What is the term used to describe the degree to which tasks in an organization are subdivided into separate jobs called?

The main difference between formalization and specialization is that formalization is how jobs are structured and standardized within an organization, whereas specialization is the degree to which activities are divided and then subdivided into individual jobs.


Every successful company has an excellent organizational structure behind it. An organizational structure is a structure designed to match a company’s goals and describe how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. Organizational structures have six components: chain of command, the span of control, specialization, departmentalization, centralization/decentralization, and formalization.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Formalization  
      – Definition, Features
2. What is Specialization
     – Definition, Features
3. Difference Between Formalization and Specialization
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Formalization, Specialization, Organizational Structure

What is Formalization

Formalization refers to how jobs are structured and standardized within an organization. It describes the extent to which policies, rules, and procedures within an organization are articulated. In formalized structures, there are many written rules and regulations. These structures control the behavior of employees so that they have little autonomy to make decisions. Moreover, formal structures can make employee behavior more predictable. This is because whenever a problem arises at work, employees will refer to procedures and rules to handle it. Using this method, employees throughout the organization will respond to problems in a similar way, thereby creating consistency of behavior.

Employees with highly formalized jobs do not have much input about their job – what to do, how to do it or when to do it. For example, workers on the assembly line have highly formalized jobs as they don’t have much autonomy. Sales associates calling on customers, on the other hand, have little formalization in their jobs.

What is Specialization

Specialization refers to the degree to which an organization divides and then subdivides its activities into individual jobs. We also call this division of labor. In simple words, specialization refers to focusing on a specific job. If you put one worker on the task of creating a dress, he/she may take a long time to make it. But if you use workers specializing in different tasks (for example, one worker for designing, one worker for cutting, one worker for adding buttons, etc.), then the tasks become standardized, and workers learn to do their work quickly with practice.

By the 1940s, most manufacturers were applying the concept of work specialization. Using this method, unskilled workers can do easy tasks, whereas workers with special skills will perform the tasks that need specific skills. Therefore, workers with skills will not have to waste their time on simple tasks that do not need special skills. From a productivity point of view, specialization is an ideal method that can increase production and overall input. Specialization can also reduce the production cost, thereby decreasing the overall product price.

Difference Between Formalization and Specialization


Formalization refers to how jobs are structured and standardized within an organization, whereas specialization refers to the degree to which activities in an organization are divided and then subdivided into individual jobs.


Formalization focuses on policies, rules, and procedures related to jobs and tasks, while specialization focuses on the division of labor.


In brief, formalization and specialization are two main components of an organizational structure. The main difference between formalization and specialization is that formalization focuses on policies, rules, and procedures related to jobs and tasks, while specialization focuses on the division of labor.


1. Devaney, Erik. “The 6 Building Blocks of Organizational Structure [Diagrams].” HubSpot Blog, 3 June 2020.
2. “Division of Labor and Specialization.” Lumen – Introduction to Business.
3. “Organizational Structure.” Lumen – Principles of Management.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Executive Hierarchy Staff Organization Chart Work” (CC0) via MaxPixel
2. “Workshop, operator, the assembly line” (CC0) via Hippopx

Formalization. u2022 Formalization – the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.

What is organization departmentalization?

Departmentalization (or departmentalisation) refers to the process of grouping activities into departments. Division of labour creates specialists who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated by grouping specialists together in departments.

Is the degree of which jobs within the organisation are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by procedures rules and policies?

Formalization. Formalization is the extent to which an organizations policies, procedures, job descriptions, and rules are written and explicitly articulated. Formalized structures are those in which there are many written rules and regulations.

What determines the degree of specialization within an organization?

The degree of work specialization in an organization is determined by the organizations structure. Work specialization is how tasks are subdivided into separate jobs within an organization. The more a job is broken down into small tasks, the more specialization is required by each individual worker.

Is the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized?

Formalization – the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures. u25ab Highly formalized jobs offer little discretion over what is to be done.

Which of the following terms describes the degree to which a task is divided into separate jobs or departments to improve efficiency?

Formalization. Formalization is the extent to which an organizations policies, procedures, job descriptions, and rules are written and explicitly articulated. Formalized structures are those in which there are many written rules and regulations.

