What percentage of children require special education services because of visual impairments quizlet?

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-About 62% of students with vision impairments read printed text. Approaches for Reading Print for Children with Low Vision include: Approach magnification, Lenses,Large print
-Other factors to consider are the print quality of the material, the font or typeface, the contrast between print and page, the spacing between lines, and the illumination of the setting in which the child reads.
-The VI teacher can help you adapt materials, provide Braille copies of tests or notes.
-The O & M therapist can help you set up your room, provide Velcro guides around the class and show you how to help the child.
Some children need low glare, some increased light, larger area for writing.

Sets with similar terms

What percentage of students with disabilities do students with visual impairments account for?

The majority of students categorized as having a visual impairment (81 percent) attend regular schools. These students are significantly less likely to have coexisting disabilities than students attending special schools serving only students with disabilities (31 percent vs. 74 percent, p < .

What is the percentage of children with vision impairment who have additional needs?

Around 20 per cent of young people with vision impairment have additional special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and a further 30 per cent have complex needs (Ref: 12).

What is the prevalence of visual impairment in schools?

Results. A total of 718 students participated in the study, obtaining a response rate of 89.3%. In all, 7.24% of school-age children were visually impaired, of whom 3.9% had low vision and 3.34% had severe visual impairment.

Where are most students with visual impairments likely to be served?

The majority of students with visual impairments can be best served within their local school system. Depending on the student's needs, they may need a consultation model, an itinerant model or to receive more intensive services in a resource room at a magnet school for students with visual impairments.