What managerial controlling decision is most affected by organizational culture?

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A: Organizational culture is simply explained as the group of values, policies, etc. that track and…

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A: Organizational Culture implies an environment where all persons of an enterprises work together to…

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A: Culture can't be characterized explicitly in light of the fact that its importance is distinctive…

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A: ASA Model -  The Attraction - Selection - Attrition model i'd called as the ASA Model. These are…

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Which managerial controlling decision is most affected by organization culture?

The correct answer is d. how the structure employee evaluations. Various managerial activities are carried out within the organization. These activities define the organizational culture, and organizational culture is directly affected by the employees.

Which key managerial decisions are affected by organizational culture?

The effect that organizational culture has on managerial decisions depends on whether the organization has a strong or a weak culture. Organizational culture determines the decision making process as well as decision making speed. Some cultures permit all employees to participate in the decision making process.

How are managers affected by the organizational culture?

Managers have an easier time conveying cultural values when they have communication channels readily available. Your manager's leadership style should be shaped by the culture. If your company emphasizes a positive work-life balance and working together, then the managers should show that through their actions.

Is an organizing decision affected by the culture?

Whether weak or strong, culture has a powerful influence throughout the organization; it affects practically everything —from who gets promoted and what decisions are made, to how employees dress and what sports they play. ...


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