What are the 5 types of departmentalization?

The primary forms of departmentalization are by function, process, product, market, customer, geographic area, and sometimes matrix (also called project organization).

What are the 8 types of departmentalization?

Types of departmentalization

  • #1. Functional departmentalization.
  • #2. Geographic departmentalize.
  • #3. Product departmentalize.
  • #4. Process departmentalize.
  • #5. Customer departmentalization.
  • #6. Divisional departmentalize.
  • #7. Matrix departmentalize.
  • #8. Planning Task Force.

What are the three basic types of organizational departmentalization?

Three forms of organizations describe the organizational structures that are used by most companies today: functional, departmental and matrix. Each of these forms has advantages and disadvantages that owners must consider before deciding which one to implement for their business.

What is departmentalization and types of departmentalization?

Departmentalization is the process of grouping people or things into different work units. This can include marketing, customer service, management, and finance functions. This process helps manage the workload and increase efficiency, especially for large companies.

Which of the following refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized?

Formalization refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized.

Is the degree to which organizations standardize behavior through rules?

Formalization is the degree to which organizations standardize behavior through rules, procedures, formal training, and related mechanisms.

What are the 4 types of organizational structures?

The four types of organizational structures are functional, divisional, flatarchy, and matrix structures.

What is work specialization in organizational structure?

Work specialization describes the degree to which activities in the organization are divided, and then subdivided, into separate jobs. If you put one worker on the task of building an automobile, he might still be building it a month or two later.

How does a firms top management influence its degree of centralization?

In a highly centralized structure, top management makes most of the key decisions in the organization, with very little input from lower-level employees. Centralization lets top managers develop a broad view of operations and exercise tight financial controls

What is the justification for Specialisation in an Organisation?

Specialization can increase the productivity of and provide a comparative advantage for a firm or economy. Microeconomic specialization involves the individual actors and economic components, and macroeconomic specialization involves the broad advantage an economy holds in production.

Why do organizations adopt specialization to staff personnel?

Work can be completed faster and more efficiently due to specialization. Quality control costs are lowered due to specialization. Gives employees a sense of pride and job security due to their specialized skills.

Is the degree of which jobs within the Organisation are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by procedures rules and policies?

Formalization. Formalization is the extent to which an organizations policies, procedures, job descriptions, and rules are written and explicitly articulated. Formalized structures are those in which there are many written rules and regulations.

Which of the following describes the degree to which activities in the organization are divided into separate jobs?

Formalization is the degree to which organizations standardize behavior through rules, procedures, formal training, and related mechanisms.

Is the degree to which jobs are divided into specific tasks?

Work specialization

Which of the following elements of organizational culture refers to degree to which tasks in the organization are subdivided into separate duties?

The degree to which the tasks are subdivided into smaller jobs is called specialization.

What is the term for the degree to which the organization has official rules regulations and procedures?

Explanation: B) Work specialization indicates the degree to which activities in the organization are subdivided into separate jobs. Work specialization makes the most efficient use of employees skills.

What are the types of Departmentalisation?

Popular types of departmentalization

  • Functional departmentalization – Grouping activities by functions performed.
  • Product departmentalization – Grouping activities by product line.
  • Customer departmentalization – Grouping activities on the basis of common customers or types of customers.

What is departmentalization and its types?

Departmentalization is a method of dividing an organization into different departments, which performs certain tasks in accordance with the departments specialization. Organizations can departmentalize along functional, geographic, product, and customer/market lines.

What is the most common type of departmentalization?

Explanation. Function departmentalization is the most common type. A functional structure makes efficient use of specialized resources and makes supervision easier. This is especially used in smaller companies and is divided into departments such as finance, marketing, or production.

What term describes the degree to which a task is divided into separate jobs or departments to improve efficiency?

The division of labor describes the degree to which a task is divided into separate jobs or departments in order to improve efficiency.

What is it called when tasks are subdivided into smaller jobs?

Division of Labor The degree to which the tasks are subdivided into smaller jobs is called specialization. Employees who work at highly specialized jobs, such as assembly-line workers, perform a limited number and variety of tasks.

Is the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized?

Formalization - the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.

What is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization wide spans of control authority centralized in a single person and little formalization?

simple structure is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and...