience


When Procter & Gamble bought the Old Spice brand in 1990, it planned to transform the old, stagnating brand into a men's "personal-care powerhouse." The ads that P&G developed shed the older-man image, and the message is now targeted at the 18- to 34-year-old age group. In terms of the communication process, the __________ would decode the message.
a. Old Spice marketers

b.vehicle used for advertising, like television

c. the fields of experience

d. older-men market segment

e. younger-men market segment


Fitness trackers are in the growth stage of the product life cycle. A manufacturer selling one of these devices would most likely use advertising to
a. reposition fitness trackers.

b. create selective distribution channels.

c. create product category awareness.

d. differentiate one brand of device from another.

e. remind buyers of the marketer's and its product's existence.


At which stage in the product life cycle would a company's promotional objective most likely be to remind buyers of the product's existence?
a. growth

b. maturity

c. decline

d. introduction

e. accelerated development


One step in evaluation of the promotion program is to
a. select the media.

b. select the appeal.

c. state the mission.

d. set the budget.

e. posttest the promotion.


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-is the process of conveying a message to others, and it requires six elements: a source, a message, a channel of communication, a receiver, and the processes of encoding and decoding3 (see Figure 14-1).
-The source may be a company or person who has information to convey. The information sent by a source, such as a description of a new smartphone, forms the message.
-The message is conveyed by means of a channel of communication such as a salesperson, advertising media, or public relations tools. Consumers who read, hear, or see the message are the receivers.

-is any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor.
-The paid aspect of this definition is important because the space for the advertising message normally must be bought. An occasional exception is the public service announcement, where the advertising time or space is donated.
-A full-page, four-color ad in Time magazine, for example, costs $352,500. The nonpersonal component of advertising is also important. Advertising involves mass media (such as TV, radio, and magazines), which are nonpersonal and do not have an immediate feedback loop as does personal selling.
-So before the message is sent, marketing research plays a valuable role; for example, it determines that the target market will actually see the medium chosen and that the message will be understood.

-is a form of communication management that seeks to influence the feelings, opinions, or beliefs held by customers, prospective customers, stockholders, suppliers, employees, and other publics about a company and its products or services.
- Many tools such as special events, lobbying efforts, annual reports, press conferences, social media (including Facebook and Twitter), and image management may be used by a public relations department, although publicity often plays the most important role

Another promotional alternative, direct marketing, uses direct communication with consumers to generate a response in the form of an order, a request for further information, or a visit to a retail outlet. The communication can take many forms, including face-to-face selling, direct mail, catalogs, telephone solicitations, direct response advertising (on television and radio and in print), and online marketing

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What is the promotional objective for the introduction stage of the product life cycle?

The introduction stage is the first stage of the product's life cycle. Since the product is new in the market, the promotional objective is to inform consumers in an effort to increase their level of awareness. In general, all of the promotional mix elements can be used at the introduction stage.

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What is the marketing objective in the introduction stage? the desire for the product class rather than for a specific brand, since there are few competitors with the same product. This is stimulated in the introduction stage.

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