What is the term for parents who are controlling, punitive, rigid, cold, and whose word is law?

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Terms in this set (20)

Authoritarian parents

parents who are controlling, punitive, rigid, and cold, and whose word is law. They value strict, unquestioning obedience from their children and do not tolerate expressions or disagreement

permissive parents

parents who provide lax and inconsistent feedback and require little of their children

authoritative parents

parents who are firm, setting clear and consistent limits, but who try to reason with their children, giving explanations for why they should behave in a particular way

uninvolved parents

parents who show almost no interest in their children and indifferent, rejecting behavior

Which parents are highly responsive to children?

Authoritative and permissive

Which parents are low responsive to children?

authoritarian and uninvolved

Which parents are demanding?

authoritative and authoritarian

Which parents are undemanding?

permissive and uninvolved

Authoritative characteristics

firm, setting clear and consistent limits

Authoritative relationship with child

Although they tend to be relatively strict, like authoritarian parents, they are loving and emotionally supportive and encourage their children to be independent. thy also try to reason with their children, giving explanations for why they should behave in a particular way, and communicate the rationale for any punishment they may impose

Authoritarian characteristics

controlling, punitive, rigid, cold

Authoritarian relationship with children

Their word is law, and they value strict, unquestioning obedience from their children. They also do not tolerate expressions of disagreement

Permissive characteristics

lax and inconsistent feedback

permissive relationship with children

They require little of their children, and they don't see themselves as holding much responsibility for how their children turn out. They place few or no limits or control on their children's behavior

uninvolved characteristics

displaying indifferent, rejecting behavior

uninvolved relationship with children

They are detached emotionally and see their role as only providing food, clothing, and shelter. In its extreme form, this parenting style results in neglect, a form of child abuse.

Authoritarian children's behavior

tend to be withdrawn, showing relatively little sociability. They are not very friendly, often behaving uneasily around their peers. Girls who are raised by authoritarian parents are especially dependent on their parents, whereas boys are usually hostile

Permissive children's behavior

tend to be dependent and moody, and they are low in social skills and self-control

authoritative children's behavior

generally are independent, friendly with their peers, self-assertive, and cooperative. They have strong motivation to achieve, and they are typically successful and likeable. they regulate their own behavior effectively, both in terms of their relationships with others and emotional self-regulation

uninvolved children's behavior

leads them to feel unloved and emotionally detached, and impedes their physical and cognitive development as well

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What is the term for parents who are controlling punitive rigid cold and whose word is law quizlet?

Authoritarian parents. parents who are controlling, punitive, rigid, and cold, and whose word is law. They value strict, unquestioning obedience from their children and do not tolerate expressions or disagreement.

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permissive parents. parents who provide lax and inconsistent feedback and require little of their children.

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emotional self-regulation. the capability to adjust emotions to a desired state and level of intensity.