What is the simple interest for the principal amount of Rs 100000 at 10% per annum?

(i) Given Principal = Rs 2000, Rate of Interest = 5% per annum and Time = 5 years.

We know that simple interest = (P × T × R)/100

On substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (2000 × 5 × 5)/100

= Rs 500

(ii) Given Principal = Rs 500, Rate of Interest = 12.5% per annum and Time = 4years.

We know that simple interest = (P × T × R)/100

On substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (500 × 4 × 12.5)/100

= Rs 250

(iii) Given Principal = Rs 4500, Rate of Interest = 4% per annum andTime = 6 months = ½


We know that simple interest = (P × T × R)/100

On substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (4500 × ½ × 12.5)/100

SI = (4500 × 1 × 12.5)/100 × 2

= Rs 90

(iv) Given Principal = Rs 12000, Rate of Interest = 18% per annumand Time = 4 months =

(4/12) = (1/3) years

We know that simple interest = (P × T × R)/100

On substituting these values in above equation weget

SI = (12000 × (1/3) × 18)/100

SI = (12000 × 1 × 18)/100 × 3

= Rs 720

(v) Given Principal = Rs 1000, Rate of Interest = 10% per annumand

Time = 73 days = (73/365) days

We know that simple interest = (P × T × R)/100

On substituting these values in above equation weget

SI = (1000 × (73/365) × 10)/100

SI = (1000 × 73 × 10)/100 ×365

= Rs 20

Video transcript

hello everybody welcome to lido learning my name is rajna chaudhary and we are going to find simple interest in these questions so every time we have to find simple interest and principal rate and time is given so i am starting from the first one so in first one principal is 2 000 rupees 2 000 and rate is 5 percent and time is 5 years so we know that the formula of simple interest is principal into rate into time upon 100 let's put on the values so 2000 multiply by 5 multiply by 5 upon 100 after solving we will get 500 we'll multiply the numerators together then we'll get 5 lakh and then we have 100 as the denominator so two zeros will be cancelled out and you will get with 500 rupees so the amount of simple interest here is rupees 500 then we have second one in second principle is 500 rupees this time and rate is 12.5 percent and time is 4 years again i'm not writing the formula to save the space so simple interest is going to be principle multiply by rate multiply by time upon hundred so after putting the values we have 500 multiplied by 12.5 multiply by 4 upon 100 so after solving it two zeros are cancelled out here and we have 20 multiplied by 12.5 after multiplying these two we'll get rupees 250 so this is second one let's do third principle in third case is rupees four thousand five hundred rate is four percent per annum and time is 6 months so we always use time in years in this formula and here we have time as 6 months so we can write this one as one upon two years now apply the formula simple interest is equal to 4500 multiplied by 12.5 okay here um it is 4 not 12.5 multiplied by half upon 100 so we can write 100 like here also so after solving it we can see that two zeros are cancelled out by two zeros here two is cancelled out by four two times and two multiplied by forty five is ninety so simple interest here is rupees 90. um yes that is the answer and i have here mistakenly written 45 000 as principle in the question so it should be just four five two zeros okay so next is fourth one so in fourth question principle is given as twelve thousand rate is 18 time is 4 months time is 4 months we can write it as 4 upon 12 years that is equal to 1 upon 3 years next is we are again going to apply the formula so simple interest is principal multiply by rate multiply by time upon 100 upon 100 can also be written here like this now we can solve this so 3 and 18 are cancelled out six times two zeros of hundred are cancelled out by the two zeros of twelve thousand so we are left with hundred and twenty multiplied by six that is going to be seven to zero so this is the simple interest here now we are left with one more question let's try this uh here in the given space so principal is one thousand rate of interest is 10 percent time is 73 days so i'm erasing uh something from the top to solve this question there so we can see here time is given as 73 days so we can write time as 73 upon 365 because that is when we convert it into years divided by the days uh that number of days in a year is 365 so we divided it by 365 to convert it into years now we know that the formula of simple interest is same principle into rate into time upon 100 so principal here is 1000 multiplied by rate rate is 10 percent so 10 and multiplied by time so time is 73 upon 365. we can write the 100 which is in upon here and two zeros are cancelled out by the two zeros of one thousand then after solving this we will get rupees twenty so this is all for the video i hope you understand the method of calculation of all these questions see you in the next one and please don't forget to like comment and subscribe leader learning channel thank you

What is the simple interest for the principal amount of rupees 10000 at 10% per annum for one year period?

A = 10,000 (1+0.1*6) = Rs 16,000. Interest = A – P = 16000 – 10000 = Rs 6,000.

What is the simple interest for 1000 rupees at 10% for 2 years?

Detailed Solution ∴ The Interest Amount will be Rs. 210.

What will be the interest amount after one year if Rs 100000 is deposited into bank for 1 year at the rate of 10% per annum compounded on a half yearly basis?

Amount after one year =100000(1+20010)2=100000×2021×2021=Rs. 110250. Was this answer helpful?

How do you calculate simple interest per annum?

Simple interest is calculated with the following formula: S.I. = P × R × T, where P = Principal, R = Rate of Interest in % per annum, and T = Time, usually calculated as the number of years.


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