What part of the research paper tells the readers the specific coverage and boundaries of the study?

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Scope and delimitations are two elements of a research paper or thesis. The scope of a study explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work and specifies the parameters within which the study will be operating. For example, let's say a researcher wants to study the impact of mobile phones on behavior patterns of elementary school children. However, it is not possible for the researcher to cover every aspect of the topic.

So the scope will have to be narrowed down to a certain section of the target population. In this case, the scope might be narrowed down to a group of 50 children in grades 3-5 of one specific school. Their behavior patterns in school may have been observed for a duration of 6 months. These would form the delimitations of the study.

Thus, delimitations are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study, such as the sample size, geographical location or setting in which the study takes place, population traits, etc. Additionally, the researcher might also choose to use some research tools and methodologies to collect data but not others. These delimitations might be imposed for practical reasons, such as lack of time or financial resources to carry out a more thorough investigation. The delimitation section of the study should explain why specific choices were made while others were excluded and how this might affect the outcome of the research.

In the example mentioned above, the researcher might state why he/she chose to study a sample population of 50 students, why he/she selected students from Grades 3-5 and not grades 1-2, and why he/she chose students of Billabong Elementary Public School over other schools.

To learn in depth how to write a persuasive Introduction for your research paper, check out this course designed exclusively for researchers: How to write a strong introduction for your research paper.

Related reading:

  • How do I present the scope of my study?
  • 11 Commonly confused elements of a research paper 

What part of the research paper tells the readers the specific coverage and boundaries of the study?

Answered by on 29 Oct, 2019

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What part of research shows the coverage of boundary of the research?

Thus, delimitations are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study, such as the sample size, geographical location or setting in which the study takes place, population traits, etc.

Which part of a research paper identifies the boundaries of the study in terms of time location and samples?

The scope identifies the boundaries of the study in term of subjects, objectives, facilities, area, time frame, and the issues to which the research is focused. Sample phrases that help express the scope of the study: The coverage of this study……….

Which part of the research paper will determine the coverage of the study and all the things that will not be included in the study in order to be specific?

Scope and Limitations of the Study – determines the coverage of the study and all thethings that it will not cover in order to be specific.

What is the coverage of your research?

The term coverage, as used in survey research, indicates how well the sampling units included in a particular sampling frame account for a survey's denned target population. If a sampling frame does not contain all the units in the target population, then there is undercoverage of the population.